[net.cooks] keg homebrew

geoff@burl.UUCP (geoff) (03/11/86)

I recently posted a query about the rotokeg for home-brewed beer.  As readers
of this group are aware, several articles were posted saying it was pretty
lousy and recommended the 'soft-drink syrup' containers because they held
5 gals, were stainless-steel, and other good things.  Okay, I'm intrigued.
I don't mind laying out the bucks for a more sophisticated system than the
$30 rotokegs I was looking at, as long as it works.  What kind of investment
am I talking about?  How much are the containers?  Where can I buy them from
(as well as the rest of the system)?

Thanks much,

		geoff sherwood
		...![ ihnp4 ulysses cbosgd mgnetp ]!burl!geoff
		...![ ihnp4 cbosgd akgua masscomp ]!clyde!geoff

"If your words can't stand on their own,
	adding volume won't help"