[comp.unix.questions] Sendmail question

george@rex.cs.tulane.edu (Roy George) (04/08/89)

As being relatively new to Sendmail, I would really appreciate it if some
one could send me information about any/all of the following

  What are the structures that Sendmail uses for header information?

  Where can I find documentation on the actual procedures and structures
  that sendmail uses when it hands over mail for propagation?(if in public
  domain the address from where it can be obtained)

Thanks in advance,
Roy George
* Roy George              | INTERNET & BITNET : george@rex.cs.tulane.edu    *
* Tulane University, LA   | USENET            :{{ames, bionet}!}rex!george  *
*                                                                           *

jbd0%gte.com@relay.cs.net (Jeffrey B. DeLeo) (01/04/90)

Once again I am trying to straighten out our mail system here at Silc.
What I would like is for all our systems to pass any mail they can't
resolve to one, central machine which can handle it.
	This means that if machineA has to mail something to
harvard!xyzzy!foo, since it doesn't know harvard, it will forward to
the central machine (which does).  Our machines are connected via
ETHERNET; the central machine runs ULTRIX, as do some others; the rest
are SUN4s and SUN3s.
	I have tried using the 'R' macro in the sendmail.cf file to
define the machine to relay to but this does not work - I get an
"unknown mailer" error.  Any help would be appreciated.

	Jeffrey DeLeo - Silc Technologies, Inc.
	...!harvard!silc!jbd0 ;	BIX : jdeleo