[comp.unix.questions] SysVR4 backup system

mbl900@lunch (Mathew BM LIM) (05/14/91)

 	I have some questions about the SysVR4 backup system that someone may 
be able to answer.

1) Can the SysVR4 backup system be made to write to remote devices (eg: a
   exabyte unit on a Sun)?
2) Would this be best achived through mounting the
   target device on the SysVR4 system from the Sun via RFS or by specifying
   to the SysVR4 system that the device is a remote one (assuming that this
   is possible).

Mathew Lim,			| Telephone : +61 6 249 2750
Unix Systems Programmer,	| Fax	    : +61 6 247 3425
ANU Supercomputer Facility,	|

mbl900@anusf.anu.edu.au (Mathew BM LIM) (05/14/91)

Sorry, my .signature file was too long to fit in my previous article, here
it is again ...

Mathew Lim, Unix Systems Programmer, ANU Supercomputer Facility,	
Australian National University,	GPO Box 4, Canberra City, ACT, Australia 2601.
Telephone : +61 6 249 2750 	| ACSnet    : Mathew.BM.Lim@anu.oz
Fax       : +61 6 247 3425	| Internet  : Mathew.BM.Lim@anu.edu.au