[comp.unix.questions] New Login: need crypt

jpm@logixwi.uucp (Jan-Piet Mens @ Logix GmbH, Wiesbaden) (03/27/91)

I am writing a new login which should have a few extras (any ideas ?) for
an SCO UNIX 3.2.2 machine.
Apart from the set_auth* stuff which I have found (omegod :-), there is a 
crypt(3) routine in the shared library libc_s that only returns 13 
characters of encrypted password.

SCO UNIX though, allows (and has) passwords with more than 13 encrypted 
characterns in the security database /tcb/files/auth/?/*.

Now the question: Does anyone know how it is done ? Do you have a free
version of crypt() that does that ? Is it somewhere in the archives ?
(No ftp please, just email)

Thank you very much.
Jan-Piet Mens, Logix GmbH				    jpm@logixwi.UUCP
Moritzstr. 50, D-6200 Wiesbaden            ...!uunet!mcsun!unido!logixwi!jpm

nachi@necisa.ho.necisa.oz.au (Nachiappan Muthu) (04/21/91)

jpm@logixwi.uucp (Jan-Piet Mens @ Logix GmbH, Wiesbaden) writes:

> I am writing a new login which should have a few extras (any ideas ?) for
> an SCO UNIX 3.2.2 machine.
> Apart from the set_auth* stuff which I have found (omegod :-), there is a 
> crypt(3) routine in the shared library libc_s that only returns 13 
> characters of encrypted password.
> . . . .
> Now the question: Does anyone know how it is done ? Do you have a free
> version of crypt() that does that ? Is it somewhere in the archives ?

	There is a function called bigcrypt available in /lib/libprot.a in SCO
	UNIX which is capable of crypting passwords of length more than 13.
	Actually bigcrypt() uses crypt() internally.

	The syntax for bigcrypt() is exactly the same as crypt(), just replace
	crpyt() in your program by bigcrypt().  It works, but don't ask me how ?
	Please do not forget to link libprot.a as well as libc_s.a

	Have fun !
*  Nachiappan Muthu                             nachi@necisa.ho.necisa.oz.au
*  11/2 Francis St                              Ph. +61 2 550 8559 (Off)
*  Marrickville - NSW 2204                          +61 2 559 1827 (Res)
*  Australia