[net.wanted] how to find people here

mp (11/04/82)

Maybe the rest of you (who pay for phone lines to carry netnews) don't
mind it, but I find it a waste of time and money to have queries such
as "I'm looking for Rodney Frotz, who's somewhere at Montana Tech..."
posted to the 200 machine on the net, especially on net.general.  It
should take you no more than 2 minutes to track down the phone number
of the switchboard operator at the university or business you're trying
to reach (call 1-areacode-555-1212), and from there it will only take a
few more minutes to get the phone number of the person you're actually
looking for.

For reference, the phone number of the MIT operator is 617-253-1000.
How about the USENET administrators from the major universities and
businesses post their switchboard operator's phone number to
