[comp.unix.questions] Multi Precision Math

mitch@alpha.ces.cwru.edu (Mitchell N. Perilstein) (12/18/89)

Does anyone know about a multiple precision arithmetic library?  Yea, I've
got `mp', but something more flexible and better documented is required.
Wasn't it in mod.sources ages back?

Thanks in advance for your reply.  				

Mitchell N. Perilstein 	    CWRU | Please don't take | Crawford Hall/Rm 215
Computer Engineering and Science | my ship from me.. | 10900 Euclid Ave
mitch@alpha.ces.CWRU.edu 	 |  216-368-5038     | Cleveland, OH 44106

horstman@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (12/19/89)

In article <1989Dec18.051009.1313@usenet.ins.cwru.edu> mitch@alpha.ces.cwru.edu (Mitchell N. Perilstein) writes:
>Does anyone know about a multiple precision arithmetic library?  Yea, I've
>got `mp', but something more flexible and better documented is required.
>Wasn't it in mod.sources ages back?
>Thanks in advance for your reply.  				

There is a very nice library in T.Hansen, "C++ Answer Book", Addison-Wesley
1990 (!)

C++ is really nice for that kind of stuff because of the operator overloading.
It is a lot more fun to write 
	Bignum x,y;
	... x+y

than bignum_add( x, y ). I wrote some code to deal with polynomials over
finite fields and, since one can overload the () operator, it even makes
sense to write
	Poly f;
	Elem a;
	... f(a)...