(Johan Casier) (08/03/90)
Hi, does anybody know of a product that makes it possible to boot a diskless DOS pc and download PC-NFS from a UNIX NFS server over tcp-ip ? Johan Casier. I.M.X. - The Open Systems Experts Information Management Systems & Services TEL. +32 2 7254950 Imperiastraat 10 FAX. +32 2 7254605 1930 Zaventem Belgium
jgm@deakin.OZ.AU (John Moorfoot) (08/09/90)
In article <> (Johan Casier) writes: >does anybody know of a product that makes it possible to boot a >diskless DOS pc and download PC-NFS from a UNIX NFS server over tcp-ip ? Dirk Koppen ( has a BOOT-PROM for Western Digital EtherCard PLUS or 3COM 3C503 cards that will do this. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! John Moorfoot Computing Services, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria ! ! E-Mail jgm@deakin.OZ.AU Phone 052 471 545 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! John Moorfoot Computing Services, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria ! ! E-Mail jgm@deakin.OZ.AU Phone 052 471 545 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------