perry (11/04/82)
We here at SUNY Stony Brook are considering purchasing the VAX 11/750 KU750-YG and VAX 11/780 KU780-YY user writable control store options. Undoubtably, the DEC microcode assembler will run under VMS and nothing else. Does anyone in net land know of the where-abouts of any software running under 4.x BSD which will be of help? We are primarily interested in casting the VAX as a graphics workhorse, a role often filled but rarely without special hardware assistance. We are planning a frame buffer system to reside in the VAX address space and would write special microcode (yes, yes, we know the surgeon general has found microcoding hazardous to your health!) to speed things along. Anyone having any comment or knowing anything at all which might be of assistance please call or write: Perry Kivolowitz allegra!sbcs!perry Dept Of Computer Sci or Laboratory Office Bldg peri!sbcs!perry SUNY @ Stony Brook Stony Brook N.Y. 11794 (516) 246 - 7146 Thanks in advance, of course if anything neat turns up I will post to the net - (which news group should this go to?).