swatt (11/23/82)
I am trying to compile a list of all the device drivers available for one or another flavor of UNIX. If you have a driver for any device not supported by the standard distribution, and are willing to distribute it on some condition or another, please mail me. PLEASE MAIL ME THIS INFORMATION -- I WILL POST TO THE NET. There is no need to ask me to send you what I find out. Please do not mail me with hearsay ( "I have a friend of a friend who might ..."), but only with hard information such as could be embodied in the format suggested below; if people do not respond to the news request, I do not have time to track them down. I suggest the form: # Sample Description: Device Name: <Manufacturer and model of device, also other manufacturers' look-alikes, if appropriate> Device Type: <such as "400 MB winchester disk", "6250 bpi tape", "DMA tty multiplexer", etc.> For CPU type: <e.g. "VAX", "PDP-11", "ONYX Z8002"> For UNIX type: <e.g. "4.1bsd", "v7", "v6", "system III"> Availability: <Who can get it> Terms & Cond.: <cost, or whatever [like "send tape ..."] Contact: <Whom to call, write, etc., to get it Use whatever form of address you would prefer to have requests arrive by. If you give a net address, be prepared to transact business by the net.> And of course, anything else people might need to know, such as "Caveats" (a high-brow word for "bugs"). I will re-submit this once a week for a month, and then "close the books". All replies will be acknowledged; if you reply to this and do not receive an acknowledgment in a reasonable time, please re-send. To make things easy, if you can please include in your reply one or two reasonable net mail paths to get back to you, as the "From:" line of your message to me may not be usable directly. [ This is submission # 1] The final talley will be posed to the net no later than the first week in January, 1983. Thank you, - Alan S. Watt ittvax!swatt Reachable via: decvax!ittvax!swatt duke!ittvax!swatt purdue!ittvax!swatt lbl-unix!ittvax!swatt psuvax!ittvax!swatt decvax!ittvax!swatt@Berkeley (I THINK this still works) -------------------------- * UNIX is a trademark of Bell Telephone Laboratories.