[comp.unix.questions] Watch dog

keijo@vttux1.vtt.fi (keijo tuominen) (09/21/90)

Does anyone know if somewhere is available a program that checks
where from telnet/ftp/smtp connections are made and checks if 
machine requesting connection is allowed to enter to that
particular host.So if it is not allowed to do connection 
the target machine should close connection and also make a log
for that connection attempt.

Other problem:
Is is a possible that when we notice that caller is a friendly machine
we don't ask a login/password but instead of login we send some kind of
information like this :

Hello this is node 
Make your choice:
1. Telnet to host xxx.yyy.zzz
2. Ftp to host    rrr.ttt.ggg
3. Information


Or something else.

So if user choose number 1 the targer machine make a telnet connection
to that host.
 *        Tuominen Keijo              *           E-mail adress:            *
 *        Vuorimiehentie 5            *        Keijo.Tuominen@vtt.fi        *
 *     SF-02150 Espoo, Finland        *              TELEFAX:       	    *
 * Phone: 90-4564295 Home: 90-538606  *            +358 0 460648  	    *