[comp.unix.questions] System Administrators

john@wizard.UUCP (John Danner) (08/25/89)

I am trying to justify to management hiring a full-time system administrator
to manage our Unix network(10 machines now, growing to 30 by end of '90)
I am sure many of you have done the same thing, and many of you reading this
may be system administrators, so I hope you can give me some good comments
on the following questions:

1) What was the key to convincing managers?(lost time on developers part, 
   things that no one had time to do, security)  In other words, what 
   do you think finally led to an OK.

2) For system administrators, what tasks do you spend most of your time doing.
   Ideally, I would like a break-down of how many hours you do each task
   a week.

3) How many system adminstrators are needed on a network?  I am sure there are
   many determining factors here, so I am just looking for some guidelines.
   Empirical data is good(i.e. We have 20 suns and 1 administrator, we are
   fairly self-sufficient, so 1 administrator is fine, etc.)

Thanks in advance for your time.
John Danner 
Tandem Computers
Net: pacbell!tandem!wizard!john@decwrl.dec.com or
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!decwrl!pacbell!tandem!wizard!john