[comp.unix.questions] TRACK and RDIST

pgraves@toolkit.prime.com (Peter Graves x307 18-1) (07/02/90)

I am working on a project to distribute a large amount of data (300->600+Mb
to ~50 Suns for a total of 15Gb->30+Gb of data) across a network composed of
~1300 Sun workstations and ~76 gateways.  There are also VAX's, IBM's and PC's
connected to the network, but the will not be involved with the distribution.

I have heard about TRACK as a possible system to use.  I would like to hear
about anyone's experiences using it and I would like to find out where I can
obtain a copy of it.

Also, if anyone has used RDIST (it come w/ Berkeley), I would like to hear
their experiences with it.

  Please reply directly - I don't always get to read the latest news...

  Thank you,

 Peter Graves                       pgraves@toolkit.prime.com
 Prime/Computervision               pgraves@primerd.prime.com
 Bedford, Mass.                     pgraves%toolkit.prime.com@RELAY.CS.NET
 (617) 275-1800 x307                uunet!decvax!cvbnet!toolkit!pgraves