jrrt@mtuxo.UUCP (r.mitchell) (03/06/86)
I have a vegetarian friend coming over for dinner in a week or so, so I'd like to cook something appropriate. I have the MOOSEWOOD Cookbook, so ordinarily I wouldn't have a problem, but my friend has a few medical conditions I must accomodate, and I'm no expert on nutrition and food chemistry. My friend is willing to eat eggs and diary products, but she must minimize intake of sugar and acids. I'd be interested in hearing anyone's suggestions for entree, salad, and dessert, subject to these limitations. Recipes would be great, pointers to recipes almost as good (I'd be willing to spring for another veggie cookbook), and idle musings would be fun too. Please *mail* me your ideas; I'll post a summary if there's any interest. Thanks. Rob Mitchell {allegra,ihnp4}!mtuxo!jrrt Es un entreverado loco, lleno de lucidos intervalos. (He is a muddled fool, full of lucid intervals. DON QUIXOTE)