[comp.unix.questions] csh levels

news@massey.ac.nz (USENET News System) (02/05/91)

Let's assume a csh invoked from a csh. How do keep track of how far down
the track, one is? Let's say one has recursively invoked csh, it should be
possible to discover how far down one is. How does one do it?

Raminder $ingh                              Phone : +64 63 69 099 X 7772
Computer Centre MASSEY UNIVERSITY           Fax   : +64 63 505 607
Palmerston North NEWZEALAND                 E-mail: R.Singh@massey.ac.nz

subbarao@rise.Princeton.EDU (Kartik Subbarao) (02/05/91)

In article <1991Feb5.000455.9976@massey.ac.nz> R.Singh@massey.ac.nz (R. Singh) writes:
>Let's assume a csh invoked from a csh. How do keep track of how far down
>the track, one is? Let's say one has recursively invoked csh, it should be
>possible to discover how far down one is. How does one do it?

If you have sps, it will show you this information in a nice format. Still,
ps gives you the same information, and you'll just have to look at the
output to see how many csh's have been invoked.


internet# find . -name core -exec cat {} \; |& tee /dev/tty*
subbarao@{phoenix or gauguin}.Princeton.EDU -|Internet
kartik@silvertone.Princeton.EDU (NeXT mail)       -|	
SUBBARAO@PUCC.BITNET			          - Bitnet

fwp1@CC.MsState.Edu (Frank Peters) (02/05/91)

In article <1991Feb5.000455.9976@massey.ac.nz> news@massey.ac.nz (USENET News System) writes:

   Let's assume a csh invoked from a csh. How do keep track of how far down
   the track, one is? Let's say one has recursively invoked csh, it should be
   possible to discover how far down one is. How does one do it?

Csh doesn't come with any built in way but its pretty trivial to add.
Put the following code in your .cshrc file:

if ( $?cshlevel == 0 ) then
    setenv cshlevel 1
    setenv cshlevel `expr $cshlevel + 1`

This checks to see if cshlevel is set.  If not it sets it to one.  If
it is set then it is incremented by one.

Frank Peters   Internet:  fwp1@CC.MsState.Edu         Bitnet:  FWP1@MsState
               Phone:     (601)325-2942               FAX:     (601)325-8921

boyd@necisa.ho.necisa.oz.au (Boyd Roberts) (02/06/91)

>In article <1991Feb5.000455.9976@massey.ac.nz> R.Singh@massey.ac.nz (R. Singh) writes:
>Let's assume a csh invoked from a csh. How do keep track of how far down
>the track, one is? Let's say one has recursively invoked csh, it should be
>possible to discover how far down one is. How does one do it?

Back in the dim distant past I used to have my prompt set to indicate
how many C shells I had and whether they were root shells or me (now
that's _quite_ a while back -- ugh -- the horrors of C shell).  I have
since returned to the fold and use a V8 style Bourne shell.

I had this variable $cshdepth which had a `#' or `%' appended to it
in my .cshrc depending on the uid of the shell.  $cshdepth would then
set part of my prompt, so I'd get a display like this:

    1% /bin/su
    # exec csh

You get the idea?

Boyd Roberts			boyd@necisa.ho.necisa.oz.au

``When the going gets wierd, the weird turn pro...''

nto0302@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil (Bob Fisher) (02/07/91)

From article <1991Feb5.000455.9976@massey.ac.nz>, by news@massey.ac.nz (USENET News System):
> Let's assume a csh invoked from a csh. How do keep track of how far down
> the track, one is? Let's say one has recursively invoked csh, it should be
> possible to discover how far down one is. How does one do it?

The following prefixes a "." to the prompt each time you invoke a new
C shell.  You get a visual reminder each time you get your prompt.

set	prompt="${LEVEL} %! => "
setenv	LEVEL ".${LEVEL}"
Bob Fisher
US Defense Logistics Agency Systems Automation Center
DSAC-TOL, Box 1605, Columbus, OH 43216-5002     614-238-9071 (AV 850-9071)
bfisher@dsac.dla.mil		osu-cis!dsacg1!bfisher

rg@msel.unh.edu (Roger Gonzalez) (02/07/91)

I don't have anything that just prints your arbitrary csh level, but this
handles a couple important cases:

From the default .cshrc I set up new users to source in /:
if ($?prompt == 0) exit
set user = `who am i | cut -d" " -f1 | cut -d\! -f2`
set host = `hostname`
set prefix = $host':'$user
set user2 = `whoami`
if ($user2 == 'root') then
  set suffix = '#'
  set suffix = '%'
if ($user == $user2) then
  set prompt = $prefix$suffix' '
  set prompt = $prefix' ('$user2')'$suffix' '
I realize that this is isn't quite what you want, but I've been asked for
this a couple times before.


"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting
 than the question of whether a submarine can swim" - Edsgar W. Dijkstra 
rg@[msel|unhd].unh.edu        |  UNH Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory
r_gonzalez@unhh.bitnet        |  Durham, NH  03824-3525