[comp.unix.questions] Sockets vs streams. An attempt to answer the original question

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (09/03/90)

(Not particularly TCP/IP oriented at this point....)

 >>> ps. Is there anyway to get a list of all the modules pushed onto
 >>> a stream.  I_LOOK only lists the top most module.
 >>Not in V.3.
 >Actually it is not quite that bad.  You should have an idea of all the
 >possible modules that COULD be on a given stream (not many).  It is then 
 >trivial to write a little program which uses I_FIND to see if the module
 >is on the stream.

That'll tell you *which* modules are on the stream, but it won't tell
you where they are on the stream.  If you want that, you need something
such as S5R4's I_LIST.