[comp.unix.questions] Where do I get NASA NQS Software?

les@uwovax.uwo.ca (02/02/91)

 Could someone please tell me:

	1. Where the binaries/sources for the NASA Network Queueing System
		(NQS) are? (I understand that they are Public Domain?).

	2. Does a VAX/VMS counterpart to the Unix NQS exist?  We would like
	   to be able to queue jobs to a Unix system from a VMS system.

Les Flodrowski                                   CA: les@vaxi.sscl.uwo.CA
Social Science Computing Laboratory          Bitnet: les@uwovax.BITNET
University of Western Ontario                  UUCP: les@julian.UUCP
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2                     (...!watmath!julian..)

kanya@ckgp.UUCP (Jim Kanya) (02/07/91)

In article <1991Feb1.114249.8464@uwovax.uwo.ca>, les@uwovax.uwo.ca writes:
>  Could someone please tell me:
>       1. Where the binaries/sources for the NASA Network Queueing System
>               (NQS) are? (I understand that they are Public Domain?).

As I understand it, Intergraph (A CAD vendor) saw NQS at NASA and purchased
the rights to the product.  Intergraph has enhanced the product quite a bit
in the 2 years since I first saw it.  I also heard that NQS was accepted
as the network queueing system for OSF.  If you want to talk to Intergraph,
the phone number is (205) 730-2000.

>       2. Does a VAX/VMS counterpart to the Unix NQS exist?  We would like
>          to be able to queue jobs to a Unix system from a VMS system.

Intergraph has created a client only version of NQS for VMS.  I am currently
using it and it works nicely.

Jim Kanya - CKGP & Assoc. Inc.