(Ralph Seguin) (10/30/90)
Ack! Well, it seems that something horrible has happened to my system. I have a Plexus P/35 UNIX box running Sys V Rel 2 UNIX. The disk has become badly corrupted. I power the machine up and it self-checks fine, then when I try to run unix it barfs. PLEXUS PRIMARY BOOT REV 2.1 :/unix BOOT: bad disk init Exit 11 This is quite bad. I've not been able to get it going again. I'm definitely a novice, and I am in dire need of help. Could kindly people please contact me via email (especially those who worked with Plexus systems). I have the UNIX Sys V Rel 2 Rev. M1.7 release tapes (2 of them). Any help on getting the system going again is GREATLY appreciated. If you have any remote hint about it, please contact me; who knows what may help 8-( Thanks, Ralph Ralph Seguin 536 South Forest Apt. #915 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 662-4805