(Jochen Manns, PI der Uni Bonn, 732738/3611) (06/15/90)
Hi folks, perhaps some of you are able to give me some answers on the following questions: a) we work on Data General AViiON 300 machines. Are there interesting groups for DG/UX? What about archive servers especially for these machines? Does anybody know about a BITNET address of a discussion list or DG stuff people willing to discuss problems? b) Is it possible to use foreign ETHERNET protocols (below IP) on the DG machines (I'm thinking about own protocol types)? We have some "homemade" VMEbus 68010-boards with out own multiprocessing environment including an ETHERNET protocol of its own and want to connect this to the workstations. Is this in general possible in UNIX V.3/BSD 4.3 (I've got some stuff for SUNs but as I've learned so far: there are no two UNIX kernals behaving like each other from different manufactorers). Since this questions is important for our experiment I would be very happy to get some answers. Thank you in advance Jochen Manns Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet Bonn Nussallee 12 5300 Bonn 1 (West Germany)