[net.cooks] Masa Harina

jayr@well.UUCP (Jay Roth) (12/03/85)

	I just bought some masa harina, in anticipation of making tortillas.
However, the ingredients in masa look better than the corn meal I get at
a local store.  I was thinking of substituting masa for corn meal in
recipes.  Is this practical?  Also, does anyone have any suggestions for
using masa for something other than tortillas?

suze@terak.UUCP (Suzanne Barnett) (12/04/85)

> 	I just bought some masa harina, in anticipation of making tortillas.
> However, the ingredients in masa look better than the corn meal I get at
> a local store.  I was thinking of substituting masa for corn meal in
> recipes.  Is this practical?  Also, does anyone have any suggestions for
> using masa for something other than tortillas?

I don't know if substituting for corn meal would work; the
texture is VERY different. Masa is a flour; cornmeal is not
ground anywhere nearly as fine.

Try your hand at tamales. Much easier to make than tortillas,
though they take a lot of effort. Tamales freeze well, so if
you are going to make some, make a couple of dozen and freeze
what you don't plan to eat within the next couple of days.
Suzanne Barnett-Scott

uucp:	 ...{decvax,ihnp4,noao,savax,seismo}!terak!suze
phone:	 (602) 998-4800
us mail: CalComp/Sanders Display Products Division
	 (Formerly Terak Corporation)
	 14151 N 76th street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

dgb@mgwess.UUCP (Donald Beahm) (12/06/85)

	I have found it to be a tastey thickening agent in CHILI,
I use 6 TBSPNS of MH with 2 TBSPNS of regular flour  and mix this
with the liquid component of my chili to form a rou'e.  It adds a
delightful taste change too the chili.

					Don Beahm
					AT & T-IS
					Montgomery Works

john@frog.UUCP (John Woods, Software) (12/10/85)

>       I have found it to be a tastey thickening agent in CHILI,
> I use 6 TBSPNS of MH with 2 TBSPNS of regular flour  and mix this
> with the liquid component of my chili to form a rou'e.  It adds a
> delightful taste change too the chili.
>                                       Don Beahm

I substitute corn flour/Masa Harina for corn starch most of the time.
Not only does it generally work well, but you don't have to cook it as
long to get rid of the "raw" taste of cornstarch.

John Woods, Charles River Data Systems, Framingham MA, (617) 626-1101
...!decvax!frog!john, ...!mit-eddie!jfw, jfw%mit-ccc@MIT-XX.ARPA

Out of my way, I'm a scientist!
        War of the Worlds

jcp@osiris.UUCP (Jody Patilla) (12/13/85)

> > 
> > 	I have found it to be a tastey thickening agent in CHILI,
> > I use 6 TBSPNS of MH with 2 TBSPNS of regular flour  and mix this
> > with the liquid component of my chili to form a rou'e.  It adds a
> > delightful taste change too the chili.
> > 					Don Beahm

	A roue' ? I think you mean a roux. A roue' is a dissipated old
lecher !

Earth is paid a diplomatic visit by giant extragalactic icky things
that understand us all too well and are truly cosmic and can be
killed by a crowd of peasants with torches.