[comp.unix.questions] Colour PostScript under Sunview?

keith@earth-sciences.oxford.ac.uk (Keith Refson) (11/21/90)

Is anybody aware of a PostScript previewer which runs under Sunview (X
would be interesting too) and can use colour on an appropriate screen
other than News?

Please email me and I will summarize.
|	Keith   Refson			  |ROYAL MAIL:                     |
|-----------------------------------------|   Department of Earth Sciences |
| JANET   : keith@uk.ac.ox.earth          |   Parks Road                   |
| INTERNET: keith@earth.ox.ac.uk          |   Oxford OX1 3PR               |
| BITNET  : keith%uk.ac.ox.earth@ukacrl   |   UK                           |
| UUCP    : K.Refson@ed.uucp              |PHONE   : +44 865 272026/272016 |
|         : keith%uk.ac.ox.earth@ukc.uucp |FAX     : +44 865 272072        |