jb@aablue.UUCP (John B Scalia) (11/15/89)
Hello, a short while ago a posted about a problem I had encountered with ESIX's HDB uucp after I loaded its TCP/IP software. Thanks to all those who responded and made suggestions. Yesterday, the ESIX tech folks did respond about this problem. (Yeah!) They had confirmed that I wasn't imagining the problem and that there is something happening with either sendmail or rwho under TCP/IP, ie. a bug. Apparently, now that they know about it, they've said they'll try to get it fixed. In case others might be considering ESIX, the problem caused HDB i/o to drop by a factor 8 when TCP/IP was loaded. HDB did NOT fail altogether! Running Uutry with -x = 9 show that packets were either getting corrupted or not being acknowledged after receipt. Removing TCP/IP and making no other changes, either hardware or software, made the problem disappear. BTW, the problem was much more aggravated when ESIX was receiving. All in all, I'd still recommend ESIX. The technician I spoke with said that it did take a little while to duplicate the problem I had and then figure out why it was occuring. (BTW, they DO have net access, but it seems that they mostly lurk silently, ie. they still prefer voice calls.) jb@aablue -- A A Blueprint Co., Inc. - Akron, Ohio +1 216 794-8803 voice UUCP: {uunet!}aablue!jb (John B. Scalia) Just a little more nonsense to clutter up the net.