[comp.unix.questions] SUID process disables modem logins. Why?

quentin@umb.umb.edu (Quentin Fennessy) (10/13/89)

I am running an HP 835 with HP-UX 3.1.  I also have INFORMIX TURBO
running.  Turbo is a setuid-to-root program.  My company has to maintain
a copy of this program and an application in a remote site, which we
presently do over a 1200 baud dialup.

My problem is:  If Informix-Turbo is started up on a dialup login,
the dialup port will not work until Turbo is killed or the machine
is rebooted. (Same thing)

Scenario:  login at 1200
	   tbmode -k	| Kill turbo
	   do misc work
	   tbinit	| start Turbo

	   At this point, I can no longer access this port over the phone
	   line.  There is a getty running, and I have sent HUP to init
	   to reset it, to no avail.  When we dial up, we can see the modem 
	   lights flickering.

What is happening here?  I am stumped.  Unfortunately we are in a production
environment, so I can not bring Turbo up and down all the time for debugging.
I will be visiting the site soon, and hope to have some answers by then.

All suggestions will be appreciated.  Email and I will summarize.

Quentin Fennessy

cpcahil@virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) (10/14/89)

In article <939@umb.umb.edu>, quentin@umb.umb.edu (Quentin Fennessy) writes:
> Scenario:  login at 1200
> 	   tbmode -k	| Kill turbo
> 	   do misc work
> 	   tbinit	| start Turbo
> 	   ^D
> 	   At this point, I can no longer access this port over the phone
> 	   line.  There is a getty running, and I have sent HUP to init
> 	   to reset it, to no avail.  When we dial up, we can see the modem 
> 	   lights flickering.
> What is happening here?  I am stumped.  Unfortunately we are in a production

My *guess* would be that the tbinit starts some process that is still connected
to your terminal.  Try runing the tbinit as follows:

	tbinit > tbinit.log 2>&1 &

I don't know that this is your problem, but it is worth a try.

Other things to look at:

When you see the modem lights flickering which ones are flickering and is there
a pattern?  Is it the transmit, receive, dtr, or a combination of them?
Does the *same* getty remain on the port, or does a new one get spawned?
If you do a ps on the terminal, is there anything there?

| Conor P. Cahill     uunet!virtech!cpcahil      	703-430-9247	!
| Virtual Technologies Inc.,    P. O. Box 876,   Sterling, VA 22170     |