IJAH400@indyvax.iupui.edu (James A. Harvey) (01/04/91)
Wow. Many thanks for the lightning-quick responses to my SunOS 4.0.3 DNS resolver problem (the next morning 8-). It turns out the resolver library routines distributed with SunOS do not query the DNS by default. For my particular situation (Sun 4 running SunOS 4.0.3, not running YP), the fix was to obtain a new library from uunet.uu.net /sun-fixes/libc_resolv.so.sun4.Z, uncompress it and move it to /usr/lib/libc.so.1.{next version}, and update the library cache using ldconfig. I did this and it works great now. Thanks again to: Syd Weinstein <syd@dsi.com>, Datacomp Systems, Inc. David N. Blank <dnb@meshugge.media.mit.edu>, M.I.T. Emmett Hogan <hogan@csl.sri.com>, SRI International James J Dempsey <jjd@alexander.bbn.com>, Bolt Beranek and Newman Adam Carlson <acarlson@math.umass.edu> University of Massachusetts James Harvey, IUPUI Computing Services IJAH400@IUPUI.EDU | HARVEY@INDIANA.EDU 799 West Michigan Street, ET Room 1023 UUCP: {...}!iuvax!iugate!harvey Indianapolis, IN 46202-5160 (317)274-0747 BITNET: IJAH400@INDYVAX