[comp.unix.questions] tty 8-bit output

ckclark@athena.mit.edu (Calvin Clark) (01/23/91)

Ok, I give up.  I am using the "new" Berkeley tty driver,
as described in tty(4).  It is reasonably easy to get it
to accept eight-bit input, by using 'stty pass8' or by
setting the ioctl correctly.  However, it seems that if
it is set in a mode which does *any* output processing
at all, (i.e., anything but 'raw' or 'litout'), it 
will strip the eighth bit off of the output characters.
It makes no difference what the parity is.  The tty 
driver seems totally incapable of doing output processing
without stripping off the eighth bit.

My questions:

(1) Am I correct in this assement?
(2) Is there a good alternate tty driver available
    (besides atty)?
(3) Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help.
INTERNET: ckclark@athena.mit.edu
UUCP: ...!mit-eddie!mit-athena!ckclark

The Hammer

% INTERNET E-MAIL:                   %  Calvin Clark                    %

gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) (01/24/91)

In article <1991Jan22.175816.12228@athena.mit.edu> ckclark@athena.mit.edu (Calvin Clark) writes:
>Ok, I give up.  I am using the "new" Berkeley tty driver,
>as described in tty(4).  It is reasonably easy to get it
>to accept eight-bit input, by using 'stty pass8' or by
>setting the ioctl correctly.  However, it seems that if
>it is set in a mode which does *any* output processing
>at all, (i.e., anything but 'raw' or 'litout'), it 
>will strip the eighth bit off of the output characters.

There was a bug in the BSD tty handler that made it hard to get 8-bit
raw data through the handler.  However, the right combination of
set/get/set ioctls can work around the bug.

	stty( ofd, &ttyb );
	ioctl( ofd, TIOCLSET, &lflags );
	/* following 4.2BSD hack courtesy of Chris Torek */
	gtty( ofd, &ttyb );
	ioctl( ofd, TIOCSETN, &ttyb );	/* makes LLITOUT stick */

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (01/25/91)

>There was a bug in the BSD tty handler that made it hard to get 8-bit
>raw data through the handler.

Hard*er*.  The bug to which you're referring (fixed in 4.3BSD) kept even
"litout" from setting the hardware into 8-bits-no-parity mode; however,
even with the bug fixed, there's no way to tell the pre-4.3-reno BSD tty
driver not to strip output characters to 8 bits *before* handing them to
the hardware, unless you turn "raw" or "litout" mode on; I assume the
original poster didn't want to do that.