[comp.unix.questions] Using UUCP under a BBS system???

larry@nstar.UUCP (Larry Snyder) (02/16/90)

In article <1899@oneb.UUCP>, kmcvay@oneb.UUCP (Ken McVay) writes:
> I know AKCS will handle this, but I keep hoping something less expensive
> will come along (I've been spoiled by Opus/Fido/FrontDoor/SEAdog quality -
> the dos world abounds with superb packages at reasonable prices) so that
Ken - AKCS prices (last time I checked) started as low as $89 (for
286 based machines) with 386 versions available for $149.  I consider
those prices in the same range as SEADOG/FrontDoor - since Seadog
was selling for $90 - and that was only the front end (no BBS package).

          Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
                uucp: larry@nstar -or- ...!iuvax!ndmath!nstar!larry
               4 inbound dialup high speed line public access system