[comp.unix.questions] file compression/archiving

mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (08/28/90)

For general information: please feel free to send additional information,
comments, complaints, etc.

The most recent copy of this text may be anonymous ftp'd from
ux1.cso.uiuc.edu ( in the directory doc/pcnet.
This file is maintained by Mike Jones (mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu).
Please do not strip this note from this list when passing it on.


Last Update: 08/27/90           Operating System/Unpackaging Program

NAME    File     PC       *   Mac         *   Unix   *   VM/CMS  *  Amiga    *
abe       ?  abe.exe      O      -          abe      O      -          -
afio      -      -               -          afio     ?      -          -
ar      (any)    -               -          ar       L      -          -
ARC     .ARC arc600.exe   A ArcMac1.3c    A arc521   I  arcutil  K Arc 0.23  Aa
BinHex  .Hqx     ?        ? BinHex5.0     A mcvert   B  binhex   K     -
BOO     .BOO msbpct.exe   G      ?        ?     -           -          -
btoa    (any)btoa         O      -          btoa     L      -      compress  Ab
Bundle  .bndl    -          Bundle        E     -           -          -
CardDump(any)    -               -              -       card     K     -
compact .C       -               -          compact  L      -          -
tor       ?      -          Compactor     ?     -           -          - 
compress.Z   comprs16.arc F MacCompress3.2A compress L  compress K compress  Ac
cpio      ?  pax2exe.zip  H      -              ?    ?      -          -
Crunch    ?      -               -              -       arcutil  K     -
Doubler   ?      -          DiskDoubler   ?     -           -          -
DWC     .DWC dwc-a501.exe B      -              -           -          -
FPack   (any)    ?        ? FPack2.2      A     ?    ?      -          -
HPACK   .HPK     ?        *      ?        *     ?    *      ?    *     ?     *
Larc    .LZS larc333.zip  B      -              -           -          -
LHarc   .LZH lh113.exe    A      ?        ? lharc10  I      -      LHarc     Ad
LHWarp    ?      -               -              -           -      Lhwarp    Ae
LU (LAR).LBR lue220.arc   B      -          lar      ?  arcutil  K     -
LZSS      ?      ?        ?      ?        ?     -           -          -
MDCD    .MD  mdcd10.arc   B      -              -           -          -
PackIt  .pit UnPackIt     ? PackIt3.1.3   A unpit    ?      -          -
PAK     .PAK pak210.exe   A      ?        ? arc521   I      -          -
PKPAK   .ARC pk361.exe    A ArcMac1.3c    A arc521   I  arcutil  K PKAX      ?
PKZIP   .ZIP pkz110.exe   B UnZip1.02c    D unzip306 I      -      PKAZip    Af
Packer    ?      -               -              -           -    PowerPacker? -
Scrunch .COM scrnch.arc   B      -              -           -          -
shell - .shar
archive      unshar.arc   I UnShar2.0     D shar     L      -      UnShar    Ag
ToFit   .stf     -          STF1.2        A     -           -          -
SPL       ?      -               ?        ?     -           -          -
Squash  .ARC squash.arc   B      -              -           -          -
Squeeze .xQx sqpc12a.com  H      ?        ?     ?    ?  arcutil  K Sq.Usq    Ah
StuffIt .Sit mactopc.xxx  ? StuffIt1.5.1  A unsit    ?      -          -
tar     .tar pdtar.exe    C UnTar2.0      D tar      L      -      TarSplit  Ai
             tarread.arc  I
             pax.zoo      J
terse   (any)terse        K      -              -       terse    K     -
uuencode.UUE (various)    F UMCP-Tools1.0 ? uuencode L  arcutil  K uudecode  Aj
Warp      ?      -               -              -           -      WarpUtil  Ak
xxencode.XXE     ?        ?      -              ?    N  xxencode K     -
ZOO     .ZOO zoo201.exe   A MacBooz2.1    D zoo201   I  zoo      K amigazoo  A

   A. ux1     /pub
      a ff070  b ff051  c ff051  d ff312  e ff305  f ff311  g ff345
      h ff051  i ff053  j ff092  k ff243
   B. wuarchive.wustl.edu (NFS mounted on uxa and mrcnext)
   C. omnigate.clarkson.edu /pub/ncsa2.2tn
   D. sumex-aim.stanford.edu /info-mac/util
   E. uunet.uu.net
   F. grape.ecs.clarkson.edu - see the file 'allfiles'
   G. watsun.cc.columbia.edu
   H. wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
   I. pc.usl.edu /pub/unix
   J. plains.nodak.edu
   K. vmd.cso.uiuc.edu
      card - cd public.474
      terse - cd public.460
      others - cd public.477
   L. (should be available on all major unix systems)
   M. comp.sources.unix archives
   N  LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET mail server
   O. comp.binaries.ibm.pc archive sites

Symbols: -   means that nothing exists to the best of my knowledge
         ?   means that something exists but I do not know the name
             of the program or where to get it
         *   means that e-mail should be sent to mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
             for details/explanation

Some uuencode/uudecode programs are able to read xxencode files.

The files listed are only guaranteed to uncompress/unarchive.
To make a compression/archive, further software may be needed.