[comp.unix.questions] Is "line -t n" common?

jrh@mustang.dell.com (James Howard) (01/31/91)

In article <1991Jan31.025528.29637@convex.com>, tchrist@convex.COM (Tom
Christiansen) writes:
 > From the keyboard of belkin@teecs.UUCP (Hershel Belkin):
 > :A simple question perhaps, but can anyone tell me if the "-t"
 > :option is "standard" on the "line" command...
 >     % line
 >     line: Command not found.
 > I'd make sure line were standard before worrying about its flags. 

It is in ISC 3.2 and SVR4 however...

James Howard        Dell Computer Corp.        !'s:uunet!dell!mustang!jrh
(512) 343-3480      9505 Arboretum Blvd        @'s:jrh@mustang.dell.com
                    Austin, TX 78759-7299   

hwt@bwdlh490.BNR.CA (Henry Troup) (02/01/91)

In article <1991Jan31.025528.29637@convex.com>, tchrist@convex.COM (Tom
Christiansen) writes:
|>From the keyboard of belkin@teecs.UUCP (Hershel Belkin):
|>:A simple question perhaps, but can anyone tell me if the "-t"
|>:option is "standard" on the "line" command...

|>I'd make sure line were standard before worrying about its flags.

Verily! however, the 'line' command on HP-UX has no options soever.

Henry Troup - BNR owns but does not share my opinions | The .signature is the
P.O. Box 3511, Stn. C. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 4H7| lowest form of humour
uunet!bnrgate!hwt%bwdlh490 HWT@BNR.CA +1 613-765-2337 |