(Barry Johnson) (12/28/90)
HELP!!! I'm trying to mount my workstations file systems remotely from a VAX with a tape drive, so that I may backup my usr partion to tape. In order to do this in the least painful way, I want to mont the partions in such a way that root on the VAX will have root priviledges over the remotely mounted filesystems. The manual say to do it by putting a line such the following in the /etc/exports file on the workstation: /usr/users -r=0 The -r option (according to the manual) "maps the remote superuser's identification to the number assigned". I've tryed this and it just doesn't work. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Do you know a way around it? Thanks in advance... Barry Johnson -- Barry Johnson Consulting & Technical Services Standard disclaimer about me, my Clemson University employer, beliefs, etc...