[comp.unix.questions] copying directory trees across computers

klatchko@cory.Berkeley.EDU (ron klatchko) (05/31/90)

I need to copy my entire directory structure (from my home directory
and down) from one computer to another.  The files currently reside on
a Vax 11/7?0 running 4.3BSD and I want to transfer them to an Apollo
workstation running a Berkeley type unix (I don't know the exact
flavor, I think it is an Apollo custom version).  The computers can
reach each other through the internet (ftp, rlogin, etc).

I have looked throught the online documentation for ftp and have not 
found a method that can do this directly and I am not looking forward
to doing each sub-directory individually.

I am not interested in a suggestion that tar on one computer and untar
on the other.  The reason I am doing this is that I want everything
put on 1/4" tape an the first computer does not have one.

Please e-mail as I don't regularly read this group.

Ron Klatchko         klatchko@cory.Berkeley.EDU       ...!ucbvax!cory!klatchko