jbayer@ispi.COM (Jonathan Bayer) (09/02/90)
A short while ago I posted the following message: > > I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons > of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for > a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued > command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will > do this for him? > Over the past week I have received the following replies. I ended up getting and installing CLed, which installs as a line disipline. Thanks to everyone who responded to my request. JB } } } From uunet!BRL.MIL!gwyn Fri Aug 24 04:13:39 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06684; 24 Aug 90 04:13:39 EDT (Fri) } Received: from smoke.brl.mil by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA04952; Thu, 23 Aug 90 15:44:33 -0400 } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 15:32:55 EDT } From: Doug Gwyn <uunet!BRL.MIL!gwyn> } To: jbayer@ispi.com } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Message-Id: <9008231532.aa20197@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> } Status: RO } } If you have a UNIX System V Release 2 or later source license, } we can provide you the sources for BRL's edition of the Bourne shell, } which is configurable to include job control, command history and } EMACS-like editing, several Research UNIX shell features, etc. } I would need to receive a reel of 1/2" 9-track magtape and a copy of } the interesting pages of your AT&T source license. } } Douglas A. Gwyn } U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory } SLCBR-VL-V } Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 } (301)278-6651 } Gwyn@BRL.MIL } } From uunet!apple.com!motcsd!dms!shepperd Fri Aug 24 04:13:39 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06680; 24 Aug 90 04:13:39 EDT (Fri) } Received: from apple.com by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA09894; Thu, 23 Aug 90 14:08:22 -0400 } Received: by apple.com (5.61/25-eef) } id AA05100; Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:53:42 -0700 } for } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:53:42 -0700 } From: uunet!apple.com!motcsd!dms!shepperd } Message-Id: <9008231753.AA05100@apple.com> } Received: by motcsd.csd.mot.com (smail2.5, Motorola Inc., CSD) } id AA26123; 23 Aug 90 10:40:22 PDT (Thu) } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Apparently-To: ispi.COM!jbayer } Status: RO } } jbayer@ispi.COM (Jonathan Bayer): } > } > I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } > of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } > a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } > command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } > do this for him? } > } } There's CLED (command line editor), the line discipline I wrote for SCO Xenix } which has been ported to SCO Unix and Esix (Rev C and D) and I'm told it } works on Interactive too. Being a line discipline, it works with all shells } that read "cooked" from a terminal. (I use it with the Bourne shell and csh } here). You didn't specify which flavor of Unix your customer was using. If } it's BSD (or some derivative thereof), never mind. } --- } Dave Shepperd. shepperd@dms.UUCP or weitek!dms!shepperd } Atari Games Corporation, 675 Sycamore Drive, Milpitas CA 95035. } Nobody knows what I'm saying. I don't even know what I'm saying. } } From uunet!ms.uky.edu!kherron Fri Aug 24 04:13:38 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06676; 24 Aug 90 04:13:38 EDT (Fri) } Received: from e.ms.uky.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA04977; Thu, 23 Aug 90 13:51:35 -0400 } Received: from s.ms.uky.edu by g.ms.uky.edu id aa24946; 23 Aug 90 13:47 EDT } From: Kenneth Herron <uunet!ms.uky.edu!kherron> } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 1990 13:47:06 EDT } X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.1.2 7/11/90) } To: jbayer@ispi.com } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Message-Id: <9008231347.aa13176@s.s.ms.uky.edu> } Status: RO } } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } References: <1673@ispi.COM> } } In comp.unix.questions you write: } } >I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } >of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } >a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } >command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } >do this for him? } } The most painless way to do this is indeed to change shells. If you } can get the Korn shell (ksh), it's fully compatible with the Bourne } shell and adds command line history and command line editing (your } choice of vi or emacs style commands). Let me repeat that first part: } It's fully compatible with the Bourne shell. } } This sort of thing basically has to be written into the shell (or the } tty driver for the terminal, yeah right...) so the only other solution } would be to get source for sh and hack it yourself. } } Kenneth Herron } } From uunet!motcid!ivory!gulik Fri Aug 24 04:13:38 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06672; 24 Aug 90 04:13:37 EDT (Fri) } Received: from uunet.uu.net by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with UUCP } id AA27298; Thu, 23 Aug 90 13:25:12 -0400 } Received: from saqqara.cis.ohio-state.edu by rutgers.edu (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.3/3.07) } id AA23859; Thu, 23 Aug 90 13:07:43 EDT } Received: by saqqara.cis.ohio-state.edu (5.61-kk/5.900605) } id AA10896; Thu, 23 Aug 90 13:07:28 -0400 } Received: from cs.utexas.edu by tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (5.61-kk/5.900605) } id AA08911; Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:59:42 -0400 } Posted-Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:35:50 CDT } Received: from uunet.UU.NET by cs.utexas.edu (5.64/1.71) } id AA09226; Thu, 23 Aug 90 11:31:38 -0500 } Received: from motcid.UUCP by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with UUCP } id AA09898; Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:31:33 -0400 } Message-Id: <9008231631.AA09898@uunet.uu.net> } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:35:50 CDT } From: uunet!motcid!ivory!gulik (Gregory Gulik) } To: rutgers!ispi!jbayer@cis.ohio-state.edu } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: Motorola Inc. - Cellular Infrastructure Div., Arlington Heights, IL 60004 } Status: RO } } In article <1673@ispi.COM> you write: } > } >I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } >of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } >a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } >command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } >do this for him? } > } >Thanks. If there is enough interest I will post a summary. } } } Tell your customer to get ksh from the UNIX vendor, or try bash from } the Free Software Foundation, but is slow and buggy. } } -greg } } -- } -- } Gregory A. Gulik } uunet!motcid!gulik || greg@gagme.chi.il.us } || gulik@depaul.edu } } From uunet!cs.utexas.edu!chinacat!chip Fri Aug 24 04:13:37 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06668; 24 Aug 90 04:13:37 EDT (Fri) } Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA22705; Thu, 23 Aug 90 13:12:07 -0400 } Posted-Date: 23 Aug 90 11:36:51 CDT (Thu) } Received: from chinacat.UUCP by cs.utexas.edu (5.64/1.71) } id AA12363; Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:12:03 -0500 } Received: by chinacat.Unicom.COM (smail2.5c) } id AA01925; 23 Aug 90 11:36:51 CDT (Thu) } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: Unicom Systems Development, Austin, TX } Cc: } Message-Id: <9008231136.AA01925@chinacat.Unicom.COM> } Date: 23 Aug 90 11:36:51 CDT (Thu) } From: uunet!chinacat.Unicom.COM!chip (Chip Rosenthal) } Status: RO } } In article <1673@ispi.COM> you write: } >I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } >of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } >a limited command-history } } Would you consider ksh? Unless you get a broken one like Aspen's, it } *is* 99.99% sh compatible. } } Another alternative is that I think I might have seen a line discipline } somebody did which might do this, but my memory might be off. I could } possibly poke around and see if it's archived somewhere. } } -- } Chip Rosenthal <chip@chinacat.Unicom.COM> } Unicom Systems Development, 512-482-8260 } Our motto is: We never say, "But it works with DOS." } } From uunet!iris.ucdavis.edu!tuck Fri Aug 24 04:13:37 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06664; 24 Aug 90 04:13:36 EDT (Fri) } Received: from iris.ucdavis.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA17561; Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:51:14 -0400 } Received: by iris.ucdavis.edu (5.57/UCD.EECS.2.0) } id AA04297; Thu, 23 Aug 90 09:50:19 PDT } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 09:50:19 PDT } From: uunet!iris.ucdavis.edu!tuck (Devon Tuck) } Message-Id: <9008231650.AA04297@iris.ucdavis.edu> } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: U.C. Davis - Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science } Cc: } Status: RO } } Jonathan, } } I know your user said he did not want to change shells, but the Korn shell } is extremely if not 100% compatable with the Bourne shells scripts, and has } a magnificent history mechanism. Mostly single ctrl character sequences } are used, and completions as well as editting of past commands in vi or } emacs style is offered. } } Devon } } From uunet!milton.u.washington.edu!mtv Fri Aug 24 04:13:31 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06633; 24 Aug 90 04:13:30 EDT (Fri) } Received: from milton.u.washington.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA04342; Thu, 23 Aug 90 05:22:01 -0400 } Received: by milton.u.washington.edu } (5.61/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA10582; Thu, 23 Aug 90 02:21:58 -0700 } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 02:21:58 -0700 } From: David Schanen <uunet!milton.u.washington.edu!mtv> } Message-Id: <9008230921.AA10582@milton.u.washington.edu> } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: Independent Study of Art, Music, Video, Computing } Cc: } Status: RO } } } You might get him to consider Bourne-Again SHell, I believe it is compatable } with /bin/sh... } } -Dave } -- } } Internet: mtv@milton.u.washington.edu * UUNET: ...uunet!uw-beaver!u!mtv } } From uunet!osf.org!meissner Fri Aug 24 04:13:36 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06658; 24 Aug 90 04:13:36 EDT (Fri) } Received: from osf.osf.org by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA00805; Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:12:44 -0400 } Received: from curley.osf.org by osf.osf.org (5.61/OSF 0.9) } id AA03769; Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:12:20 -0400 } Received: by curley.osf.org (5.61/4.7) id AA02966; Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:12:19 -0400 } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:12:19 -0400 } From: uunet!osf.org!meissner } Message-Id: <9008231612.AA02966@curley.osf.org> } To: jbayer@ispi.COM (Jonathan Bayer) } In-Reply-To: jbayer@ispi.COM's message of 22 Aug 90 16:29:51 GMT } Subject: command history for /bin/sh } Status: RO } } | I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } | of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } | a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } | command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } | do this for him? } | } | Thanks. If there is enough interest I will post a summary. } } If you have pty's, there was atty which does command history for all } jobs that do line reads from the terminal, and gets out of the way for } things that read one byte at a time (ie, editors and such). Here are } the files as they are stored on uunet.uu.net: } } /usr/spool/ftp/comp.sources.unix/volume19/atty: } total 89 } -rw-r--r-- 1 rsalz 23245 May 31 1989 part01.Z } -rw-r--r-- 1 rsalz 21608 May 31 1989 part02.Z } -rw-r--r-- 1 rsalz 23316 May 31 1989 part03.Z } -rw-r--r-- 1 rsalz 21313 May 31 1989 part04.Z } } -- } Michael Meissner email: meissner@osf.org phone: 617-621-8861 } Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142 } } Do apple growers tell their kids money doesn't grow on bushes? } } From uunet!apple.com!motcsd!dms!albaugh Fri Aug 24 04:13:33 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06649; 24 Aug 90 04:13:33 EDT (Fri) } Received: from apple.com by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA27236; Thu, 23 Aug 90 11:07:13 -0400 } Received: by apple.com (5.61/25-eef) } id AA19371; Thu, 23 Aug 90 07:59:27 -0700 } for } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 07:59:27 -0700 } From: uunet!apple.com!motcsd!dms!albaugh } Message-Id: <9008231459.AA19371@apple.com> } Received: by motcsd.csd.mot.com (smail2.5, Motorola Inc., CSD) } id AA19612; 23 Aug 90 10:45:21 EDT (Thu) } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Apparently-To: ispi.COM!jbayer } Status: RO } } jbayer@ispi.COM (Jonathan Bayer): } > } > I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } > of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } > a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } > command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } > do this for him? } } I use a nifty little widget called "cled". It is a "line discipline" } that uses cursor and function keys to do command-line editting. I believe } it was posted on alt.sources, but you could also email the author (my boss) } at shepperd@dms.uucp (or reverse my path and use his name). It _may_ only } work with ANSI terms, (or xTerms, between the two that covers all we have), } and it _may_ only work on SYS V (But I doubt it). } } Mike } } | Mike Albaugh (albaugh@dms.UUCP || {...decwrl!pyramid!}weitek!dms!albaugh) } | Atari Games Corp (Arcade Games, no relation to the makers of the ST) } | 675 Sycamore Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 voice: (408)434-1709 } | The opinions expressed are my own (Boy, are they ever) } } From uunet!ulysses.att.com!ekrell Fri Aug 24 04:13:33 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06645; 24 Aug 90 04:13:32 EDT (Fri) } Received: from research.att.com by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA23819; Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:55:17 -0400 } Message-Id: <9008231455.AA23819@uunet.uu.net> } Received: by inet; Thu Aug 23 10:55 EDT 1990 } From: uunet!ulysses.att.com!ekrell } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: AT&T Bell Labs } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:54:51 EDT } Status: RO } } The Kornshell (ksh) is Bourne shell compatible and includes a command } history with both a vi and emacs editing mode. } -- } } Eduardo Krell AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ } } UUCP: {att,decvax,ucbvax}!ulysses!ekrell Internet: ekrell@ulysses.att.com } } From uunet!crdgw1.ge.com!sixhub!davidsen Fri Aug 24 04:13:32 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06641; 24 Aug 90 04:13:32 EDT (Fri) } Received: from CRDGW1.GE.COM by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA23238; Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:53:11 -0400 } Received: by crdgw1.ge.com (5.57/GE 1.70) } id AA23458; Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:52:00 EDT } Received: by sixhub.UUCP (smail2.5) } id AA07160; 23 Aug 90 09:58:12 EDT (Thu) } Organization: *IX Upstate NY UNIX Users Group } Reply-To: uunet!crdgw1.ge.com!sixhub!davidsen } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 09:58:12 EDT } X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.5 4/17/89) } From: uunet!sixhub.crd.ge.com!davidsen (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) } To: jbayer@ispi.com } Message-Id: <9008230958.AA07160@sixhub.UUCP> } Status: RO } } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: *IX Public Access UNIX, Schenectady NY } Cc: } Reply-to: davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (bill davidsen) } } He really wants Korn shell, with this and much more. } --- } bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen) } sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX } moderator of comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 80386 mailing list } "Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me } } From uunet!mcc.com!steve%pkg Fri Aug 24 04:13:32 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06637; 24 Aug 90 04:13:31 EDT (Fri) } Received: from MCC.COM by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA23176; Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:52:53 -0400 } Received: from terra.pkg.mcc.com by MCC.COM with TCP/SMTP; Thu 23 Aug 90 09:52:47-CDT } Received: from arya.pkg.mcc.com by terra.pkg.mcc.com (4.1/PIcm8.0) } id AA28057; Thu, 23 Aug 90 09:55:11 CDT } Received: by arya.pkg.mcc.com (4.1/PIs7.0) } id AA01731; Thu, 23 Aug 90 09:54:46 CDT } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 09:54:46 CDT } From: uunet!mcc.com!steve%pkg (Steve Madere) } Message-Id: <9008231454.AA01731@arya.pkg.mcc.com> } To: jbayer@ispi.COM (Jonathan Bayer) } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Status: RO } } I believe both bash (born again shell) and ksh are backwards } compatible with the bourne shell. } } You can get bash sources from gatekeeper.dec.com with ftp. } } Bash is really great. I use it daily. Besides being bourne } compatible and having a great history mechanism, it also has } emacs and vi compatible command line editing capabilities. } (These also work for editing the history). } I can't say enough about how great bash is. } } Steve Madere } } From uunet!PacBell.COM!sactoh0!siva!cdffp!pacbell!jjr Sat Aug 25 04:19:21 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA10124; 25 Aug 90 04:19:21 EDT (Sat) } Received: from ns.PacBell.COM by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA06991; Fri, 24 Aug 90 19:54:58 -0400 } Received: from pacbell.UUCP by ns.PacBell.COM (4.1/SMI-4.1-08/02/90) } id AA20122; Fri, 24 Aug 90 16:53:42 PDT } Received: by sactoh0.SAC.CA.US (smail2.5) } id AA01295; 24 Aug 90 15:00:59 PDT (Fri) } Received: by siva.UUCP (smail2.5.1) } id AA07916; 24 Aug 90 14:53:40 PDT (Fri) } Received: by cdffp.UUCP (smail2.5) } id AA00937; 24 Aug 90 14:31:58 PDT (Fri) } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection, Sacramento } Cc: } Message-Id: <9008241431.AA00932@cdffp.UUCP> } Date: 24 Aug 90 14:31:55 PDT (Fri) } From: uunet!PacBell.COM!cdffp!jjr ( Joe J ) } Status: RO } } In article <1673@ispi.COM> you write: } > } >I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } >of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } >a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } >command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } >do this for him? } } You want the korn shell. Or bash from GNU. or ash (can be obtained } from archive-server@siva). } -- } UCDavis CC Tshirt (circa 1980) (TRIPLE pun): Prevent errors; do it with unix } Joe Rackelmann California Department of Forestry (916) 322-7874 } jjr@cdffp OR {ames!pacbell!sactoh0!siva | ucbvax!ucdavis!caldwr}!cdffp!jjr } } From uunet!sco!staceyc Sat Aug 25 04:19:20 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA10120; 25 Aug 90 04:19:20 EDT (Sat) } Received: from sco.UUCP by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with UUCP } id AA04399; Fri, 24 Aug 90 15:27:00 -0400 } Received: from romulan.sco.COM by viscous.sco.COM } id ab02844; Fri, 24 Aug 90 11:30:14 PDT } To: ispi!jbayer } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } From: uunet!staceyc (Stacey Campbell) } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. } Cc: } Date: Fri, 24 Aug 90 11:29:19 PDT } Message-Id: <9008241129.aa04816@romulan.sco.COM> } Status: RO } } In article <1673@ispi.COM> you write: } >I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } >of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } >a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } >command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } >do this for him? } > } >Thanks. If there is enough interest I will post a summary. } } The Korn Shell looks like the Bourne Shell but has these and other } capabilities. } --- } Stacey Campbell staceyc@sco.com } {uunet,decwrl,ucscc,att,sq,altos,lotus,phoenix,sun,microsoft,xbs}!sco!staceyc } } From uunet!motcid!ivory!gulik Sat Aug 25 04:19:19 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA10109; 25 Aug 90 04:19:18 EDT (Sat) } Received: from motcid.UUCP by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with UUCP } id AA27220; Fri, 24 Aug 90 12:36:51 -0400 } Message-Id: <9008241636.AA27220@uunet.uu.net> } From: uunet!motcid!ivory!gulik (Gregory Gulik) } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } To: ispi!jbayer (Jonathan Bayer) } Date: Fri, 24 Aug 90 9:30:07 BST } In-Reply-To: <9008240716.AA07105@ispi.COM>; from "Jonathan Bayer" at Aug 24, 90 7:16 am } Organization: Motorola Inc., Cellular Infrastructure Div., Arlington Heights, IL } X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL5] } Status: RO } } > } > Thanks. I did, and he said no (for ksh) } } } Why? What is wrong with ksh?? } } How about bash?? It isn't as sh compatible as ksh. } } -greg } } From uunet!apple.com!motcsd!dms!shepperd Fri Aug 24 04:13:39 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA06680; 24 Aug 90 04:13:39 EDT (Fri) } Received: from apple.com by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA09894; Thu, 23 Aug 90 14:08:22 -0400 } Received: by apple.com (5.61/25-eef) } id AA05100; Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:53:42 -0700 } for } Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:53:42 -0700 } From: uunet!apple.com!motcsd!dms!shepperd } Message-Id: <9008231753.AA05100@apple.com> } Received: by motcsd.csd.mot.com (smail2.5, Motorola Inc., CSD) } id AA26123; 23 Aug 90 10:40:22 PDT (Thu) } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Apparently-To: ispi.COM!jbayer } Status: RO } } jbayer@ispi.COM (Jonathan Bayer): } > } > I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } > of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } > a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } > command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } > do this for him? } > } } There's CLED (command line editor), the line discipline I wrote for SCO Xenix } which has been ported to SCO Unix and Esix (Rev C and D) and I'm told it } works on Interactive too. Being a line discipline, it works with all shells } that read "cooked" from a terminal. (I use it with the Bourne shell and csh } here). You didn't specify which flavor of Unix your customer was using. If } it's BSD (or some derivative thereof), never mind. } --- } Dave Shepperd. shepperd@dms.UUCP or weitek!dms!shepperd } Atari Games Corporation, 675 Sycamore Drive, Milpitas CA 95035. } Nobody knows what I'm saying. I don't even know what I'm saying. } } From uunet!PacBell.COM!sactoh0!pacbell!jak Sun Aug 26 04:13:12 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA01516; 26 Aug 90 04:13:12 EDT (Sun) } Received: from ns.PacBell.COM by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA25081; Sat, 25 Aug 90 20:56:32 -0400 } Received: from pacbell.UUCP by ns.PacBell.COM (4.1/SMI-4.1-08/02/90) } id AA27925; Fri, 24 Aug 90 23:53:51 PDT } Received: by sactoh0.SAC.CA.US (smail2.5) } id AA05211; 24 Aug 90 22:31:59 PDT (Fri) } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: Sacramento Public Access Unix, Sacramento, Ca. } Message-Id: <9008242231.AA05207@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US> } Date: 24 Aug 90 22:31:56 PDT (Fri) } From: uunet!sactoh0.SAC.CA.US!jak (Jay A. Konigsberg) } Status: RO } } In article <1673@ispi.COM> you write: } > } >I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } >of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } >a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } >command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } >do this for him? } > } Why don't you try "ash". It is very close to "sh", is faster and has } lots of goodies besides a history function. } } As for existing scripts, there is a little trick you can use for } already writen bourne shell scripts using 'ps' (if #:sh isn't } supported like in csh). It goes something like this: } } if [ "`ps | grep $$ | cut -c22-`" != "sh" ] } then } exec sh $0 $@ # $@ to pick up any command line args } fi } } It only takes a sec or so to run and preserves the old scripts that } are already writen. Sort of gives you the best of both worlds. } } Oh, and "ash" is PD. Contact "ron@rdk386" for FTP info on an "ash" } with history. } } -- } ------------------------------------------------------------- } Jay @ SAC-UNIX, Sacramento, Ca. UUCP=...pacbell!sactoh0!jak } If something is worth doing, its worth doing correctly. } --- } ------------------------------------------------------------- } Jay @ SAC-UNIX, Sacramento, Ca. UUCP=...pacbell!sactoh0!jak } If something is worth doing, its worth doing correctly. } } From uunet!wimsey.bc.ca!balden Mon Aug 27 04:11:56 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA05368; 27 Aug 90 04:11:56 EDT (Mon) } Received: from van-bc.wimsey.bc.ca by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA08162; Sun, 26 Aug 90 15:48:42 -0400 } Received: by wimsey.bc.ca (/\=-/\ Smail3.1.17.5 #17.91 sendmail) } id <m0i6QKf-0005bNC@wimsey.bc.ca>; Sun, 26 Aug 90 09:59 PDT } Message-Id: <m0i6QKf-0005bNC@wimsey.bc.ca> } Date: Sun, 26 Aug 90 12:46 PDT } From: uunet!wimsey.bc.ca!balden (Bruce Balden) } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } In-Reply-To: <1673@ispi.COM> } Organization: USENET Public Access, Vancouver, B.C., Canada } Cc: } Status: RO } } Try the korn shell (which executes most if not all Bourne shell commands } as expected). } } From uunet!cs.utexas.edu!chinacat!chip Tue Aug 28 04:14:51 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA09034; 28 Aug 90 04:14:50 EDT (Tue) } Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA24747; Mon, 27 Aug 90 18:57:51 -0400 } Posted-Date: Mon, 27 Aug 90 16:55:46 CDT } Received: from chinacat by cs.utexas.edu (5.64/1.74) via UUCP } id AA12955; Mon, 27 Aug 90 17:47:43 -0500 } Received: by chinacat.Unicom.COM (smail2.5c) } id AA24490; 27 Aug 90 16:55:46 CDT (Mon) } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } To: jbayer@ispi.com (Jonathan Bayer) } Date: Mon, 27 Aug 90 16:55:46 CDT } In-Reply-To: <9008240717.AA07115@ispi.COM>; from "Jonathan Bayer" at Aug 24, 90 7:17 am } X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL6] } Message-Id: <9008271655.AA24490@chinacat.Unicom.COM> } From: uunet!chinacat.Unicom.COM!chip (Chip Rosenthal) } Status: RO } } Jonathan Bayer writes: } > Who else sells ksh? What is wrong with Aspen's? } } I believe MKS does. Other possibilities - getting it through the AT&T } Toolchest or trying bash. My understanding is that the Toolchest version } isn't cheap (2K$), but has verrry reasonable terms - I think you can load } it on as many machines you want for your own/company's use. But don't } quote me on that. } } There are two problems with Aspen. First, I've run into compatibility } problems, and the limit on the environment space has been a big killer. } The second problem is that their support has pissed me off. I picked up } a bunch of software from somebody getting out of the XENIX business. I } called up Aspen to notify them of the change of address and ask about } purchasing an update to the L&G version. Instead, I got the riot act } about how this is illegal and immoral and contributes to the piracy of } software which is going on in the Far East. } } What a bunch of marooons... } } What kind of machines are you playing around with these days? I'm } still mostly doing XENIX, but I've got an ODT machine here. Sometime } next month, I plan on looking at ISC. I've about reached the end of } my rope with SCO, and would probably like to pick up somebody else. } } -- } Chip Rosenthal <chip@chinacat.Unicom.COM> } Unicom Systems Development, 512-482-8260 } Our motto is: We never say, "But it works with DOS." } } From uunet!entropy.ms.washington.edu!dataio!pilchuck!rwing!seaeast!mtbaker!stephen Wed Aug 29 07:16:28 1990 } Received: by ispi.COM (smail2.5) } id AA15327; 29 Aug 90 07:16:28 EDT (Wed) } Received: from CU-ARPA.CS.CORNELL.EDU by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP } id AA24459; Tue, 28 Aug 90 10:06:20 -0400 } Received: from WRATH.CS.CORNELL.EDU by cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu (5.61+2/1.91d) } id AA27568; Tue, 28 Aug 90 08:03:05 -0400 } Received: from beaver.cs.washington.edu by wrath.cs.cornell.edu (5.61+2/I-1.91g) } id AA15473; Tue, 28 Aug 90 08:02:43 -0400 } Received: from entropy.ms.washington.edu by beaver.cs.washington.edu (5.61/7.0) } id AA08805; Tue, 28 Aug 90 05:02:44 -0700 } Return-Path: <dataio!pilchuck!rwing!seaeast!mtbaker!stephen@entropy.ms.washington.edu> } Received: from dataio.UUCP by entropy.ms.washington.edu } (5.61/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA08920; Tue, 28 Aug 90 04:59:55 -0700 } Received: by dataio.Data-IO.COM (smail2.5) } id AA15564; 28 Aug 90 04:58:06 PDT (Tue) } Received: by pilchuck.Data-IO.COM (smail2.5) } id AA23643; 28 Aug 90 04:56:48 PDT (Tue) } Received: by rwing.uucp (smail2.5) } id AA01285; 27 Aug 90 19:33:30 PDT (Mon) } Received: by seaeast.uucp (/\=-/\ Smail3.1.16.1 #16.18) } id <m0i6vwM-0002jdC@seaeast.uucp>; Mon, 27 Aug 90 19:44 PDT } Received: by mtbaker.UUCP (5.51/smail2.2/06-30-87) } id AA21740; Mon, 27 Aug 90 18:49:48 PDT } Date: Mon, 27 Aug 90 18:49:48 PDT } From: uunet!beaver.cs.washington.edu!mtbaker!stephen (Stephen Diercouff) } Message-Id: <9008280149.AA21740@mtbaker.UUCP> } To: jbayer@ispi.COM } Subject: Re: command history for /bin/sh } Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.questions,comp.sources.wanted } References: <1673@ispi.COM> } Status: RO } } In comp.sources.wanted you write: } } } >I have a customer who is currently using the Bourne shell. For reasons } >of compatibility he doesn't want to change shells, but he is looking for } >a limited command-history, and the ability to re-use a previously-issued } >command. Are there any programs out there (or shell scripts) that will } >do this for him? } } >Thanks. If there is enough interest I will post a summary. } } try ksh -- it is completely compatable with current versions of sh, and } it should be easy to convert old sh scripts to current standards -- i.e. } change ^ to | . It has a better history mechanism than any add-ons I've } seen. } } } >JB } >-- } >Jonathan Bayer Intelligent Software Products, Inc. } >(201) 245-5922 500 Oakwood Ave. } >jbayer@ispi.COM Roselle Park, NJ 07204 } -- } Stephen Diercouff, Baker Mountain Systems, Bellingham WA } Internet: stephen@mtbaker.Bham.wa.COM } UUCP : uunet!wobble!mtbaker!stephen } Snail : P.O. Box 5084/Bellingham WA 98227-5084 } } -- Jonathan Bayer Intelligent Software Products, Inc. (201) 245-5922 500 Oakwood Ave. jbayer@ispi.COM Roselle Park, NJ 07204