uudot@vega.lerc.nasa.gov (Dorothy Carney) (11/20/90)
SCCS Code Control ADVICE PLEASE: We are bringing FORTRAN code over from VAX/VMS for a data analysis system on a SUN SPARCstation. At present there is no plan to convert the FORTRAN code to C. We will be using PV-WAVE for graphics and a user interface. There will be a desktop publisher, but it will be used standalone and not hooked into the FORTRAN modules. There will be several programmers dealing with many modules. The project will require tight source code control. We have limited experience with UNIX and *No* experience with SCCS. Is SCCS the best way to go?? Any suggestions ... admonitions ... advice will be appreciated. Please reply by mail to: uudot@vega.lerc.nasa.gov THANKS! PS: Please no flames about FORTRAN :-) someday we may see the light of C