[comp.unix.questions] Prompt as Current Directory?

broadman@paul.rutgers.edu (Alan Broadman) (11/16/89)

I have a (hopefully) simple question. How can you get the UNIX prompt
to always reflect the path to the current directory. Such a prompt
would change with each 'cd ' command. In MS-DOS this is done by the
command : 'prompt $P'. I think this would be most helpful, as
otherwise, the prompt string is quite useless.

						Allen Broadman

rostamia@umbc5.umbc.edu (Rouben Rostamian) (11/16/89)

In article <Nov.> broadman@paul.rutgers.edu (Alan Broadman) writes:
|I have a (hopefully) simple question. How can you get the UNIX prompt
|to always reflect the path to the current directory. Such a prompt
|would change with each 'cd ' command. In MS-DOS this is done by the
|command : 'prompt $P'. I think this would be most helpful, as
|otherwise, the prompt string is quite useless.

Oh boy!  Are your in trouble!  Get out your flame-retardant suit.

Hint:  Also read the monthly posting of frequently asked question.

ckd@bu-pub.bu.edu (Christopher Davis) (11/16/89)

>>>>> On 16 Nov 89 05:56:13 GMT, broadman@paul.rutgers.edu (Alan Broadman)
>>>>> said:

Alan> I have a (hopefully) simple question. How can you get the UNIX prompt
Alan> to always reflect the path to the current directory. Such a prompt
Alan> would change with each 'cd ' command. In MS-DOS this is done by the
Alan> command : 'prompt $P'. I think this would be most helpful, as
Alan> otherwise, the prompt string is quite useless.

Depends--what shell are you using?  If you're using tcsh (or can chsh to
it, or can get your sysadmin to put it up, etc) you can just do what I do:

set prompt="%t ckd@%m : %~ %% "

which results in something like:

7:47am ckd@bucsf : ~/bin % 

the %m being the short hostname (hey, you use multiple machines, you start
to need these memory joggers when you get old) and the %~ being the magic
part that puts the current working directory in there (properly
~-abbreviated when I'm in my own directory tree).

See man tcsh, again assuming you can get it set up--it's got other nice
stuff, such as emacs-like command line editing (as well as some
vi-like editing, I hear, but I wouldn't know... :-), tab completion of
commands and filenames, et. al.

If you can't get tcsh, let me dig out this unghodly set of aliases I stole
from someone (who stole them from someone, who stole them from someone,
unto their forefathers before them, yea, verily...) that put the hostname
and trailing directory component into the prompt.  They wouldn't be hard to
hack to put the full cwd in.
 Christopher Davis, BU SMG '90  <ckd@bu-pub.bu.edu> <smghy6c@buacca.bitnet>
 "Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand."

woodgate@pyrltd.UUCP (John Woodgate) (11/16/89)

In article <Nov.> 
broadman@paul.rutgers.edu (Alan Broadman) writes:
>How can you get the UNIX prompt to always reflect the path to the 
>current directory. 

Try this (from my .cshrc)

set prompt="$cwd> "
alias cd 'cd \!* ; set prompt="$cwd> "'

John Woodgate           * Any resemblance between the above *       -mm-------
Pyramid Technology Ltd. * views and those of employer, my   *     ---mmmm-----
..ukc!pyrltd!woodgate   * wife, or my kids, is pure chance  *   -----mmmmmm---
Tel : +44 252 373035    * and never likely to be repeated.  * -------mmmmmmmm-

yakker@ucrmath.UCR.EDU (matt robinson) (11/17/89)

==>In article <Nov.> 
==>broadman@paul.rutgers.edu (Alan Broadman) writes:
==>How can you get the UNIX prompt to always reflect the path to the 
==>current directory. 

This is our school's method (Recipe #3,402) :-)  It also includes
the path, username, and current history (for csh.)  Hope this

# Setting the Prompt and Changing Directories.
set hostname = `hostname`
set username = `whoami`
set fromname = `who am i | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/^.*\\\!//'`
if ("$fromname" != "$username") then
	set username="$username"' ('"$fromname"')'
alias heyyou 'set prompt = "$hostname : $username : `pwd`\\
\! >"'
set prompt = "$hostname : $username : `pwd`\
\! >"
a cd 'cd \!*;heyyou'
a pushd  'pushd \!*;heyyou'
a popd  'popd;heyyou'

P.S.  You should have read the newusers newsgroup before posting this...
      Makes life easier on all of us.
yakker@ucrmath.ucr.edu |  Matt Robinson, University of California at Riverside
..!ucsd!ucrmath!yakker |     Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

ctne_ltd@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Chris Newbold) (11/18/89)

In article <Nov.> broadman@paul.rutgers.edu (Alan Broadman) writes:
>I have a (hopefully) simple question. How can you get the UNIX prompt
>to always reflect the path to the current directory. Such a prompt
>would change with each 'cd ' command. In MS-DOS this is done by the
>command : 'prompt $P'. I think this would be most helpful, as
>otherwise, the prompt string is quite useless.

I tried to do the same thing, too.  Under Unix, however, it's a little
cludgy.  The problem I encounted when trying to insert the cwd variable into
the prompt string was that csh would always evaluate it *before* assigning
the prompt variable, resulting in a prompt that would display the current
directory at the time of startup.  The only way I found to get around it
was to use an alias to change directories and then change the prompt.  Try

	alias cd 'chdir \!*; set prompt = "$cwd % "'

Hope this helps.

>>>> Chris Newbold <<<< * "If you fool around with a thing for very long you *
University of Rochester	*  		  will screw it up."		     *
Disclaimer: "All warranties expire upon payment of invoice."                
ctne_ltd@uhura.cc.rochester.edu * uhura.cc.rochester.edu!ctne_ltd@uunet

jak@sactoh0.UUCP (Jay A. Konigsberg) (11/18/89)

In article <Nov.> 
broadman@paul.rutgers.edu (Alan Broadman) writes:
>I have a (hopefully) simple question. How can you get the UNIX prompt
>to always reflect the path to the current directory.

You can't change the ' cd ' command itself because it is a Bourne
shell built-in! However, the task can still be done. All that is
required is that the PS1 and PS2 variables are set in the current
shell layer.

The script shown is placed in my .profile and works fine. One word
of warning though, commands that give you a new shell, like newgrp,
will wipe it out till your next login. Also, get in the habit of
using "cdd" instead of "cd".

#### SHOULD BE THE LAST LINES IN THE .profile ####
# cdd - cd with a current directory in the prompt
echo "Enter: \" cdd = \" to return to a $ prompt"
cdd() {
if [ "$1" = "=" ]; then 
   PS1="$ "; PS2="> "
   cd $1
   PS1="`pwd` $ "; PS2="`pwd` > "
Jay @ SAC-UNIX, Sacramento, Ca.   UUCP=...pacbell!sactoh0!jak

chip@ateng.com (Chip Salzenberg) (11/21/89)

According to rmg@ultra.com (Rich Geiger):
>  /usr/baziotes/projs/releases/source/lint/obj/debug/notes/private %
>as a prompt is somewhat irritating. Doesn't leave much space for
>typing a command, either!

Right.  That's why I've got the last two components of the path in my
prompt.  Using tcsh:

   alias precmd 'set _h=${cwd:h}; set prompt="%m {${_h:t}/${cwd:t}} % "'

You may redistribute this article only to those who may freely do likewise.
Chip Salzenberg at A T Engineering;  <chip@ateng.com> or <uunet!ateng!chip>
    "Did I ever tell you the Jim Gladding story about the binoculars?"