[comp.unix.questions] LP spooler constantly mailing to users

bill@twg.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) (01/17/91)

I  think I almost have this C2 security (feature?) tamed.  I have
an  SCO UNIX V 3.2.0 system with relaxed C2.  Every time any user
prints from any application to any printer, the following mail is
delivered into their mailbox:

X-Mailer: SCO System V Mail (version 3.2)
Your request printer8-655 destined for printer8
encountered an error while printing on printer printer8.

Reason for failure:

grep: can't open /usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/printers/printer8/configuration

There  is  no problem with the actual print jobs, as they  always
print  flawlessly.   I would like to eliminate  these  bothersome
mail messages.

I have tried adding lp subsystem permission to one user to see if
this  fixes  it, but it doesn't.  After configuring the  printers
with  sysadmsh, I went into the menu selection that allows you to
specify  which  users are allowed to use which printers,  and  by
leaving  the  user list empty, have allowed ALL users to use  ALL

The  directories on the path to the interface files are owned  by
bin, group lp;  the interface files themselves look like you have
to be a member of the lp group to execute.  Do I have to actually
add each user to the lp group?

As  I said, the print jobs are printing, and I know the interface
files  are  executing  because  each one changes  the  pitch  and
quality  of  the  printer they are associated with.   Just  these
stupid mail messages.

Thanks for any pointers in the right direction.
Bill Irwin    -       The Westrheim Group     -    Vancouver, BC, Canada
uunet!van-bc!twg!bill     (604) 431-9600 (voice) |     UNIX Systems
bill@twg.bc.ca            (604) 430-4329 (fax)   |     Integration
Bill Irwin    -       The Westrheim Group     -    Vancouver, BC, Canada
uunet!van-bc!twg!bill     (604) 431-9600 (voice) |     UNIX Systems
bill@twg.bc.ca            (604) 430-4329 (fax)   |     Integration