[net.cooks] \"chemical\"

fleischer@viking.DEC (Bob, LJO2/E4, DTN 226-2323, PC Engineering) (03/18/86)

Vince Hatem writes:

> Iron(Fe) is an ELEMENT, NOT A CHEMICAL! Chemicals are made up from Elements.

The three dictionaries I consulted would disagree.

Choosing not to make disparaging remarks about your employer,
Bob Fleischer

vch@rruxd.UUCP (Kerro Panille) (03/22/86)

>Vince Hatem writes:
>> Iron(Fe) is an ELEMENT, NOT A CHEMICAL! Chemicals are made up from Elements.
>The three dictionaries I consulted would disagree.
>Choosing not to make disparaging remarks about your employer,

Try Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. It says:

chemical n: a substance obtained by a chemical process or used for producing 
a chemical effect.

Iron (Fe) is not obtained by a chemical process (that is referring to compounds)
nor is it used (by itself) to produce a chemical effect.

I still think that "element" is a much more descriptive word.

I'll keep my comments about your employer to myself also. Besides, I was hired
for my knowledge of Computer Science, not Chemistry. 

What were *you* hired for? ;-}

Vince Hatem                           +----------------------------------------+
Bell Communications Research          ! "..., isn't that right, Daniel?"       !
Raritan River Software Systems Center ! "When you get that look on your face,  !
444 Hoes Lane                         !  Marty, I go prune my roses."          !
4D-340                                !                   -Frank Herbert       !
Piscatway, NJ 08854                   !                   Chapterhouse: Dune   !
(201) 699-4869             	      !                   pg 459               !
{rrux?, pyux?, bellcore, topaz,       +----------------------------------------+