[net.cooks] Vitamen A & beta carotene

evans@mhuxt.UUCP (crandall) (01/19/86)

   In relation to vegetable sources of vitamen A not causing problems:
you should have seen an anatomy classmate of mine turn orange ( yes, like
an ornge "jaundise" ) from too much beta carotene.  Confused the doctors
till they learned of her love of carrot juice.

                           Sukie Crandall

avg@diablo.ARPA (01/20/86)

In article <1380@mhuxt.UUCP> evans@mhuxt.UUCP (crandall) writes:
>   In relation to vegetable sources of vitamen A not causing problems:
>you should have seen an anatomy classmate of mine turn orange ( yes, like
>an ornge "jaundise" ) from too much beta carotene.  Confused the doctors
>till they learned of her love of carrot juice.
>                           Sukie Crandall

I can't help asking.  Did your classmate make her own juice, just from
carrots?  Or did she perhaps buy a processed product that had
vitamin A added?

prastein@uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU (01/21/86)

     Yes, carrots will turn you yellow (from the keyboard of a true,
yellow, carrot lover)  Fortunately, that yellow is **NOT** jaundice; the
difference can be seen in the LACK of yellow eyeballs.  Also, there should
no other complications other than the interesting hue of (primarily) 
palms and bottoms of feet.

jcp@osiris.UUCP (Jody Patilla) (01/26/86)

>      Yes, carrots will turn you yellow (from the keyboard of a true,
> yellow, carrot lover)  Fortunately, that yellow is **NOT** jaundice; the
> difference can be seen in the LACK of yellow eyeballs.  Also, there should
> no other complications other than the interesting hue of (primarily) 
> palms and bottoms of feet.
> 				Marsha

	When I was in high school and still in pursuit of the perfect suntan
(I lived 1/2 from the beach) my girlfriends and I spent some time testing
this theory by eating lots of carrots before sunning. Yes, you do turn orange !
Fortunately, it doesn't last long.


California is paid a diplomatic visit by giant Betelgeusian reptiles
that want our women but can't find any so scientists invent a
weapon that fails so they kill us.