(Don Ingli) (12/31/89)
Well, I guess the question is..... are you talking MODEMS??? Direct connect??? With that many users, I see that you need a 3b2/1000 from AT&T SYS V UNIX. If you mail me here, I can give you some phone numbers... However... What ever you choose, your talking $$$. UNIX will be your cheapest/best choice and AT&T has a great mantainence plan... I am co-sysop for 12 3b2/400 (5 in my building and 7 in different areas of the state (mo)). DON INGLI------------------------------------------------------------+ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE | bitnet: agriscs@umcvmb.bitnet internet: | attmail: attmail!attbl!arpa!!agriscs | ALL OPINIONS IN THIS NOTE ARE OF MY OWN AND DO NOT REPRESENT THE | FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OR THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA -----------+