(Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672) (12/09/90)
I am in the process of installing SunOS 4.1.1 on our system. When I went to newfs the root filesystem xd0a, It printed out a warning stating: 1 sector unallocated and proceeded to make the partition but with one less sector than was in the filesystem. Does anyone have ideas as to the cause of this message and a solution. Thanks alot Sean Coleman email is appreciated since I havent read all of the NEWS and I need an answer soon. (Sean Coleman 497-5672) (12/09/90)
I am in the process of installing SunOS 4.1.1 on our system. When I went to newfs the root filesystem xd0a, It printed out a warning stating: 1 sector unallocated on last cylinder and proceeded to make the partition but with one less sector than was in the filesystem. Does anyone have ideas as to the cause of this message and a solution. Thanks alot Sean Coleman email is appreciated since I havent read all of the NEWS and I need an answer soon.