mak@symlab.UUCP (Phil Mak) (03/01/90)
We just recently established uucp connection with mips and
have been waiting for the approval of our domain name
registration. During the waiting period I have been manually
monitoring the incoming and outgoing mails from within the
uucp spooling directory. Today we received the following e-mail
from uunet postmaster. Up until now the mail has not been routed to
my mailbox yet because it has been bouncing back and forth
between symlab and mips. I was able to receive some e-mails
yesterday with the same address so maybe this problem has something
to do with the domain name registration becoming effective today?
We are running SunOs 4.0.3 on Sun4/330 on the main machine "symlab"
and the file has the following changes from the generic file distributed by Sun:
Does anybody know what causes this problem? Any help would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Phil Mak
Symphony Labs
>From mips!symlab!mips!symlab!mips!symlab!mips!symlab!mips!symlab!mips!!root Wed Feb 28 20:19:14 1990 remote from symlab
Received: from mips.UUCP by symlab. (4.0/SMI-4.0)
id AA21323; Wed, 28 Feb 90 20:19:14 PST
Received: by (5.61.14/1.11) id AA27026; Wed, 28 Feb 90 18:38:45 -0800
Received: from mips.UUCP by symlab. (4.0/SMI-4.0)
id AA17635; Wed, 28 Feb 90 18:14:35 PST
Received: by (5.61.14/1.11) id AA22887; Wed, 28 Feb 90 16:40:21 -0800
Received: from mips.UUCP by symlab (4.0/SMI-4.0)
id AA00481; Wed, 28 Feb 90 16:21:42 PST
Received: by (5.61.14/1.11) id AA17599; Wed, 28 Feb 90 14:11:24 -0800
Received: from mips.UUCP by symlab (4.0/SMI-4.0)
id AA06795; Wed, 28 Feb 90 11:33:01 PST
Received: by (5.61.14/1.11) id AA11199; Wed, 28 Feb 90 11:19:16 -0800
Received: from mips.UUCP by symlab (4.0/SMI-4.0)
id AA06589; Wed, 28 Feb 90 11:09:26 PST
Received: by (5.61.14/1.11) id AA08705; Wed, 28 Feb 90 10:11:29 -0800
Received: from mips.UUCP by symlab (4.0/SMI-4.0)
id AA05944; Wed, 28 Feb 90 07:25:22 PST
Received: from uunet.UU.NET by (5.61.14/1.11) id AA25250;
Wed, 28 Feb 90 01:02:23 -0800
Received: by (5.61/1.14)
id AA12017; Wed, 28 Feb 90 04:00:44 -0500
From: symlab!mips!!root (UUNET Postmaster)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: New domain registered - SYMLAB.COM
To: mips!!mak, mips!!postmaster
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 3:56:46 EDT
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL16]
Your application for a domain name has been approved, and the
following domain has been registered in the root servers.
The MX forwarder for this new domain is
Receipt of this message should be proof that the MX forwarding
is working properly.
Let us know if further changes are needed.
-- uunet postmaster (James Revell)