[comp.unix.questions] disk configuration

kleonard@gvlv2.GVL.Unisys.COM (Ken Leonard) (02/02/90)

We are attempting to specify a multi-PClone system using *NIX (probably SCO
or ISC, U*** not XE***) and are quandarized on disk configuration.
A key issue is that at least one machine in the net will be running *DOS
much of the time with PC/NFS sharing files _both_ways_.
At least one machine will have a cartridge-tape drive for backup.
We need to run essentially the same disk/tape configuration of types, not
sizes, in all of the machines.
Comments on the following will be appreciated:
Using SCSI for tape (in CPUs with tape) and ESDI for disk (in all CPUs), or
using SCSI for tape and disk (in all CPUs.)
Having more than one disk on a CPU with a tape, or having more than two
disks on a CPU with or without a tape.
Having *DOS/*NIX-compatible partition table on all disks, even if only *DOS
or *NIX partitions on some drives.
Using a common, *DOS-based, partitioning/lowlevelformatting/badtrackmarking
utility since it's a lot easier to floppyboot *DOS to do fixups/changes.
We like SPEEDSTOR on our present *DOS-only CPUs.
Using a *DOS-based lowlevelbackup (per drive or partition) utility, so it
can be floppybooted.
What have we overlooked?
thanx and regardz,
Ken Leoanrd