[comp.unix.questions] .plan

larrym@rigel.uucp (24121-E R Inghrim(3786)556) (08/22/89)

I am in the process of putting together a 
".plan" file, and I've noticed that when
I finger some users, they've got 
these plans with simple animated figures jumping 
and beeping.  How can I make up a .plan file like those?

-larry mcglynn

deke@ee.rochester.edu (Dikran Kassabian) (08/24/89)

In article <61@towernet.UUCP> larrym@rigel.uucp (24121-E R Inghrim(3786)556) writes:
>I am in the process of putting together a 
>".plan" file, and I've noticed that when
>I finger some users, they've got 
>these plans with simple animated figures jumping 
>and beeping.  How can I make up a .plan file like those?

Wow, what a bad idea.  I may be jumping to conclusions here but it sounds
to me like these users have terminal-dependant cursor addressing and the
like in their .plan file.  This is dandy if you happen to have the right
terminal, but lousy if you don't.  There's the potential of messing up
your terminal settings by having your terminal misinterpret the intended
meaning of that stuff.

While there certainly are some tools that know how to reference terminfo
or termcap in order to perform this stuff on any terminal with a correct
entry, there are no versions of the finger/fingerd that do this that I
know of.

If you REALLY know for sure that EVERY person that will finger you will
be using (for example) a vt100, you could construct some neat but simple
animation by making a file that contains the appropriate cursor addressing
and characters, including space characters (' ') where needed to erase.

      ^Deke Kassabian,   deke@ee.rochester.edu   or   ur-valhalla!deke
   Univ of Rochester, Dept of EE, Rochester, NY 14627     (+1 716-275-3106)

gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) (08/25/89)

In article <1989Aug23.192105.21328@ee.rochester.edu> deke@ee.rochester.edu (Dikran Kassabian) writes:
>In article <61@towernet.UUCP> larrym@rigel.uucp (24121-E R Inghrim(3786)556) writes:
>>when I finger some users, they've got these plans with simple animated
>>figures jumping and beeping.
>these users have terminal-dependant cursor addressing and the like in
>their .plan file.

If "finger" really does dump the contents of .plan literally to a terminal,
then you could exploit that misfeature to force-feed one of the terminal's
programmable function keys, then dump it back.  That's a good way to run
commands under somebody else's UID!  This would be a security hole that
needs to be fixed.

hartzell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (George Hartzell) (08/25/89)

In article <10814@smoke.BRL.MIL>, gwyn@smoke (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>In article <1989Aug23.192105.21328@ee.rochester.edu> deke@ee.rochester.edu (Dikran Kassabian) writes:
>>In article <61@towernet.UUCP> larrym@rigel.uucp (24121-E R Inghrim(3786)556) writes:
>>>when I finger some users, they've got these plans with simple animated
>>>figures jumping and beeping.
>>these users have terminal-dependant cursor addressing and the like in
>>their .plan file.
>If "finger" really does dump the contents of .plan literally to a terminal,
>then you could exploit that misfeature to force-feed one of the terminal's
>programmable function keys, then dump it back.  That's a good way to run
>commands under somebody else's UID!  This would be a security hole that
>needs to be fixed.

A program called dotplan was posted a while back that used combinations 
of backspaces and carriage returns to draw simple animations.  I've used 
this in my dotplan in the past.  

I can understand how you one could program the functions keys, but how
could you simulate one being pressed?
George Hartzell			                  (303) 492-4535
 MCD Biology, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309
hartzell@Boulder.Colorado.EDU  ..!{ncar,nbires}!boulder!hartzell

fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) (08/25/89)

In article <10814@smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn@brl.arpa (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>If "finger" really does dump the contents of .plan literally to a terminal,
>then you could exploit that misfeature to force-feed one of the terminal's
>programmable function keys, then dump it back.  That's a good way to run
>commands under somebody else's UID!  This would be a security hole that
>needs to be fixed.

It's not really finger that needs to be fixed, but the terminal.
There should be a way to lock out reprogramming of function keys, etc.
in a setup menu.  People using such terminals should be aware of the
risks.  Otherwise, all you need to do is put a file called
/tmp/PLEASE-README, and wait for someone with the right terminal (and
capabilities) to cat it.  And that isn't a security hole in cat...

INTERNET: fuat@columbia.edu          U.S. MAIL: Columbia University
BITNET:   fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu           Center for Computing Activities
USENET:   ...!rutgers!columbia!cunixc!fuat      712 Watson Labs, 612 W115th St.
PHONE:    (212) 854-5128                        New York, NY 10025

ag@cbmvax.UUCP (Keith Gabryelski) (08/25/89)

In article <11023@boulder.Colorado.EDU> hartzell@boulder.Colorado.EDU
						 (George Hartzell) writes:
>I can understand how you one could program the functions keys, but how
>could you simulate one being pressed?

I can easily see a person who uses fuction keys being duped into
sending some unknown command to the host machine/

Programming function keys is not the only problem.  Some terminals
have the ability to write their current line (or page) to the
terminal.  This could be used to send anything to the host machine as
if the user typed it from the keyboard.

Pax, Keith
 "It took no computation to dance to the rock 'n roll station" -- VU
  ag@cbmvax.commodore.com     Keith M. Gabryelski      ...!uunet!cbmvax!ag

barmar@think.COM (Barry Margolin) (08/26/89)

In article <1810@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu> fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) writes:
>It's not really finger that needs to be fixed, but the terminal.

I think it's Unix that needs to be fixed.  Multics's (and some other
systems') solution to this problem is that the tty driver normally
translates most control characters to octal escapes or ^<char>
sequences.  Applications that need to send control sequences to the
terminal can put the terminal in raw output mode, but by default
terminals are not in raw output mode.

Programmable function keys are useful for some things, so telling the
users to turn off this feature when using Unix is the wrong answer.
With this "solution", every time a user goes into or out of an
application that makes use of function key programming he'd have to
change the set-up configuration.  For novice computer users, this
could be quite confusiong.

Barry Margolin
Thinking Machines Corp.


fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) (08/26/89)

In article <28110@news.Think.COM> barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) writes:
>I think it's Unix that needs to be fixed.  Multics's (and some other
>systems') solution to this problem is that the tty driver normally
>translates most control characters to octal escapes or ^<char>
>sequences.  Applications that need to send control sequences to the
>terminal can put the terminal in raw output mode, but by default
>terminals are not in raw output mode.

I still think that the ability to send back arbitrary strings is too
dangerous to be enabled by default in terminals.  User's should be
aware of it when they enable that capability.  What's to prevent a
nasty user from creating a /tmp/RUN-ME program that puts the tty in
raw output mode and then does bad things?  Regardless of what the
default action of the terminal driver is, if a program can change it
and send junk to an unsuspecting user's terminal, then the user is in

>Programmable function keys are useful for some things, so telling the
>users to turn off this feature when using Unix is the wrong answer.
>With this "solution", every time a user goes into or out of an
>application that makes use of function key programming he'd have to
>change the set-up configuration.  For novice computer users, this
>could be quite confusiong.

Just out of curiosity, what unix applications make use of a terminal's
capability to rebind function keys and/or have it type back arbitrary
data on command?  (No, this is not a sarcastic comment, but a genuine
question. I don't think I've ever run across an application that
required that capability from my terminal other than silly programs
written as jokes by friends.)

INTERNET: fuat@columbia.edu          U.S. MAIL: Columbia University
BITNET:   fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu           Center for Computing Activities
USENET:   ...!rutgers!columbia!cunixc!fuat      712 Watson Labs, 612 W115th St.
PHONE:    (212) 854-5128                        New York, NY 10025

cpcahil@virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) (08/26/89)

In article <1815@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu>, fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) writes:
> In article <28110@news.Think.COM> barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) writes:
> I still think that the ability to send back arbitrary strings is too
> dangerous to be enabled by default in terminals.  User's should be
> aware of it when they enable that capability.  What's to prevent a
> nasty user from creating a /tmp/RUN-ME program that puts the tty in
> raw output mode and then does bad things?

If you can get somebody to run the program RUN-ME, they you don't have to 
do anything to the terminal because you are already running a program with
the full capabilities (permissions) of the user.  At this point you wouldn't
have to bind F10 to "rm -rf ." because you could just run "system("rm -rf .")" 
or do something like chown(program_in_your_directory,getuid()),
chmod(program_in_your_directory,04777)  which would then allow you to become
that user whenever you want.


> Just out of curiosity, what unix applications make use of a terminal's
> capability to rebind function keys and/or have it type back arbitrary
> data on command?  (No, this is not a sarcastic comment, but a genuine
> question. I don't think I've ever run across an application that
> required that capability from my terminal other than silly programs
> written as jokes by friends.)

We routinely rebind the function keys at login time so that each user can 
have thier own set of meanings for the keys.

| Conor P. Cahill     uunet!virtech!cpcahil      	703-430-9247	!
| Virtual Technologies Inc.,    P. O. Box 876,   Sterling, VA 22170     |

jdpeek@RODAN.ACS.SYR.EDU ("Jerry Peek") (08/27/89)

In article <28110@news.Think.COM> barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) writes:
> In article <1810@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu> fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) writes:
> >It's not really finger that needs to be fixed, but the terminal.
> I think it's Unix that needs to be fixed.

About the animation from the '.plan' files... When I worked at
one company and we converted to 4.3BSD, all the cute animation in the
'.plan' files stopped screwing up peoples' screens.  It turned out that
'finger' had been fixed to filter out non-text characters.  I think
they did the same thing to commands like 'write' and 'talk', too.

I don't know who fixed 'finger': Berzerkley or our company's hackers.
It was a great idea [though I missed the .plan file that flashed a lightning
bolt across the screen on Tek 41xx terminals... I got over it :-)].

--Jerry Peek; Syracuse University Academic Computing Services; Syracuse, NY
  jdpeek@rodan.acs.syr.edu///JDPEEK@SUVM.BITNET///GEnie: J.PEEK1
  +1 315 443-3995

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (08/27/89)

>I don't know who fixed 'finger': Berzerkley or our company's hackers.

It was Berkeley - the 4.3 "finger" filters out non-printables in
".project" and ".plan" files, and also filters them out of the output of
a remote machine's "finger" service.  That probably puts paid to the
guy's hopes of a cute animated ".plan" file, although given the
device-dependencies of same it's probably no great loss....

jessea@dynasys.UUCP (Jesse W. Asher) (08/27/89)

In article <61@towernet.UUCP> larrym@rigel.uucp (24121-E R Inghrim(3786)556) writes:
>I am in the process of putting together a 
>".plan" file, and I've noticed that when
>I finger some users, they've got 
>these plans with simple animated figures jumping 
>and beeping.  How can I make up a .plan file like those?
>-larry mcglynn

Can someone be even more basic and explain what a ".plan" file is and what
it's used for?  Thanx....

forys@snake.utah.edu (Jeff Forys) (08/27/89)

In article <2387@auspex.auspex.com> guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) writes:
> > I don't know who fixed 'finger': Berzerkley or our company's hackers.
> It was Berkeley - the 4.3 "finger" filters out non-printables in
> ".project" and ".plan" files [...]

Well, not exactly.  While 4.3BSD finger(1) made an attempt at filtering
out non-printables, the actual code (thru Tahoe) doesnt quite work:

	if (isprint(c) || isspace(c))
		putchar(c ^ 100);

That last line was obviously a mistake, and people with an abundance of
free time will have little difficulty figuring out how to get escape and
assorted meta characters to "come thru".  The author of that particular
line of code probably meant to do something like:

		putchar(0x7f & (c | 0100));

Fortunately, it appears that the finger program has undergone a complete
rewrite, so future releases of BSD should not have this problem.
Jeff Forys @ Unv of Utah/Salt Lake, Comp Sci Dept. (801-581-4280)
forys@cs.utah.edu  -or-  ..!{boulder,decvax,nbires}!utah-cs!forys

gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) (08/28/89)

In article <11023@boulder.Colorado.EDU> hartzell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (George Hartzell) writes:
>I can understand how you one could program the functions keys, but how
>could you simulate one being pressed?

Some terminals support an escape sequence that, when received, causes
the contents of the specified function key to be transmitted just as
though the key was pressed.  Isn't that wonderful?

gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) (08/28/89)

In article <1810@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu> fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) writes:
>It's not really finger that needs to be fixed, but the terminal.

Well, that's not generally an option.

>/tmp/PLEASE-README, and wait for someone with the right terminal (and
>capabilities) to cat it.  And that isn't a security hole in cat...

Anoyone who uses "cat" to display unknown file contents on his fancy
terminal deserves whatever he gets.  However, in the case of "finger",
there is no alternate method available (assuming remote system use).
Therefore "finger" ought to better support its intended use.

bbadger@x102c.harris-atd.com (Badger BA 64810) (08/28/89)

In article <1077@virtech.UUCP> cpcahil@virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
%In article <1815@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu>, fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) writes:
%> In article <28110@news.Think.COM> barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) writes:
%> I still think that the ability to send back arbitrary strings is too
%> dangerous to be enabled by default in terminals.  User's should be
%> aware of it when they enable that capability.  What's to prevent a
%> nasty user from creating a /tmp/RUN-ME program that puts the tty in
%> raw output mode and then does bad things?
%If you can get somebody to run the program RUN-ME, they you don't have to 
%do anything to the terminal because you are already running a program with
%the full capabilities (permissions) of the user.  At this point you wouldn't
%have to bind F10 to "rm -rf ." because you could just run "system("rm -rf .")"
%or do something like chown(program_in_your_directory,getuid()),
%chmod(program_in_your_directory,04777)  which would then allow you to become
%that user whenever you want.

Such a terminal is vulnerable to any raw string which can be made to
go to the terminal.  There are (at least) three different ways to get 
the nasty strings sent to the terminal.

The first is to write a program which puts out the nasty strings, and 
get the victim to run the program.  This is the classic ``Trojan
Horse'' attack, which as you point out already has the potential to 
do damage directly, and does not need to use the terminal echo capabilities.

The second approach is for the attacker to simply redirect the output
of some program to the victim's terminal:
	% echo '<def F1>^Zrm -rf ~ &\nfg \n<end><echokey F1>' > /dev/ttyNN
Where the sequences enclosed in '<' and '>' are terminal-specific
codes with the given meanings.  Note that this is also essentially
what the UNIX write (1) command does.
The DEC VT series and their many emulators have this problem.  The

The third approach is to get the user to copy your data string to his
display using a program already trusted by the user.  This is how the 
``.plan'' bug would work.  The user already trusts the finger program,
and it does not have to be modified.  It also does not have to
overcome a ``mesg n'' command, which will foil method #2.  Examples of
this problem abound:  finger, mail.

A special problem with these terminals is that programs which assume that
a ``trusted path'' exists when using a terminal directly, can be
spoofed by input from another program.  For example, you normally cannot
run /bin/passwd from a pipe, since it insists on a terminal device.  

One thing which is almost funny, if it weren't so sad, is the WYSE-85 
ANSWERBACK feature.  It seems that by pressing the [REMOVE] key you
can cause the string "<CONCEALED>" to be displayed instead of the actual
answerback string.  Unfortunately, when an ENQ (^E) is received, the 
string is *sent* as the answerback to the computer!  The answerback
can also be manually triggered by SHIFT-CTRL-break (F5 key).  In
either case, the anserback string is exposed.

What can be done about this problem?  Don't use these terminals if you 
can avoid it, and if security is any importance to you.  Don't 
allow anyone to write directly to your terminal (mesg n).  Use only 
trusted applications which filter out the nasty sequences.  

You could install terminal drivers which recognize the terminal type, 
and filter out the nastygrams.  Many sites use only one or two types
of terminals, and this approach could probably be effective.  
Bernard A. Badger Jr.	407/984-6385          |``Use the Source, Luke!''
Secure Computer Products                      |``Get a LIFE!''  -- J.H. Conway
Harris GISD, Melbourne, FL  32902             |Buddy, can you paradigm?
Internet: bbadger%x102c@trantor.harris-atd.com|'s/./&&/g' Tom sed expansively.

ado@elsie.UUCP (Arthur David Olson) (08/29/89)

> Use only trusted applications which filter out the nasty sequences.  

Don't "ls /tmp" since an evil user might give a file an evil name?
Gettysburg Address: 266 words.  Spencer article bodies, 8/12-18/89: 14439 words.
	Arthur David Olson    ado@alw.nih.gov    ADO is a trademark of Ampex.

barnett@crdgw1.crd.ge.com (Bruce Barnett) (08/29/89)

In article <2620@trantor.harris-atd.com>, bbadger@x102c (Badger BA 64810) writes:
>What can be done about this problem?  Don't use these terminals if you
>can avoid it, and if security is any importance to you.  Don't
>allow anyone to write directly to your terminal (mesg n).  Use only
>trusted applications which filter out the nasty sequences.

Also, don't allow anyone in the room with such a terminal.
Most vt100's allow anyone to change the ANSWERBACK string
if they can physically access the terminal.

I also suggest that if you EVER use a vt100 that is in a public
place, and you are concerned with security, you check what happens
when a Control-E is sent to the terminal everytime you log into
your account.

Bruce G. Barnett	<barnett@crd.ge.com>   uunet!crdgw1!barnett

wyle@inf.ethz.ch (Mitchel Wyle) (08/29/89)

Segmentation fault (core dumped).

...scares the hell out of some people ;-)

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (08/30/89)

 >> Use only trusted applications which filter out the nasty sequences.  
 >Don't "ls /tmp" since an evil user might give a file an evil name?

Or either 1) use only the BSD "ls" or 2) if you have a sufficiently
modern version of S5, use "ls" only with the "-q" or "-b" options, so
that non-printable characters are displayed as "?" or as "\nnn".

Of course, this doesn't cover all the programs that can be coaxed into
printing out evil file names....

al@escom.com (Al Donaldson) (08/30/89)

In article <2620@trantor.harris-atd.com>, BA Badger points out that a
(programmable) terminal is vulnerable to any raw string that can be sent 
to the terminal.  For example, a couple of years ago one of my co-workers
read the manual for his terminal (a Freedom 100, I think) and found that
if you echoed a magic escape sequence to the terminal followed by some
command string, the terminal would automatically send the command string
back on the line just as if the user sitting at the terminal had typed it in.
I don't remember the exact terminal or magic sequence, but I do remember 
that it opened my eyes to a whole set of risks that I hadn't imagined before.

I think this is the same general problem that Doug Gwyn was talking about 
<10847@smoke.BRL.MIL> when he answered a question about remotely simulating 
the pressing of a function key.  But in this case no function keys were used.
The only solution I know to this problem, short of using terminals that 
don't have such awful holes (unfortunately, the terminal designer and
most users probably see this as a "feature" instead of a hole) is to disable 
messages from other users to your terminal (e.g., "mesg n").

However, I am a little confused by the discussion about ANSWERBACK sequences
by BA Badger (above reference) and Bruce Barnett <1966@crdgw1.crd.ge.com>.
As I remember, answerback sequences were used years ago in multidrop line
protocols to determine if a terminal was online and ready to receive before 
sending a message.  Surely answerback is not used by UNIX for this purpose,
so is the point that a nastygram can be stored in my terminal, triggered 
remotely by echo'ing a ctrl-E to my terminal, with the nastygram getting 
passed straight to my shell?   I apologize if this is obvious to others, 
but I just want to be sure I understand the risk.


Al Donaldson

robert@jive.sybase.com (Robert Garvey) (08/31/89)

In article <474@escom.com> al@escom.com (Al Donaldson) writes:
>so is the point that a nastygram can be stored in my terminal, triggered 
>remotely by echo'ing a ctrl-E to my terminal, with the nastygram getting 
>passed straight to my shell?   I apologize if this is obvious to others, 
>but I just want to be sure I understand the risk.

Yes, that is the risk.  Some terminals allow answerback messages to be
programmed with an escape sequence.  A malicious user could send mail
that includes that escape sequence with an answerback message to be
interpreted by mail and then your shell.  Following that sequence would
be a ctrl-E.

Robert Garvey                                  Sybase, Inc
robert@sybase.com                              6475 Christie Ave
{sun,lll-tis,pyramid,pacbell}!sybase!robert    Emeryville, CA 94608

barmar@think.COM (Barry Margolin) (08/31/89)

In article <474@escom.com> al@escom.com (Al Donaldson) writes:
>The only solution I know to this problem, short of using terminals that 
>don't have such awful holes (unfortunately, the terminal designer and
>most users probably see this as a "feature" instead of a hole) is to disable 
>messages from other users to your terminal (e.g., "mesg n").

How would "mesg n" solve the problem with plan files containing these
control sequences (see the Subject line of your message)?  The only
general solution is to fix the OS so it doesn't send control sequences
except when the application really wants them.

>However, I am a little confused by the discussion about ANSWERBACK sequences
>by BA Badger (above reference) and Bruce Barnett <1966@crdgw1.crd.ge.com>.
>As I remember, answerback sequences were used years ago in multidrop line
>protocols to determine if a terminal was online and ready to receive before 
>sending a message.

Answerbacks are also used by some systems to determine the type of
terminal.  Honeywell VIP terminals send an answerback that begins with
the model number, and many other terminals send unique answerbacks.
Multics sends an ENQ (ctl-E) to a terminal when it dials up to try to
automatically set the terminal type.  I think I've heard of Unix
utilities that try to do the same thing.

>		     Surely answerback is not used by UNIX for this purpose,
>so is the point that a nastygram can be stored in my terminal, triggered 
>remotely by echo'ing a ctrl-E to my terminal, with the nastygram getting 
>passed straight to my shell?   I apologize if this is obvious to others, 
>but I just want to be sure I understand the risk.

What difference does it make whether Unix normally uses answerbacks.
The point is that many terminals have settable answerbacks, and they
can be triggered to send them.  If you print out a file that contains
the answerback-setting control sequence followed by an ENQ, the
answerback will be transmitted as if you had typed it.

Barry Margolin
Thinking Machines Corp.


bbadger@x102c.harris-atd.com (Badger BA 64810) (09/01/89)

In article <474@escom.com> al@escom.com (Al Donaldson) writes:
>In article <2620@trantor.harris-atd.com>, BA Badger points out that a
>(programmable) terminal is vulnerable to any raw string that can be sent 
>to the terminal. 
>However, I am a little confused by the discussion about ANSWERBACK sequences
>by BA Badger (above reference) and Bruce Barnett <1966@crdgw1.crd.ge.com>.
>As I remember, answerback sequences were used years ago in multidrop line
>protocols to determine if a terminal was online and ready to receive before 
>sending a message.  Surely answerback is not used by UNIX for this purpose,
>so is the point that a nastygram can be stored in my terminal, triggered 
>remotely by echo'ing a ctrl-E to my terminal, with the nastygram getting 
>passed straight to my shell?   I apologize if this is obvious to others, 
>but I just want to be sure I understand the risk.
>Al Donaldson
Yes, that's it!  Any ^E sent to a VT100 causes the ANSWERBACK string
to be sent from the terminal back down the line.  I don't know of any
way to *SET* the ANSWERBACK string remotely, though.  You have to go
to the terminal and use the SETUP key, and key it in manually.  That's 
what Bruce meant about being suspicious of any VT100 which is not
under your *continuous* control.  Even if you use a ``lock'' program
to prevent others from typing commands directly to your shell, you are
vulnerable to someone putting, say "^Zrm -rf ~&^Mfg^M", in the ANSWERBACK.
The next time your terminal gets a ^E, it's bye-bye files!  (Lot's of 
environmental assumtions here, of course.)  

``Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get ya!''

Worse that that are the holes which allow a remote user to download things
to your terminal and then send it back.  The ``smarter'' your terminal
is, the more likely it is you should worry about this.  
Here's several ``smart'' things which could bite you:
	send answerback message
	send screen, line or character at cursor position
	report function key redefinition string
	get into ``loopback'' mode which echoes everything sent
	report some special data item (window attribute, font, context)
These are nasty because they can usually be set remotely to arbitrary strings.
If they are reported as raw ascii, then you are in trouble.

Some other ``reports'' are relatively harmless, because you have less control
over their contents or report format:
	report terminal type
	report cursor position
	report terminal mode
However, a ``lucky'' coincidence might mean that the cursor position
is returned as two ascii characters, (row,col).  Then you could
modulate that by sending cursor-positioning commands in between the
``report cursor'' position commands.
There are whole sections in my WY-85 (VT200 clone) ``Quick Reference Guide'' 
giving the control codes for:
	``Controlling Function Keys''
	``Sending Data''
	``Terminal Status Reports''

Even if your terminal can never send any response without someone physically
pressing a key, you are not safe!  If keys can be reprogrammed, then
the sequences sent will not be the ones intended by the person
pressing the key.

Well, *try* to play safe out there!

    -----	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	----
Bernard A. Badger Jr.	407/984-6385          |``Get a LIFE!''  -- J.H. Conway
Harris GISD, Melbourne, FL  32902             |Buddy, can you paradigm?
Internet: bbadger%x102c@trantor.harris-atd.com|'s/./&&/g' Tom sed expansively.

gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) (09/01/89)

In article <474@escom.com> al@escom.com (Al Donaldson) writes:
>so is the point that a nastygram can be stored in my terminal, triggered 
>remotely by echo'ing a ctrl-E to my terminal, with the nastygram getting 
>passed straight to my shell?

Yes -- it's yet another place for eventual faked input to be stored in
the terminal.  So far we have:
	- Answerback (triggered by ^E)
	- Programmable function key (triggerable on some terminals)
	- Display memory (triggerable on some terminals)
There may be others.  The one thing they all have in common is that the
trigger must be sent to them, which under normal circumstances wouldn't
occur.  Only if somebody has found a way to get arbitrary characters
sent to user terminals does the potential problem become a real one.
There are a number of Trojan horse and other approaches that could be
used to send a trigger; the reported "finger" behavior was one of the
easiest ones.

cpcahil@virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) (09/01/89)

Answerbacks are only part of the problem.  I have worked with terminals that
have enough local smarts to handle sequences from the system that ask for 
a dump of certain areas of the terminal.  So you could write data to the
terminal so that it is displayed on the screen and then send the sequence
to the terminal that asks the terminal to dump that area of the screen.

| Conor P. Cahill     uunet!virtech!cpcahil      	703-430-9247	!
| Virtual Technologies Inc.,    P. O. Box 876,   Sterling, VA 22170     |

mbt@bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM (Brad Turner) (09/01/89)

In article <28607@news.Think.COM> barmar@think.COM (Barry Margolin) writes:
>In article <474@escom.com> al@escom.com (Al Donaldson) writes:
>.......[stuff deleted]........... The only
>general solution is to fix the OS so it doesn't send control sequences
>except when the application really wants them.

Well the only problem is that "finger" is an application and it really
does want to send whatever is in the .plan file to your tty. 

Given the open nature of UNIX might it be better for the system adminstrator
to put finger in a shell script which pipes it's output to strings?
Just an idea...


P.S. I know this is treating the symptom and not fixing the problem.

Brad Turner |2081 Shoreline Blvd.|(415) 969-2099 ext 217  | I speak for myself
3Com Corp.  |Mtn. View, CA 94043 |mbt@bridge2.ESD.3Com.Com| NOT for my employer

bbadger@x102c.harris-atd.com (Badger BA 64810) (09/02/89)

The termincal characteristics which lead to the security faults have been 
recognized and given standards designations in terminfo and termcap:

From HCX/UX man terminfo:
pkey_key    pfkey        pk     Prog funct key #1 to type string #2
pkey_local  pfloc        pl     Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2
pkey_xmit   pfx          px     Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2
plab_norm   pln          pn     Prog label #1 to show string #2

From Sun man termcap:
pk   str            program function key n to type string s (terminfo only)
pl   str            program function key n to execute string s (terminfo only)
pn   str    (NP)    program label n to show string s (terminfo only)
px   str            program function key n to transmit string s (terminfo only)

What next, terminal-independent nasty-grams?  Maybe a terminal capability 
for forge_output and wreak_havoc should be standardized?  (:-o) Oh Nooo!

    -----	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	----
Bernard A. Badger Jr.	407/984-6385          |``Get a LIFE!''  -- J.H. Conway
Harris GISD, Melbourne, FL  32902             |Buddy, can you paradigm?
Internet: bbadger%x102c@trantor.harris-atd.com|'s/./&&/g' Tom sed expansively.

bph@buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton) (09/02/89)

Any objections to using (in csh):

	alias finger '/usr/bin/finger \!* | cat -v'

to eliminate the non-printingness of ^E and the like?

				  "Or am I missing something?"

barmar@think.COM (Barry Margolin) (09/04/89)

In article <4011@buengc.BU.EDU> bph@buengc.bu.edu (Blair P. Houghton) writes:
>Any objections to using (in csh):
>	alias finger '/usr/bin/finger \!* | cat -v'
>to eliminate the non-printingness of ^E and the like?
>				  "Or am I missing something?"

OK, what about reading mail?  Or printing random files with "cat"?  My
point is that there are a large number of programs that print files
you didn't create to your terminal.  Any such program that doesn't
filter its output can be used to transmit a trojan horse.

Barry Margolin
Thinking Machines Corp.


cmf@obie.cis.pitt.edu (Carl M. Fongheiser) (09/05/89)

In article <9136@elsie.UUCP> ado@elsie.UUCP (Arthur David Olson) writes:
>> Use only trusted applications which filter out the nasty sequences.  
>Don't "ls /tmp" since an evil user might give a file an evil name?

That's right!  Everybody knows the only safe way to "ls" /tmp is to pipe
it through "cat -v" :-)

				Carl Fongheiser

bob@wyse.wyse.com (Bob McGowen Wyse Technology Training) (09/07/89)

In article <1077@virtech.UUCP> cpcahil@virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
>In article <1815@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu>, fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) writes:
>> In article <28110@news.Think.COM> barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) writes:
>> I still think that the ability to send back arbitrary strings is too
>> dangerous to be enabled by default in terminals.  User's should be
>> Just out of curiosity, what unix applications make use of a terminal's
>> capability to rebind function keys and/or have it type back arbitrary
>We routinely rebind the function keys at login time so that each user can 
>have thier own set of meanings for the keys.

Binding a function key may not require the user(owner)'s ID or permissions.
When a user logs in the device they are on is set to rw--w--w-, which
allows others to write (using the command of the same name) to other
users.  If the proper sequences can be sent to this device and the terminal
will accept them, then when the user on the terminal tries the function
key the result will be sent to the system and run with that users ID.
The ways to stop this include:

	1) having the driver convert control characters to printing
	   ascii unless in raw mode (which hopefully can only be
	   done by the owner of the tty);

	2) setting the permissions on the tty to rw-------, using
	   mesg n.

	3) use a terminal that has no function keys or that cannot
	   be programmed from the computer side.

Otherwise, caveat emptor!

Bob McGowan  (standard disclaimer, these are my own ...)
Customer Education, Wyse Technology, San Jose, CA