burroak@convex.cl.msu.edu (newell franks) (03/02/91)
We have two ethernet lans with HP 9000 series 300 workstations running as discless clusters on them. Both clusters have HP375's as clusterservers and are both running HP-UX 7.0. The two lans are physically about a mile away from each other. We would like to have (limited) communication between the two. Ideally with the ability to transfer files between them and to be able to do system maintenance on the remote cluster w/o having to go over there. We heard or read somewhere that SLIP was the berries for doing this sort of thing, but don't know much about it or where to get it. Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated. Please e-mail responses to: burroak@convex.cl.msu.edu Thanx, Frank Wille