[comp.unix.questions] gas

rkc@XN.LL.MIT.EDU (rkc) (03/28/90)

(This may be a repost.  Apologies for our mailer.)
Awhile back we were using GCC with Sun's assembler.  At that time I had
written the following copy code:

   asm volatile("tstl %4;jle 1$;subqw #1,%4; 0$: movel %1@+,%0@+; dbf %4,0$;1$:"
      : "=a" (p_to), "=a" (p_from)
      : "0" (p_to), "1" (p_from), "d" (n_longs) );

Now we have converted to Gas (Gnu's assembler), which doesn't seem to
understand the 0$ construct.  Can someone point me to some documentation on
gas and how to create these local variables, or perhaps point me to a correct
newsgroup to mail this to.

aperez@cvbnet.UUCP (Arturo Perez x6739) (03/29/90)

I recently started using gas with the GNU tools.  I have several questions
about it.  Unfortunately, there is no documentation with my copy to help me

What exactly are the differences between gas and other assemblers?

Does it optimize?  Are there any options that make it happy :-)?

Arturo Perez
ComputerVision, a division of Prime
Too much information, like a bullet through my brain -- The Police