(Samuel B. Bassett) (06/23/89)
Herewith the book list sent in answer to my previous request, with additions and emendations from the people listed at the end of this posting {Many Thanks, Y'All!}: ================Intros & Overviews================= >The UNIX Programming Environment Author: Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1984, 357 pages, ISBN 0-13-937699-2, paperback: 0-13-937681-X - This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it. - a good programmer's introduction. >The Unix Environment Author: A.N.Walker. - An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices. >Introducing The UNIX System Author: Henry McGilton and Rachel Morgan Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company 1983, 556 pages, ISBN 0-07-045001-3 - introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book. There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management. I believe there may be a new edition of this book out that has been substantially rewritten. >The Design of the Unix Operating System Author: Maurice J. Bach Publisher: Prentice-Hall - is a good generic introduction to kernel operation. >UNIX Shell Programming Author: Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood Publisher: Hayden Book Company 1985, 422 pages - I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kenighan and Pike for shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer. >O'Reilly and Associates series of Nutshell Books for UNIX. Available by mail order from O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 981 Chestnut Street Newton, MA 02164 or uunet!ora!nuts or 1-800-338-NUTS The "Learning the UNIX Operating System" is a local favourite. >Unix Shell Programming Lowell Jay Arthur Wiley Interscience 1986 ISBN 0-471-83900-0 LC 85-22623 261 pp >UNIX The Complete Reference, Osborne-McGraw Hill, 1988. An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc. >An Introduction to Berkeley UNIX by Paul Wang, 1988. A guide to the Berkeley world. I mention it as a counter to the previous book...there are very few BSD UNIX only texts. >Life With UNIX Author: Don Libes and Sandy Ressler Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1989, pp 350. ISBN 0-13-536657-7. - A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are: UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups, universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where UNIX is now and where its going - companies, standards and dialects are treated at length. UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX. Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of course, source code. Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three different perspectives - user, programmer and adminstrator. Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems. Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX, GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc. This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a "reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus. >A Practical Guide to the Unix System Mark G. Sobell Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Menlo Park, CA 1984 ISBN 0-8053-8910-5 LC 83-21069 428pp ================Berkeley================= >An Introduction to Berkeley Unix Author: P. Wang Publisher: Wadsworth. - If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a more thorough introductory book. >The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System Author : Samuel J. Leffler, Marshall Kirk McKusick, Michael J. Karels, John S. Quarterman. Publisher :Addison-Wesley (Berkley and SunOS) 1988 - seems to be a good book on kernel design for Berkeley Unix; I just started it myself. - We should be hearing about this one any day now!!! John Quarterman had informed me quite some time ago to expect this one in September. These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD. ================System V================= >A Practical Guide to Sys V Unix Author: Mark Sobell. Publisher: Benjamin Cummings - ( I am not sure if this is the exact title) >UNIX System V Bible Author: Stephen Prata and Donald Martin Publisher: Howard Sams & Company >Introducing UNIX System V Rachel Morgan & Henry McGilton 1987 McGraw-Hill It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these parts that it is pretty popular. >Unix Communications. Andersson, Costales and Hendersson. The Waite Group 1987. Covers everything the enduser needs to know about email, USENET and UUCP. >Unix Administrations Guide for System V. Thomas / Farrow Prentice-Hall 1989. Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen. Lars Tunkrans >UNIX for Super-Users Eric Foxley International Computer Science Series, Addison-Wesley,1985 ================A System for the NeXT of us================= >Threads of a New System Author: Prof Richard Rashid in the August 1986 _Unix Review_ - an excellent introduction to the design of Mach, the sort-of object-oriented Unix which runs on the NeXT machine. ================Geeks, Gurus & Wizards================= >Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide Author: Stephen Prata Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co., Indianapolis 1985, 484 pages, ISBN: 067-22403-8. - Prata assumes you know how to login and use and editor. It's very good for shell programing. >Advanced UNIX Programming Author: Marc J. Rochkind Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1985, 265 pages, ISBN 0-13-011818-4, paperback: 0-13-011800-1 - Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control, interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book. The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386 world. >Tricks of the UNIX Masters Author: Russel G Sage Publisher: Howard Sams & Co ISBN 0-672-22449-6. - a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX exposure). >Unix System Administration David Fiedler and Bruce H Hunter Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co) 1986 ISBN 0-8104-6289-3 320 pp >UNIX System: Readings and Applications Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System Vol.2: The UNIX System Author: AT&T Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1987 - These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX: Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984. ================C stuff================= >The C Reference Manual, 2nd Ed. Kernighan & Plaugher The _new_ one . . . >C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition Author: Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. Steele Jr. Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1987, 404 pages, ISBN 0-13-109810-1, paperback: 0-13-109802-0 - An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion rules in the format string, this book is the answer. >Efficient C Author: Thomas Plum and Jim Brodie Publisher: Plum Hall 1985, 150 pages, ISBN 0-911537-05-8 - This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C. Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and fine tuning them. >Notes on the Draft C Standard Author: Thomas Plum Publisher: Plum Hall 1987, 92 pages, ISBN 0-911537-06-6 - Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs from K&R C. >The C Programmer's Handbook Author: M.I. Bolsky Publisher: AT&T Bell Labs and Prentice-Hall 1985, 84 pages, ISBN 0-13-110073-4 - This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading. Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed. >The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language Author: Alan R. Feuer Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1982, 173, ISBN 0-13-109934-5 paperback: 0-13-109926-4 - Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators, bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be concocted with C. >The C Answer Book Author: Clovis L. Tondo and Scott E. Gimpel Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1985, 209 pages, ISBN 0-13-109877-2 - This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding with the 2nd edition of K&R. >C Traps and Pitfalls Author: Andrew Koenig Publisher: Addison-Wesley 1988, 147 pages, ISBN:201-17928-8 - Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back. Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book and would recommend it to anyone who uses C. >Portable C and UNIX System Programming Author: J.E. Lapin Publisher: Prentice-Hall 1987, 249 pages, ISBN 0-13-686494-5 - A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet...... >How to Write Portable Software in C Author: Mark Horton Publisher: Prentice Hall to be released. - I'm waiting! ================Misc/Unknown================= >UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users Author: The Waite Group Editors Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co, Indianapolis 1987, 518 pages, ISBN: 0-672-22578-6. - This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others cover more arcane bits of knowledge. >Writing a Unix Device Driver Author: Janet I. Egan and Thomas J. Teixeira - Masscomp with appendixes on BSD and Xenix >(no title given) 297 pages, ISBN 0-8359-8164-9, paperback: 0-8359-8162-2 - introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive benefit from it. >Unix for People AUTHOR: Birns, Brown and Muster PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. >Unix Power Utilities for Power Users AUTHOR: Muster, Birns and Lurnix PUBLISHER: MIS Press, P.O. Box 5277, Portland, OR 97208, phone 1-800-MANUALS >The AWK Programming Language Aho, Kernighan, Weinberger Addison Wesley 1988 ISBN 0-201-07981-X LC 87-17566 210 pp >Unix Primer Plus Waite,Martin and Prata >Advanced Unix -- A Programmer's Guide S.Prata Published by Howard W Sams and Co. Available in local bookstores or by contacting publisher at 1-800-428-SAMS. ==================Periodicals==================== Unix World magazine Unix Today free newspaper ============================================================================= The above list was compiled from an original by Greg Cook, added to and expanded by Tom Maloney, and with input from (in no particular order, and with approximate addresses): Andy Clews @ Donna Fishbein @ radar%killer Dave Davis @ APG-EMH5.ARPA Tom Poage @ Maarten Litmath @ Tom Painter @ (!) Jayesh Natani @ rd-atlas Stephen Okay @ Jacob Parnas @ Norm Joseph @ oglvee Stephen Freidel @ Merv Graham @ gpstwr Scott Barman @ DTSCPL Robert Layhe @ Lee Gowen @ ssbell.uucp Ken Lee @ Nora Hernandez @ NADC.ARPA Ivan Herman @ Lars Tunkrans @ iclswe Ian Reddy @ Sam'l Bassett, Sterling Software @ NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA 94035 Work: (415) 694-4792; Home: (415) 454-7282 samlb%well@lll-crg.ARPA <Standard Disclaimer> := 'Sterling doesn't _have_ opinions -- much less NASA!'
s@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (06/27/90) (Sam Bassett RCS)
Date: 24 Jun 90 06:35:17 GMT
Organization: Me, myself & I Review & Edit Agency
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions
Subject: (Y.A.B.L.) *** NEW FORMAT ***
{Note: This list is a collection of capsule book reviews taken from the
comp.unix.questions newsgroup over the past couple of years -- the
opinions expressed are those of the original reviewers, who posted them to
c.u.q. -- I have NOT read all of these books, nor do I necessarily have
an opinion on them. I trust that the posters are expert enough to know
what they are/were talking about, however!
S.B.Bassett, Collector
Here is the list formatted in a somewhat organized fashion. I took
the liberty of adding a few more books to the list (including Mark Horton's book
on Portable C). I also filled in quite a bit of the missing information on
the most of the books. Maybe someday we will get it all filled in !?! Let me
know what you think about it. Personally, I find it much more useful in this
format, and having the "basic" information about the books helps when I try to
find it at the local bookstore. Enjoy, and feel free to filter any complaints
and/or suggestions on the new format to me.
..mitch (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1A1056b | (202) 695-5060 }
AUTHOR: Libes, Don
CO-AUTHORS: Ressler, Sandy
SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1989, pp 350
ISBN: 0-13-536657-7
KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview
- A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are:
UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups,
universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in
UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where
UNIX is now and where its going - companies,
standards and dialects are treated at length.
UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX.
Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of
course, source code.
Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three
different perspectives - user, programmer and
Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX
has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems.
Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX,
GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc.
This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but
because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one
reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find
until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a
"reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books
and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing
UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key
insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a
must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus.
{ Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett }
TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment
AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W.
SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1984, pp 357
ISBN: 0-13-937699-2, paperback: 0-13-937681-X
SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone*
- This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it.
- a good programmer's introduction.
TITLE: UNIX System Programming
AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith
CO-AUTHORS: Salama, Ben
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 197, pp 339
ISBN: 0-201-12919-1
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface.
TITLE: The Unix Environment
AUTHOR: Walker, A. N.
- An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for
this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices.
TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System
AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
CO-AUTHORS: Morgan, Rachel
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company
EDITION: 1983, pp 556
ISBN: 0-07-045001-3
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book.
There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best
I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management.
I believe there may be a new edition of this book out that has been
substantially rewritten.
TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: Shell Programming
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1985, pp 422
ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1
KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh
I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that
I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of
systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only
common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kernighan and Pike for
shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or
Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this
book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer.
TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference
AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen
PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill
EDITION: 1988, pp 704
ISBN: 0-07-881299-2
An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style
familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE
have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc.
TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System
AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G.
PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.
EDITION: 1989, pp 700
ISBN: 0-8053-8910-5 LC 83-21069
TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1984, pp 370
ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
KEYWORDS: Introduction
A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system, Bourne
shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and administration.
TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide
AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail
CO-AUTHORS: Anderson, Paul
SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1986, pp 374
ISBN: 0-13-937468-X
KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible.
TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language
AUTHOR: Korn, David G.
CO-AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
SUBJECT: Korn shell programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1989, pp 356
ISBN: 0-13-516972-0
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh.
TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP
AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas
SUBJECT: Networking
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 382
ISBN: 0-13-470154-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
-- From back of book
This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP technology and
the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services provided and the
history of their development.
The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet, the
TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more detail. It
discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as well as showing how
they fit into the internet. In additon to providing details, the book
highlights the general principles underlying network protocols, and explains
why the TCP/IP protocols adapt easily to so many underlying network
technologies. Readers will find a brief summary of the network hardware used
throughout the Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that
are of primary importance to an Internet architect.
TITLE: UNIX Networking
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
EDITION: 1989, pp 400
ISBN: 0-672-48440-4
KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS
SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu>
An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS, X11 and
NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter serves as an
excellent programmers introduction to the topic discussed."
TITLE: UNIX Network Programming
AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard
SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-949876-1
SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens
(201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies
(201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more
(201) 767-5994 for Government orders
TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook
AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi
CO-AUTHORS: Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-933441-6
EDITION: 1989, pp 593
SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <>
{ I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations
from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an
added plus is that the programs listed are available by
anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett }
The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences
between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's also
on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus.
TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix
AUTHOR: Wang, Paul
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company
EDITION: 1988, pp 512
ISBN: 0-534-08862-7
- If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a
more thorough introductory book.
TITLE: A Practical Guide to Sys V Unix
AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark
PUBLISHER: Benjamin Cummings
TITLE: UNIX System V Bible
AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
CO-AUTHORS: Martin, Donald
PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company
ISBN: 0-672-22562-X
This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the UNIX
operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced level
programming for professionals who have prior experience programming in C or
using UNIX.
TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V
AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel
CO-AUTHORS: McGilton, Henry
SUBJECT: Introduction
It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands
and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a
technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these
parts that it is pretty popular.
TITLE: Unix Communications
AUTHOR: Costales, Bryan
SUBJECT: Communication Reference
PUBLISHER: The Waite Group
EDITION: 1987, pp 542
ISBN: 0-672-22511-5
Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET
and UUCP.
TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V
AUTHOR: Thomas, R.
CO-AUTHORS: Farrow, R.
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans
Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most
comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen.
TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users
AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric
SUBJECT: Users Guide
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1985, pp 213
ISBN: 0-201-14228-7
TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment,
AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R.
SUBJECT: Users Guide
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1987 pp 378
ISBN: 0-201-18484-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum
{ Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says:
"has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)"}
TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System
AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J.
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-201799-7
- is a good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V)
TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System
AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J.
CO-AUTHORS: McKusick, Marshall Kirk; Karels, Michael J.; Quarterman, John S.
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1989, pp 471
ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD.
--From back cover--
This book is the first authoritative description of the design and
implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed at the
University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL structure of the
4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and algorithms used in
implementing the system facilites. The book also includes a chaper on the
implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking protocol suite widely implemented
throughout the world.
Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well as
details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the discussion starts at
the system-call level and descends from the interface to the kernel down to
the hardware itself. The kernel includes system facilities such as process
management, memory management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC
mechanism, and network-protocol implementations.
The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an
in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes that the
reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has some familiarity
with any version of the UNIX System and with the C programming language.
Therefor, this book is suitable for operating-system implementors, systems
programmers, and UNIX application developers.
TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide
AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
SUBJECT: Programming Guide
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co.
EDITION: 1985, pp 484
ISBN: 0-067-22403-8.
- Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very
good for shell programing.
TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming
AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 265
ISBN: 0-13-011818-4, paperback: 0-13-011800-1
- Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the
mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an
extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System
Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are
all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into
chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control,
interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening
chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime
I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book.
The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per
System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring
SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386
TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters
AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G.
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co
EDITION: 1987, pp 400
ISBN: 0-672-22449-6.
- a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a
lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got
a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit
above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX
TITLE: Unix System Administration
AUTHOR: Fiedler, David
CO-AUTHORS: Hunter, Bruce H.
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co)
EDITION: 1986, pp 320
ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3
KEYWORDS: Administration
TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1) 013-939845-7 (v2)
APPROX_COST: 19.00 each
Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System
Vol.2: The UNIX System
- These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell
Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX:
Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and
Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984.
TITLE: UNIX Programmers manual volumes 1&2
CO-AUTHORS: Rinehart; Winston
PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories
ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1), 0-03-061742-X (v2)
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition
AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
CO-AUTHORS: Ritchie, Dennis M.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1978. pp 228
ISBN: 0-13-110163-3
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
The Original Bible of C programming
TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition
AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
CO-AUTHORS: Ritchie, Dennis M.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 272
ISBN: 0-13-110362-8
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
The Bible of C programming
TITLE: A Book on C
AUTHOR: Kelley, Al
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
EDITION: 1984, pp 362
ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind.
TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition
AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell
CO-AUTHORS: Prata, Stephen; Martin, Donald
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company
EDITION: 1987, pp 558
ISBN: 0-672-22582-4
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this book
through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the textbook.
TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays
AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 265
ISBN: 0-13-011800-1
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS.
TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P.
CO-AUTHORS: Steele Jr., Guy L.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1987, pp 404
ISBN: 0-13-109810-1, paperback: 0-13-109802-0
An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a
great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the
draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections
that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of
printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion
rules in the format string, this book is the answer.
TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing
AUTHOR: Press, William H.
CO-AUTHORS: Flannery, Brian; Teukolsky, Saul; Vetterling, William
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
EDITION: 1988, pp 735
ISBN: 0-521-35465-X
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve anything
numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal
TITLE: Efficient C
AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
CO-AUTHORS: Brodie, Jim
SUBJECT: C programming
EDITION: 1985, pp 150
ISBN: 0-911537-05-8
This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C.
Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie
the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an
excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting
efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and
fine tuning them.
TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard
AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
SUBJECT: C Programming
EDITION: 1987, pp 92
ISBN: 0-911537-06-6
Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write
this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the
ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the
fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it
makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs
from K&R C.
TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook
AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 84
ISBN: 0-13-110073-4
This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading.
Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed.
TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed.
AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1982, pp 173
ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 paperback: 0-13-109926-4
Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic
arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators,
bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence
and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This
is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be
concocted with C.
TITLE: The C Answer Book
AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L.
CO-AUTHORS: Gimpel, Scott E.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 209
ISBN: 0-13-109877-2
KEYWORDS: K&R answers
This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that
a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding
with the 2nd edition of K&R.
TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls
AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1988, pp 147
ISBN: 0-201-17928-8
Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back.
Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a
book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book
and would recommend it to anyone who uses C.
TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming
AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1987, pp 249
ISBN: 0-13-686494-5
KEYWORDS: Portable
A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet...
TITLE: Portable C Software
AUTHOR: Horton, Mark
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
EDITION: 1990, pp 400
ISBN: 0-13-868050-7
>From the back jacket:
Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and
students who want to write portable C code between System V
implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems.
Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates
each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system
calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined
in detail.
The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how
best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses
common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference
manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability
of the following
o subroutines available in C libraries
o operating system calls
o header include files
o predefined variables in the C library
o UNIX(R) system shell commands
Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and
will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs.
Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it
is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions for
the next edition, please drop me a note at
Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise contributed
to the book.
TITLE: Software Engineering in C.
AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter
CO-AUTHORS: et al.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag
One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended even for
intermediate-level C programmers.
TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs.
AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher
SUBJECT: C programming
KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures
The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books for
learing C programming with different kinds of data structures."
TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users
AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co
EDITION: 1987 pp 518
ISBN: 0-672-22578-6
This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others
cover more arcane bits of knowledge.
TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver
AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I.
CO-AUTHORS: Teixeira, Thomas J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons.
EDITION: 1988, pp 357
ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X
TITLE: (no title given)
AUTHOR: (no author given)
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
EDITION: 19??, pp 297
ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9, paperback: 0-8359-8162-2
Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a
plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously
with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one
does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive
benefit from it.
TITLE: Unix for People
AUTHOR: Birns, Peter
CO-AUTHORS: Brown, P.; Muster John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-937442-6
TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users
AUTHOR: Muster, John
CO-AUTHORS: Birns, Peter
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
EDITION: 1989, pp 420
ISBN: 1-55828-000-6
- Phone 1-800-MANUALS
- From Page 2...
Overview of Contents
If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and remove
files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell commands, you will
be able to complete the exercises in these modules.
If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly through part
or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to several of the other
TITLE: The AWK Programming Language
CO-AUTHORS: Kernighan, Brian; Weinberger, Peter
SUBJECT: AWK Programming
PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley
EDITION: 1988, pp 210
ISBN: 0-201-07981-X LC 87-17566
TITLE: UNIX System Security
AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H.
CO-AUTHORS: Kochan, Stephen G.
SUBJECT: Security
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1985, pp 299
ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
-- From back cover
Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for the
user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will teach you
everything you need to know ot make your system secure and keep it that way.
Topics covered include:
- file and directory permissions
- password security
- how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them
- how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work
- how to write secure programs
- different methods of data encryption -- including the government
standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are
- data encryption over communication networks
- how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system
- how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security
Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and
administration programs.
TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System
AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
SUBJECT: Text Processing
PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 250
ISBN: 0-471-85581-2
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm macros. It also
covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic
TITLE: UNIX Text Processing
AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
CO-AUTHORS: O'Reilly, Tim
SUBJECT: Text Processing
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
EDITION: 1987, pp 665
ISBN: 0-672-46291-5
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users.
TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System
AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
CO-AUTHORS: McNabb, Mary
SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility
PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022
EDITION: 1990, pp 283
ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5
KEYWORDS: What the manual _should_ have been
From the back cover:
Reviewers said: "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro
"Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc.
"Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn
I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like
these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of
various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the
benefit of those of us without source . . .
I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy in
the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I
figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd
have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too
bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^)
TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system
AUTHOR: Curry, David A.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1989, pp 232
ISBN: 0-937175-23-4
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer.
AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 91
ISBN: 0-937175-010-2
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
CO-AUTHORS: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 107
ISBN: 0-937175-09-9
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Managing Projects with Make
AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 77
ISBN: 0-937175-04-8
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF
AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R.
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 176
ISBN: 0-937175-31-5
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
--From back cover
This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation.
Contents include:
- The basics of COFF
- Assembley code relocation process
- COFF file headers
- Relocation structures
- The linking process
- The COFF system in UNIX
- Magic numbers
- The COFF symbolic debug system
- COFF and shared libraries
- Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files
- A sample program to manipulate COFF
TITLE: Programming with Curses
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 71
ISBN: 0-937175-02-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Reading and Writing Termcap Entries
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 71
ISBN: 0-937175-02-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing
AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn
CO-AUTHOR: Adams, Rick
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1989, pp 284
ISBN: 0-937175-93-0
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD)
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 270
ISBN: 0-937175-20-X
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V)
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 270
ISBN: 0-937175-19-6
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Learning the vi Editor
AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 150
ISBN: 0-937175-17-X
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System
AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 76
ISBN: 0-937175-16-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
CO-AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 134
ISBN: 0-937175-21-8
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Checking C programs with lint
AUTHOR: Darwin
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 72
ISBN: 0-937175-30-7
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: termcap and terminfo
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 248
ISBN: 0-937175-22-6
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Threads of a New System
AUTHOR: Rashid, Richard
SUBJECT: Introduction to Mach
PUBLISHER: -- UNIX Review Mag. --
EDITION: August 1986
- an excellent introduction to the design of Mach, the sort-of
object-oriented Unix which runs on the NeXT machine.
Sam'l Bassett, Sterling Software @ NASA Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field CA 94035 Work: (415) 604-4792; Home: (415) 969-2644
<Disclaimer> := 'Sterling doesn't _have_ opinions -- much less NASA!'
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: Bink of an Aye - Portland, OR US - PEP/V32 (1:105/42.0) (Mitch Wright) (11/06/90)
AUTHOR: Libes, Don
CO-AUTHORS: Ressler, Sandy
SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1989, pp 350
ISBN: 0-13-536657-7
KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview
- A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are:
UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups,
universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in
UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where
UNIX is now and where its going - companies,
standards and dialects are treated at length.
UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX.
Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of
course, source code.
Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three
different perspectives - user, programmer and
Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX
has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems.
Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX,
GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc.
This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but
because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one
reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find
until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a
"reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books
and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing
UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key
insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a
must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus.
{ Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett }
TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment
AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W.
SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1984, pp 357
ISBN: 0-13-937699-2, paperback: 0-13-937681-X
SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone*
- This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it.
- a good programmer's introduction.
TITLE: UNIX System Programming
AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith
CO-AUTHORS: Salama, Ben
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 197, pp 339
ISBN: 0-201-12919-1
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface.
TITLE: The Unix Environment
AUTHOR: Walker, A. N.
- An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for
this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices.
TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System
AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
CO-AUTHORS: Morgan, Rachel
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company
EDITION: 1983, pp 556
ISBN: 0-07-045001-3
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book.
There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best
I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management.
I believe there may be a new edition of this book out that has been
substantially rewritten.
TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: Shell Programming
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1985, pp 422
ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1
KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh
I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that
I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of
systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only
common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kernighan and Pike for
shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or
Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this
book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer.
TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference
AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen
PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill
EDITION: 1988, pp 704
ISBN: 0-07-881299-2
An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style
familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE
have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc.
TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System
AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G.
PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.
EDITION: 1989, pp 700
ISBN: 0-8053-8910-5 LC 83-21069
TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1984, pp 370
ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
KEYWORDS: Introduction
A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system, Bourne
shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and administration.
TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide
AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail
CO-AUTHORS: Anderson, Paul
SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1986, pp 374
ISBN: 0-13-937468-X
KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible.
TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language
AUTHOR: Korn, David G.
CO-AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
SUBJECT: Korn shell programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1989, pp 356
ISBN: 0-13-516972-0
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh.
TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP
AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas
SUBJECT: Networking
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 382
ISBN: 0-13-470154-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
-- From back of book
This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP technology and
the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services provided and the
history of their development.
The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet, the
TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more detail. It
discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as well as showing how
they fit into the internet. In additon to providing details, the book
highlights the general principles underlying network protocols, and explains
why the TCP/IP protocols adapt easily to so many underlying network
technologies. Readers will find a brief summary of the network hardware used
throughout the Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that
are of primary importance to an Internet architect.
TITLE: UNIX Networking
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
EDITION: 1989, pp 400
ISBN: 0-672-48440-4
KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS
SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu>
An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS, X11 and
NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter serves as an
excellent programmers introduction to the topic discussed."
TITLE: UNIX Network Programming
AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard
SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-949876-1
SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens
(201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies
(201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more
(201) 767-5994 for Government orders
TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook
AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi
CO-AUTHORS: Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-933441-6
EDITION: 1989, pp 593
SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <>
{ I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations
from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an
added plus is that the programs listed are available by
anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett }
The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences
between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's also
on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus.
TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix
AUTHOR: Wang, Paul
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company
EDITION: 1988, pp 512
ISBN: 0-534-08862-7
- If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a
more thorough introductory book.
TITLE: A Practical Guide to Sys V Unix
AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark
PUBLISHER: Benjamin Cummings
TITLE: UNIX System V Bible
AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
CO-AUTHORS: Martin, Donald
PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company
ISBN: 0-672-22562-X
This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the UNIX
operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced level
programming for professionals who have prior experience programming in C or
using UNIX.
TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V
AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel
CO-AUTHORS: McGilton, Henry
SUBJECT: Introduction
It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands
and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a
technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these
parts that it is pretty popular.
TITLE: Unix Communications
AUTHOR: Costales, Bryan
SUBJECT: Communication Reference
PUBLISHER: The Waite Group
EDITION: 1987, pp 542
ISBN: 0-672-22511-5
Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET
and UUCP.
TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V
AUTHOR: Thomas, R.
CO-AUTHORS: Farrow, R.
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans
Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most
comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen.
TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users
AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric
SUBJECT: Users Guide
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1985, pp 213
ISBN: 0-201-14228-7
TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment,
AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R.
SUBJECT: Users Guide
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1987 pp 378
ISBN: 0-201-18484-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum
{ Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says:
"has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)"}
TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System
AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J.
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-201799-7
- is a good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V)
TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System
AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J.
CO-AUTHORS: McKusick, Marshall Kirk; Karels, Michael J.; Quarterman, John S.
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1989, pp 471
ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD.
--From back cover--
This book is the first authoritative description of the design and
implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed at the
University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL structure of the
4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and algorithms used in
implementing the system facilites. The book also includes a chaper on the
implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking protocol suite widely implemented
throughout the world.
Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well as
details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the discussion starts at
the system-call level and descends from the interface to the kernel down to
the hardware itself. The kernel includes system facilities such as process
management, memory management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC
mechanism, and network-protocol implementations.
The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an
in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes that the
reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has some familiarity
with any version of the UNIX System and with the C programming language.
Therefor, this book is suitable for operating-system implementors, systems
programmers, and UNIX application developers.
TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide
AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
SUBJECT: Programming Guide
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co.
EDITION: 1985, pp 484
ISBN: 0-067-22403-8.
- Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very
good for shell programing.
TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming
AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 265
ISBN: 0-13-011818-4, paperback: 0-13-011800-1
- Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the
mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an
extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System
Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are
all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into
chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control,
interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening
chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime
I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book.
The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per
System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring
SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386
TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters
AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G.
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co
EDITION: 1987, pp 400
ISBN: 0-672-22449-6.
- a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a
lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got
a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit
above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX
TITLE: Unix System Administration
AUTHOR: Fiedler, David
CO-AUTHORS: Hunter, Bruce H.
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co)
EDITION: 1986, pp 320
ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3
KEYWORDS: Administration
TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1) 013-939845-7 (v2)
APPROX_COST: 19.00 each
Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System
Vol.2: The UNIX System
- These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell
Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX:
Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and
Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984.
TITLE: UNIX Programmers manual volumes 1&2
CO-AUTHORS: Rinehart; Winston
PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories
ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1), 0-03-061742-X (v2)
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition
AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
CO-AUTHORS: Ritchie, Dennis M.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1978. pp 228
ISBN: 0-13-110163-3
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
The Original Bible of C programming
TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition
AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
CO-AUTHORS: Ritchie, Dennis M.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 272
ISBN: 0-13-110362-8
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
The Bible of C programming
TITLE: A Book on C
AUTHOR: Kelley, Al
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
EDITION: 1984, pp 362
ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind.
TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition
AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell
CO-AUTHORS: Prata, Stephen; Martin, Donald
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company
EDITION: 1987, pp 558
ISBN: 0-672-22582-4
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this book
through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the textbook.
TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays
AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 265
ISBN: 0-13-011800-1
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS.
TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P.
CO-AUTHORS: Steele Jr., Guy L.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1987, pp 404
ISBN: 0-13-109810-1, paperback: 0-13-109802-0
An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a
great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the
draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections
that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of
printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion
rules in the format string, this book is the answer.
TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing
AUTHOR: Press, William H.
CO-AUTHORS: Flannery, Brian; Teukolsky, Saul; Vetterling, William
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
EDITION: 1988, pp 735
ISBN: 0-521-35465-X
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve anything
numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal
TITLE: Efficient C
AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
CO-AUTHORS: Brodie, Jim
SUBJECT: C programming
EDITION: 1985, pp 150
ISBN: 0-911537-05-8
This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C.
Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie
the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an
excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting
efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and
fine tuning them.
TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard
AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
SUBJECT: C Programming
EDITION: 1987, pp 92
ISBN: 0-911537-06-6
Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write
this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the
ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the
fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it
makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs
from K&R C.
TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook
AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 84
ISBN: 0-13-110073-4
This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading.
Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed.
TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed.
AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1982, pp 173
ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 paperback: 0-13-109926-4
Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic
arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators,
bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence
and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This
is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be
concocted with C.
TITLE: The C Answer Book
AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L.
CO-AUTHORS: Gimpel, Scott E.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 209
ISBN: 0-13-109877-2
KEYWORDS: K&R answers
This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that
a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding
with the 2nd edition of K&R.
TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls
AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1988, pp 147
ISBN: 0-201-17928-8
Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back.
Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a
book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book
and would recommend it to anyone who uses C.
TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming
AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1987, pp 249
ISBN: 0-13-686494-5
KEYWORDS: Portable
A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet...
TITLE: Portable C Software
AUTHOR: Horton, Mark
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
EDITION: 1990, pp 400
ISBN: 0-13-868050-7
>From the back jacket:
Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and
students who want to write portable C code between System V
implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems.
Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates
each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system
calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined
in detail.
The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how
best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses
common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference
manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability
of the following
o subroutines available in C libraries
o operating system calls
o header include files
o predefined variables in the C library
o UNIX(R) system shell commands
Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and
will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs.
Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it
is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions for
the next edition, please drop me a note at
Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise contributed
to the book.
TITLE: Software Engineering in C.
AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter
CO-AUTHORS: et al.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag
One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended even for
intermediate-level C programmers.
TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs.
AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher
SUBJECT: C programming
KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures
The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books for
learing C programming with different kinds of data structures."
TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users
AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co
EDITION: 1987 pp 518
ISBN: 0-672-22578-6
This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others
cover more arcane bits of knowledge.
TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver
AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I.
CO-AUTHORS: Teixeira, Thomas J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons.
EDITION: 1988, pp 357
ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X
TITLE: (no title given)
AUTHOR: (no author given)
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
EDITION: 19??, pp 297
ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9, paperback: 0-8359-8162-2
Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a
plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously
with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one
does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive
benefit from it.
TITLE: Unix for People
AUTHOR: Birns, Peter
CO-AUTHORS: Brown, P.; Muster John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-937442-6
TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users
AUTHOR: Muster, John
CO-AUTHORS: Birns, Peter
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
EDITION: 1989, pp 420
ISBN: 1-55828-000-6
- Phone 1-800-MANUALS
- From Page 2...
Overview of Contents
If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and remove
files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell commands, you will
be able to complete the exercises in these modules.
If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly through part
or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to several of the other
TITLE: The AWK Programming Language
CO-AUTHORS: Kernighan, Brian; Weinberger, Peter
SUBJECT: AWK Programming
PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley
EDITION: 1988, pp 210
ISBN: 0-201-07981-X LC 87-17566
TITLE: UNIX System Security
AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H.
CO-AUTHORS: Kochan, Stephen G.
SUBJECT: Security
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1985, pp 299
ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
-- From back cover
Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for the
user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will teach you
everything you need to know ot make your system secure and keep it that way.
Topics covered include:
- file and directory permissions
- password security
- how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them
- how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work
- how to write secure programs
- different methods of data encryption -- including the government
standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are
- data encryption over communication networks
- how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system
- how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security
Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and
administration programs.
TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System
AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
SUBJECT: Text Processing
PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 250
ISBN: 0-471-85581-2
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm macros. It also
covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic
TITLE: UNIX Text Processing
AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
CO-AUTHORS: O'Reilly, Tim
SUBJECT: Text Processing
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
EDITION: 1987, pp 665
ISBN: 0-672-46291-5
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users.
TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System
AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
CO-AUTHORS: McNabb, Mary
SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility
PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022
EDITION: 1990, pp 283
ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5
KEYWORDS: What the manual _should_ have been
From the back cover:
Reviewers said: "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro
"Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc.
"Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn
I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like
these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of
various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the
benefit of those of us without source . . .
I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy in
the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I
figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd
have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too
bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^)
TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system
AUTHOR: Curry, David A.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1989, pp 232
ISBN: 0-937175-23-4
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer.
AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 91
ISBN: 0-937175-010-2
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
CO-AUTHORS: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 107
ISBN: 0-937175-09-9
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Managing Projects with Make
AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 77
ISBN: 0-937175-04-8
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF
AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R.
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 176
ISBN: 0-937175-31-5
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
--From back cover
This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation.
Contents include:
- The basics of COFF
- Assembley code relocation process
- COFF file headers
- Relocation structures
- The linking process
- The COFF system in UNIX
- Magic numbers
- The COFF symbolic debug system
- COFF and shared libraries
- Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files
- A sample program to manipulate COFF
TITLE: Programming with Curses
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 71
ISBN: 0-937175-02-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Reading and Writing Termcap Entries
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 71
ISBN: 0-937175-02-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing
AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn
CO-AUTHOR: Adams, Rick
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1989, pp 284
ISBN: 0-937175-93-0
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD)
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 270
ISBN: 0-937175-20-X
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V)
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 270
ISBN: 0-937175-19-6
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Learning the vi Editor
AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 150
ISBN: 0-937175-17-X
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System
AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 76
ISBN: 0-937175-16-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
CO-AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 134
ISBN: 0-937175-21-8
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Checking C programs with lint
AUTHOR: Darwin
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 72
ISBN: 0-937175-30-7
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: termcap and terminfo
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 248
ISBN: 0-937175-22-6
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Threads of a New System
AUTHOR: Rashid, Richard
SUBJECT: Introduction to Mach
PUBLISHER: -- UNIX Review Mag. --
EDITION: August 1986
- an excellent introduction to the design of Mach, the sort-of
object-oriented Unix which runs on the NeXT machine.
/mitch (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (202) 695-0262
The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity,
but not necessarily in that order. (Mitch Wright) (11/27/90)
Well, it's about time to post this list again. Suggestions &| comments
can be sent to:
AUTHOR: Libes, Don
CO-AUTHORS: Ressler, Sandy
SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1989, pp 350
ISBN: 0-13-536657-7
KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview
- A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are:
UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups,
universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in
UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where
UNIX is now and where its going - companies,
standards and dialects are treated at length.
UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX.
Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of
course, source code.
Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three
different perspectives - user, programmer and
Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX
has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems.
Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX,
GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc.
This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but
because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one
reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find
until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a
"reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books
and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing
UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key
insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a
must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus.
{ Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett }
TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment
AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W.
SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1984, pp 357
ISBN: 0-13-937699-2, paperback: 0-13-937681-X
SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone*
- This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it.
- a good programmer's introduction.
TITLE: UNIX System Programming
AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith
CO-AUTHORS: Salama, Ben
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 197, pp 339
ISBN: 0-201-12919-1
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface.
TITLE: The Unix Environment
AUTHOR: Walker, A. N.
- An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for
this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices.
TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System
AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
CO-AUTHORS: Morgan, Rachel
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company
EDITION: 1983, pp 556
ISBN: 0-07-045001-3
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book.
There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best
I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management.
I believe there may be a new edition of this book out that has been
substantially rewritten.
TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: Shell Programming
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1985, pp 422
ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1
KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh
I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that
I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of
systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only
common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kernighan and Pike for
shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or
Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this
book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer.
TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference
AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen
PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill
EDITION: 1988, pp 704
ISBN: 0-07-881299-2
An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style
familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE
have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc.
TITLE: UNIX SVR4, The Complete Reference
AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen
PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill
EDITION: 1990 pp 882
ISBN: 0-07-881653-X
An update, revision, expansion, and overall improvement of the
best-selling UNIX, The Complete Reference (ISBN 0-07-881299-2).
Written especially for SVR4. New chapters on csh and ksh, troff,
NFS and networking, and X Window System, as well as wholesale
revision of many other chapters. Well-written, readable, complete;
but does not cover UNIX internals or software development.
TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System
AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G.
PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.
EDITION: 1989, pp 700
ISBN: 0-8053-8910-5 LC 83-21069
TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1984, pp 370
ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
KEYWORDS: Introduction
A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system, Bourne
shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and administration.
TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide
AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail
CO-AUTHORS: Anderson, Paul
SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1986, pp 374
ISBN: 0-13-937468-X
KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible.
TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language
AUTHOR: Korn, David G.
CO-AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
SUBJECT: Korn shell programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1989, pp 356
ISBN: 0-13-516972-0
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh.
TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP
AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas
SUBJECT: Networking
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 382
ISBN: 0-13-470154-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
-- From back of book
This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP technology and
the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services provided and the
history of their development.
The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet, the
TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more detail. It
discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as well as showing how
they fit into the internet. In additon to providing details, the book
highlights the general principles underlying network protocols, and explains
why the TCP/IP protocols adapt easily to so many underlying network
technologies. Readers will find a brief summary of the network hardware used
throughout the Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that
are of primary importance to an Internet architect.
TITLE: UNIX Networking
AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
CO-AUTHORS: Wood, Patrick H.
SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
EDITION: 1989, pp 400
ISBN: 0-672-48440-4
KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS
SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu>
An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS, X11 and
NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter serves as an
excellent programmers introduction to the topic discussed."
TITLE: UNIX Network Programming
AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard
SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-949876-1
SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens
(201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies
(201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more
(201) 767-5994 for Government orders
TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook
AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi
CO-AUTHORS: Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-933441-6
EDITION: 1989, pp 593
SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <>
{ I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations
from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an
added plus is that the programs listed are available by
anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett }
The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences
between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's also
on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus.
TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix
AUTHOR: Wang, Paul
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company
EDITION: 1988, pp 512
ISBN: 0-534-08862-7
- If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a
more thorough introductory book.
TITLE: A Practical Guide to Sys V Unix
AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark
PUBLISHER: Benjamin Cummings
TITLE: UNIX System V Bible
AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
CO-AUTHORS: Martin, Donald
PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company
ISBN: 0-672-22562-X
This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the UNIX
operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced level
programming for professionals who have prior experience programming in C or
using UNIX.
TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V
AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel
CO-AUTHORS: McGilton, Henry
SUBJECT: Introduction
It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands
and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a
technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these
parts that it is pretty popular.
TITLE: Unix Communications
AUTHOR: Costales, Bryan
SUBJECT: Communication Reference
PUBLISHER: The Waite Group
EDITION: 1987, pp 542
ISBN: 0-672-22511-5
Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET
and UUCP.
TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V
AUTHOR: Thomas, R.
CO-AUTHORS: Farrow, R.
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans
Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most
comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen.
TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users
AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric
SUBJECT: Users Guide
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1985, pp 213
ISBN: 0-201-14228-7
TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment,
AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R.
SUBJECT: Users Guide
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1987 pp 378
ISBN: 0-201-18484-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum
{ Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says:
"has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)"}
TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System
AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J.
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-201799-7
- is a good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V)
TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System
AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J.
CO-AUTHORS: McKusick, Marshall Kirk; Karels, Michael J.; Quarterman, John S.
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1989, pp 471
ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD.
--From back cover--
This book is the first authoritative description of the design and
implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed at the
University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL structure of the
4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and algorithms used in
implementing the system facilites. The book also includes a chaper on the
implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking protocol suite widely implemented
throughout the world.
Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well as
details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the discussion starts at
the system-call level and descends from the interface to the kernel down to
the hardware itself. The kernel includes system facilities such as process
management, memory management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC
mechanism, and network-protocol implementations.
The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an
in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes that the
reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has some familiarity
with any version of the UNIX System and with the C programming language.
Therefor, this book is suitable for operating-system implementors, systems
programmers, and UNIX application developers.
TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide
AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
SUBJECT: Programming Guide
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co.
EDITION: 1985, pp 484
ISBN: 0-067-22403-8.
- Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very
good for shell programing.
TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming
AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 265
ISBN: 0-13-011818-4, paperback: 0-13-011800-1
- Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the
mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an
extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System
Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are
all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into
chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control,
interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening
chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime
I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book.
The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per
System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring
SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386
TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters
AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G.
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co
EDITION: 1987, pp 400
ISBN: 0-672-22449-6.
- a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a
lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got
a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit
above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX
TITLE: Unix System Administration
AUTHOR: Fiedler, David
CO-AUTHORS: Hunter, Bruce H.
SUBJECT: System Administration
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co)
EDITION: 1986, pp 320
ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3
KEYWORDS: Administration
TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1) 013-939845-7 (v2)
APPROX_COST: 19.00 each
Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System
Vol.2: The UNIX System
- These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell
Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX:
Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and
Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984.
TITLE: UNIX Programmers manual volumes 1&2
CO-AUTHORS: Rinehart; Winston
PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories
ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1), 0-03-061742-X (v2)
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition
AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
CO-AUTHORS: Ritchie, Dennis M.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1978. pp 228
ISBN: 0-13-110163-3
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
The Original Bible of C programming
TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition
AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
CO-AUTHORS: Ritchie, Dennis M.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 272
ISBN: 0-13-110362-8
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
The Bible of C programming
TITLE: A Book on C
AUTHOR: Kelley, Al
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
EDITION: 1984, pp 362
ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind.
TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition
AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell
CO-AUTHORS: Prata, Stephen; Martin, Donald
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company
EDITION: 1987, pp 558
ISBN: 0-672-22582-4
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this book
through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the textbook.
TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays
AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1988, pp 265
ISBN: ???
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS.
TITLE: UNIX Curses Explained
AUTHOR: Goodheart, Berny
SUBJECT: Complete Curses and Terminfo reference
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1990, pp 304
ISBN: 0-13-931957-3
KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview, Curses
- This is a complete text and reference book on UNIX Curses.
It provides C programmers and UNIX users with the expertise to
create, install and debug, Curses written applications and
terminfo description files using the UNIX System V.3 Operating
Will enable any C programmer to create UNIX Curses or terminfo
based programs.
The text is based on UNIX System V.3 and refers to earlier
releases where appropriate.
In text examples on: using Curses; using Windows; color manipulation;
using an alternative character set; pads; and terminfo.
The book includes a full alphabetical reference section (120pp)
documenting all curses functions from both past and present versions
of the UNIX operating system.
An appendix with terminfo reference tables for both the terminfo
description designer and the C programmer.
TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P.
CO-AUTHORS: Steele Jr., Guy L.
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1987, pp 404
ISBN: 0-13-109810-1, paperback: 0-13-109802-0
An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a
great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the
draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections
that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of
printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion
rules in the format string, this book is the answer.
TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing
AUTHOR: Press, William H.
CO-AUTHORS: Flannery, Brian; Teukolsky, Saul; Vetterling, William
SUBJECT: C Programming
PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
EDITION: 1988, pp 735
ISBN: 0-521-35465-X
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve anything
numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal
TITLE: Efficient C
AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
CO-AUTHORS: Brodie, Jim
SUBJECT: C programming
EDITION: 1985, pp 150
ISBN: 0-911537-05-8
This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C.
Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie
the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an
excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting
efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and
fine tuning them.
TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard
AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
SUBJECT: C Programming
EDITION: 1987, pp 92
ISBN: 0-911537-06-6
Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write
this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the
ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the
fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it
makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs
from K&R C.
TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook
AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
SUBJECT: Reference
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 84
ISBN: 0-13-110073-4
This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading.
Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed.
TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed.
AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1982, pp 173
ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 paperback: 0-13-109926-4
Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic
arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators,
bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence
and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This
is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be
concocted with C.
TITLE: The C Answer Book
AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L.
CO-AUTHORS: Gimpel, Scott E.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1985, pp 209
ISBN: 0-13-109877-2
KEYWORDS: K&R answers
This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that
a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding
with the 2nd edition of K&R.
TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls
AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1988, pp 147
ISBN: 0-201-17928-8
Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back.
Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a
book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book
and would recommend it to anyone who uses C.
TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming
AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
EDITION: 1987, pp 249
ISBN: 0-13-686494-5
KEYWORDS: Portable
A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet...
TITLE: Portable C Software
AUTHOR: Horton, Mark
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
EDITION: 1990, pp 400
ISBN: 0-13-868050-7
>From the back jacket:
Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and
students who want to write portable C code between System V
implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems.
Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates
each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system
calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined
in detail.
The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how
best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses
common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference
manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability
of the following
o subroutines available in C libraries
o operating system calls
o header include files
o predefined variables in the C library
o UNIX(R) system shell commands
Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and
will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs.
Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it
is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions for
the next edition, please drop me a note at
Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise contributed
to the book.
TITLE: Software Engineering in C.
AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter
CO-AUTHORS: et al.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag
One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended even for
intermediate-level C programmers.
TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs.
AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher
SUBJECT: C programming
KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures
The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books for
learing C programming with different kinds of data structures."
TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users
AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite
PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co
EDITION: 1987 pp 518
ISBN: 0-672-22578-6
This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others
cover more arcane bits of knowledge.
TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver
AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I.
CO-AUTHORS: Teixeira, Thomas J.
SUBJECT: Programming
PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons.
EDITION: 1988, pp 357
ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X
TITLE: (no title given)
AUTHOR: (no author given)
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
EDITION: 19??, pp 297
ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9, paperback: 0-8359-8162-2
Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a
plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously
with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one
does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive
benefit from it.
TITLE: Unix for People
AUTHOR: Birns, Peter
CO-AUTHORS: Brown, P.; Muster John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-937442-6
TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users
AUTHOR: Muster, John
CO-AUTHORS: Birns, Peter
SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
EDITION: 1989, pp 420
ISBN: 1-55828-000-6
- Phone 1-800-MANUALS
- From Page 2...
Overview of Contents
If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and remove
files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell commands, you will
be able to complete the exercises in these modules.
If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly through part
or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to several of the other
TITLE: The AWK Programming Language
CO-AUTHORS: Kernighan, Brian; Weinberger, Peter
SUBJECT: AWK Programming
PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley
EDITION: 1988, pp 210
ISBN: 0-201-07981-X LC 87-17566
TITLE: UNIX System Security
AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H.
CO-AUTHORS: Kochan, Stephen G.
SUBJECT: Security
PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
EDITION: 1985, pp 299
ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
-- From back cover
Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for the
user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will teach you
everything you need to know ot make your system secure and keep it that way.
Topics covered include:
- file and directory permissions
- password security
- how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them
- how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work
- how to write secure programs
- different methods of data encryption -- including the government
standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are
- data encryption over communication networks
- how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system
- how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security
Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and
administration programs.
TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System
AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
SUBJECT: Text Processing
PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 250
ISBN: 0-471-85581-2
SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm macros. It also
covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic
TITLE: UNIX Text Processing
AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
CO-AUTHORS: O'Reilly, Tim
SUBJECT: Text Processing
PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
EDITION: 1987, pp 665
ISBN: 0-672-46291-5
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users.
TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System
AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
CO-AUTHORS: McNabb, Mary
SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility
PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022
EDITION: 1990, pp 283
ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5
KEYWORDS: What the manual _should_ have been
From the back cover:
Reviewers said: "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro
"Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc.
"Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn
I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like
these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of
various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the
benefit of those of us without source . . .
I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy in
the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I
figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd
have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too
bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^)
TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system
AUTHOR: Curry, David A.
SUBJECT: C programming
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1989, pp 232
ISBN: 0-937175-23-4
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer.
AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 91
ISBN: 0-937175-010-2
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
CO-AUTHORS: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 107
ISBN: 0-937175-09-9
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Managing Projects with Make
AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 77
ISBN: 0-937175-04-8
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF
AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R.
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 176
ISBN: 0-937175-31-5
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
--From back cover
This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation.
Contents include:
- The basics of COFF
- Assembley code relocation process
- COFF file headers
- Relocation structures
- The linking process
- The COFF system in UNIX
- Magic numbers
- The COFF symbolic debug system
- COFF and shared libraries
- Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files
- A sample program to manipulate COFF
TITLE: Programming with Curses
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 71
ISBN: 0-937175-02-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Reading and Writing Termcap Entries
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1986, pp 71
ISBN: 0-937175-02-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing
AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn
CO-AUTHOR: Adams, Rick
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1989, pp 284
ISBN: 0-937175-93-0
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD)
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 270
ISBN: 0-937175-20-X
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V)
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 270
ISBN: 0-937175-19-6
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Learning the vi Editor
AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 150
ISBN: 0-937175-17-X
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System
AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1987, pp 76
ISBN: 0-937175-16-1
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
CO-AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 134
ISBN: 0-937175-21-8
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Checking C programs with lint
AUTHOR: Darwin
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 72
ISBN: 0-937175-30-7
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: termcap and terminfo
AUTHOR: Strang, John
SUBJECT: Introduction
PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
EDITION: 1988, pp 248
ISBN: 0-937175-22-6
KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
TITLE: Software Tools
AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W.
CO-AUTHORS: Plauger, P. J.
SUBJECT: How to write programs that make good tools.
PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
EDITION: 1976, pp 338
ISBN: 0-201-03669-X
KEYWORDS: programming, top-down design, software engineering.
The language used is RATFOR but it looks enough like C
to be used by anyone who knows or is learning C.
The book purports to contain generic examples that might
be on any system; the reader will recognise many similarities
to UNIX.
Several UNIX-like commands and features are discussed in
detail. Many UNIX design considerations and philosophies
are explained.
TITLE: Threads of a New System
AUTHOR: Rashid, Richard
SUBJECT: Introduction to Mach
PUBLISHER: -- UNIX Review Mag. --
EDITION: August 1986
- an excellent introduction to the design of Mach, the sort-of
object-oriented Unix which runs on the NeXT machine.
..mitch (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (703) 695-0262
``A system without PERL is like a hockey game without a fight.''
-- Mitch Wright (Mitch Wright) (02/03/91)
Since there has been yet another "what book ...." thread, it's time Yet Another Book List to be posted. The list has changed slightly (yes! again) but I think it is for the better (unless I hear a better suggestion). The format has changed to make it darn right trivial to convert to bib format or any other for that matter. I have also put the list into alphabetical order. For complaints, kudos, suggestions, corrections, additions, donations, ... drop me an E-mail note -- TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn AUTHOR: Adams, Rick SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 284 ISBN: 0-937175-93-0 APPROX_COST: 26.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: (no title given) AUTHOR: (no author given) SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: DATE: 19?? PAGES: 297 ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9, paperback: 0-8359-8162-2 COMMENTS Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive benefit from it. TITLE: The AWK Programming Language AUTHOR: Aho, Al AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian AUTHOR: Weinberger, Peter SUBJECT: AWK Programming PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 210 ISBN: 0-201-07981-X LC 87-17566 APPROX_COST: 23.75 TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 265 ISBN: APPROX_COST: 31.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS. TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall EDITION: 1985, pp 265 ISBN: 0-13-011818-4, paperback: 0-13-011800-1 APPROX_COST: 34.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control, interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book. The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386 world. TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen SUBJECT: Programming Guide PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co. DATE: 1985 PAGES: 484 ISBN: 0-067-22403-8. APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very good for shell programing. TITLE: BSD 4.3 Manual Set AUTHOR: University of California Berkeley SUBJECT: 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System DATE: June 1988 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 60.00/set SUGGESTED_BY: An anonymous BSD zealot KNOWN_SUPPLIERS: Printed by the USENIX Association as a service to the UNIX Comm. COMMENTS This is a must for programmers, administrator, and users alike. If you are in contact with the BSD UNIX Operating system, YOU need these manuals! Kudos to the boys at Cory and Evans! TITLE: A Book on C AUTHOR: Kelley, Al AUTHOR: Pohl, Ira SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. DATE: 1984 PAGES: 362 ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4 APPROX_COST: 32.25 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind. TITLE: The C Answer Book AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L. AUTHOR: Gimpel, Scott E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 209 ISBN: 0-13-109877-2 APPROX_COST: 21.00 KEYWORDS: K&R answers COMMENTS This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding with the 2nd edition of K&R. TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company DATE: 1987 PAGES: 558 ISBN: 0-672-22582-4 APPROX_COST: 23.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this book through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the textbook. TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-13-110073-4 APPROX_COST: 22.95 KEYWORDS: C Programming COMMENTS This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading. Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed. TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1978 PAGES: 228 ISBN: 0-13-110163-3 APPROX_COST: 27.00 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX, K&R C SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ** The Original Bible of C programming ** "... a book that ocntains a tutorial introduction to get new userss started as soon as possible, separate chapters on major features and a reference manual" TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 272 ISBN: 0-13-110362-8 APPROX_COST: 28.00 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS The Bible of C programming TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed. AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1982 PAGES: 173 ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 paperback: 0-13-109926-4 APPROX_COST: 26.00 COMMENTS Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators, bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be concocted with C. TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 147 ISBN: 0-201-17928-8 APPROX_COST: 17.50 COMMENTS Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back. Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book and would recommend it to anyone who uses C. TITLE: The C and Unix Dictionary AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Definitions of terms PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 216 ISBN: 0-471-60929-3, 0-471-60931-5 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS Definitions of over 1000 terms in the C and Unix lexicon. TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P. AUTHOR: Steele Jr., Guy L. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 404 ISBN: 0-13-109810-1, paperback: 0-13-109802-0 APPROX_COST: 31.95 COMMENTS An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion rules in the format string, this book is the answer. TITLE: Checking C programs with lint AUTHOR: Darwin SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 72 ISBN: 0-937175-30-7 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Compiler Design in C AUTHOR: Holub, Allen I. SUBJECT: Compiler Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 924 ISBN:0-13-155045-4 KEYWORDS: C Compilers, YACC SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS Great book! And lots of source examples to boot. -=-End-of-List-=- TITLE: DOS Meets UNIX AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 134 ISBN: 0-937175-21-8 APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs. AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher SUBJECT: C programming DATE: 1988 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 41.95 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures COMMENTS The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books for learing C programming with different kinds of data structures." TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J. AUTHOR: McKusick, Marshall Kirk AUTHOR: Karels, Michael J. AUTHOR: Quarterman, John S. SUBJECT: Design of BSD UNIX PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1989 PAGES: 471 ISBN: 0-201-06196-1 APPROX_COST: 39.00 KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel, BSD SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD. --From back cover-- This book is the first authoritative description of the design and implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed at the University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL structure of the 4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and algorithms used in implementing the system facilites. The book also includes a chaper on the implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking protocol suite widely implemented throughout the world. Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well as details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the discussion starts at the system-call level and descends from the interface to the kernel down to the hardware itself. The kernel includes system facilities such as process management, memory management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC mechanism, and network-protocol implementations. The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes that the reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has some familiarity with any version of the UNIX System and with the C programming language. Therefore, this book is suitable for operating-system implementors, systems programmers, and UNIX application developers. TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J. SUBJECT: Design of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-13-201799-7 APPROX_COST: 47.20 KEYWORDS: SYSV, AT&T COMMENTS A good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V) TITLE: Efficient C AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas AUTHOR: Brodie, Jim SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-911537-05-8 APPROX_COST: 25.00 COMMENTS This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C. Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and fine tuning them. TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1984 PAGES: 370 ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0 APPROX_COST: 22.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> KEYWORDS: Introduction COMMENTS A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system, Bourne shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and administration. TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 382 ISBN: 0-13-470154-2 APPROX_COST: 47.00 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back of book This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP technology and the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services provided and the history of their development. The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet, the TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more detail. It discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as well as showing how they fit into the internet. In additon to providing details, the book highlights the general principles underlying network protocols, and explains why the TCP/IP protocols adapt easily to so many underlying network technologies. Readers will find a brief summary of the network hardware used throughout the Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that are of primary importance to an Internet architect. TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company DATE: 1983 PAGES: 556 ISBN: 0-07-045001-3 APPROX_COST: 27.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book. There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management. ... a later edition of this book was targeted specifically to System V. -- Henry TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel CO-AUTHORS: McGilton, Henry SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill DATE: 1987 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these parts that it is pretty popular. TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix AUTHOR: Wang, Paul SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company DATE: 1988 PAGES: 512 ISBN: 0-534-08862-7 APPROX_COST: 36.75 UNIX_FLAVORS: BSD COMMENTS If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a more thorough introductory book. TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language AUTHOR: Korn, David G. AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Korn shell programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 356 ISBN: 0-13-516972-0 APPROX_COST: 30.00 KEYWORDS: ksh, SYSV SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh. TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 76 ISBN: 0-937175-16-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Learning the vi Editor AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-937175-17-X APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Life With UNIX AUTHOR: Libes, Don AUTHOR: Ressler, Sandy SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 350 ISBN: 0-13-536657-7 APPROX_COST: 30.95 KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview COMMENTS - A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are: UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups, universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where UNIX is now and where its going - companies, standards and dialects are treated at length. UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX. Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of course, source code. Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three different perspectives - user, programmer and adminstrator. Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems. Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX, GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc. This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a "reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus. { Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett } TITLE: Managing Projects with Make AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 77 ISBN: 0-937175-04-8 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Managing UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 107 ISBN: 0-937175-09-9 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 92 ISBN: 0-911537-06-6 APPROX_COST: 10.00 COMMENTS Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs from K&R C. TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing AUTHOR: Press, William H. AUTHOR: Flannery, Brian AUTHOR: Teukolsky, Saul AUTHOR: Vetterling, William SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press DATE: 1988 PAGES: 735 ISBN: 0-521-35465-X APPROX_COST: 44.50 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve anything numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal TITLE: Operating Systems, Design and Implementation AUTHOR: Tanenbaum, Andrew S. SUBJECT: OS Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 719 ISBN: 0-13-637406-9 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: MINIX, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover -- o Covers the fundamental principles in detail including processes, interporcess communication, semaphores, monitors, message passing, remote procedure call, scheduling algorithms input/output, deadlocks, device drivers, memory management, paging algorithms, file system design, network file servers, atomic transactions, security, and protection mechanisms. o discusses one system -- MINIX, a UNIXX-compatible operating system -- in detail to illustrate the principles. o provides a complete source code listing of MINIX for study. TITLE: Operating System Design, The XINU approach AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: OS Design Publisher: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1984 PAGES: 486 ISBN: 0-13-637539-1 APPROX_COST: $39.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS: -- From back cover -- In this book, Douglas Comer, dispels the magic from operating system design and consolidates the body of material into a systematic discipline... The author guides you through the construction of a conventional process-based system, using practical straightforward primitives... TITLE: Portable C Software AUTHOR: Horton, Mark SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-13-868050-7 APPROX_COST: 32.95 COMMENTS: ** From the back jacket: Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and students who want to write portable C code between System V implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems. Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined in detail. The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability of the following o subroutines available in C libraries o operating system calls o header include files o predefined variables in the C library o UNIX(R) system shell commands Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs. Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions for the next edition, please drop me a note at Mark.Horton@ATT.COM Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise contributed to the book. -- Mark TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 249 ISBN: 0-13-686494-5 KEYWORDS: Portable C COMMENTS A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet... TITLE: A Practical Guide to Sys V Unix AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark SUBJECT: SYSV Guide PUBLISHER: Benjamin Cummings DATE: 1985 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 32.25 TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G. SUBJECT: UNIX Guide PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 700 ISBN: 0-8053-8910-5 LC 83-21069 APPROX_COST: 27.95 TITLE: Programming with Curses AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 71 ISBN: 0-937175-02-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Reading and Writing Termcap Entries AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 71 ISBN: 0-937175-02-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Software Engineering in C. AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter AUTHOR: et. al. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag DATE: 1988 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: COMMENTS One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended even for intermediate-level C programmers. TITLE: Software Tools AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Plauger, P. J. SUBJECT: How to write programs that make good tools. PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1976 PAGES: 338 ISBN: 0-201-03669-X APPROX_COST: $20.00 KEYWORDS: programming, top-down design, software engineering. COMMENTS The language used is RATFOR but it looks enough like C to be used by anyone who knows or is learning C. The book purports to contain generic examples that might be on any system; the reader will recognise many similarities to UNIX. Several UNIX-like commands and features are discussed in detail. Many UNIX design considerations and philosophies are explained. TITLE: Termcap and Terminfo AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 248 ISBN: 0-937175-22-6 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-22449-6. APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX exposure). TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry CO-AUTHORS: McNabb, Mary SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022 DATE: 1990 PAGES: 283 ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5 APPROX_COST: 20.00 KEYWORDS: Typesetting, tbl, troff COMMENTS -- From the back cover: Reviewers said: "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro "Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc. "Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the benefit of those of us without source . . . I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy in the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^) TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail AUTHOR: Anderson, Paul SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1986 PAGES: 374 ISBN: 0-13-937468-X APPROX_COST: 31.00 KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible. TITLE: UNIX Curses Explained AUTHOR: Goodheart, Berny SUBJECT: Complete Curses and Terminfo reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 304 ISBN: 0-13-931957-3 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview, Curses COMMENTS This is a complete text and reference book on UNIX Curses. It provides C programmers and UNIX users with the expertise to create, install and debug, Curses written applications and terminfo description files using the UNIX System V.3 Operating System. Will enable any C programmer to create UNIX Curses or terminfo based programs. The text is based on UNIX System V.3 and refers to earlier releases where appropriate. In text examples on: using Curses; using Windows; color manipulation; using an alternative character set; pads; and terminfo. The book includes a full alphabetical reference section (120pp) documenting all curses functions from both past and present versions of the UNIX operating system. An appendix with terminfo reference tables for both the terminfo description designer and the C programmer. TITLE: UNIX Network Programming AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 772 ISBN: 0-13-949876-1 EDITION: 1990 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: TCP/IP, XNS, SNA, NetBIOS, OSI, UUCP SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens KNOWN_SUPPLIERS (201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies (201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more (201) 767-5994 for Government orders COMMENTS -- From back cover As networking software becomes increasingly importat in today's world, a book that teaches programmers how to write and how better to use this technology has finally arrived. ... is unique because it includes numerous case studies of real network applications, as well as approximately 15,000 lines of C source code, take directly from their source files, to help further understanding of networking software. [ Source is available for anon. ftp at ~mitch ] TITLE: UNIX Networking AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1989 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-48440-4 APPROX_COST: 29.95 KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu> COMMENTS An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS, X11 and NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter serves as an excellent programmers introduction to the topic discussed." TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 518 ISBN: 0-672-22578-6 APPROX_COST: 26.95 COMMENTS This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others cover more arcane bits of knowledge. TITLE: UNIX Programmers manual volumes 1&2 AUTHOR: Holt AUTHOR: Rinehart; Winston SUBJECT: UNIX... PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1), 0-03-061742-X (v2) APPROX_COST: TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Pike, Rob SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall YEAR: 1984 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-13-937699-2, paperback: 0-13-937681-X APPROX_COST: 25.95 SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone* COMMENTS This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it. a good programmer's introduction. TITLE: UNIX SVR4, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1990 PAGES: 882 ISBN: 0-07-881653-X APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: S.Coffin <> COMMENTS An update, revision, expansion, and overall improvement of the best-selling UNIX, The Complete Reference (ISBN 0-07-881299-2). Written especially for SVR4. New chapters on csh and ksh, troff, NFS and networking, and X Window System, as well as wholesale revision of many other chapters. Well-written, readable, complete; but does not cover UNIX internals or software development. TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Shell Programming PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 442 ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh COMMENTS I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kernighan and Pike for shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer. TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi CO-AUTHORS: Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-933441-6 DATE: 1989 PAGES: 593 APPROX_COST: 32.00 KEYWORDS: SunOS, BSD, Administration SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <> COMMENTS { I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an added plus is that the programs listed are available by anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett } The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's also on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus. TITLE: UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith AUTHOR: Salama, Ben SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 339 ISBN: 0-201-12919-1 APPROX_COST: 27.95 COMMENTS Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface. TITLE: UNIX System Security AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. SUBJECT: UNIX Security PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 299 ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2 APPROX_COST: 34.95 KEYWORDS: Security SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for the user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will teach you everything you need to know ot make your system secure and keep it that way. Topics covered include: - file and directory permissions - password security - how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them - how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work - how to write secure programs - different methods of data encryption -- including the government standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are - data encryption over communication networks - how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system - how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and administration programs. TITLE: UNIX System V Bible AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald SUBJECT: SYSV Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-672-22562-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the UNIX operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced level programming for professionals who have prior experience programming in C or using UNIX. TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R. SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 378 ISBN: 0-201-18484-2 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum COMMENTS Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says: "has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)" TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications AUTHOR: AT&T SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1) 013-939845-7 (v2) APPROX_COST: 19.00 each COMMENTS Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System Vol.2: The UNIX System These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX: Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984. TITLE: UNIX Text Processing AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1987 PAGES: 665 ISBN: 0-672-46291-5 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users. TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 250 ISBN: 0-471-85581-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm macros. It also covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1985 PAGES: 213 ISBN: 0-201-14228-7 APPROX_COST: 27.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 270 ISBN: 0-937175-20-X APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 270 ISBN: 0-937175-19-6 APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1988 PAGES: 704 ISBN: 0-07-881299-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc. TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R. SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 176 ISBN: 0-937175-31-5 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS -- From back cover This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation. Contents include: - The basics of COFF - Assembley code relocation process - COFF file headers - Relocation structures - The linking process - The COFF system in UNIX - Magic numbers - The COFF symbolic debug system - COFF and shared libraries - Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files - A sample program to manipulate COFF [ Source used in this book is available via ftp from UUNET ~mitch ] TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V AUTHOR: Thomas, R. AUTHOR: Farrow, R. SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 34.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans COMMENTS Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen. TITLE: The Unix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Unix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 361 ISBN: 0-471-85580-4 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Unix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Unix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, and the Bourne shell. There are many examples. TITLE: Unix Communications AUTHOR: Costales, Bryan SUBJECT: Communication Reference PUBLISHER: The Waite Group DATE: 1987 PAGES: 542 ISBN: 0-672-22511-5 APPROX_COST: 26.95 KEYWORDS: UUCP, USENET COMMENTS Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET and UUCP. TITLE: The Unix Environment AUTHOR: Walker, A. N. SUBJECT: UNIX PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-471-90564-X APPROX_COST: 26.95 COMMENTS An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices. TITLE: The Unix Operating System, Second Edition AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Comprehensive introduction to Unix PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 455 ISBN: 0-471-84782-8, 0-471-84781-X (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is the second edition of a widely used, widely translated primevil Unix book. It is a comprehensive introductory book that goes into more detail than most. While it is not a very good introduction for people who will only use the system superficially, it is an excellent introduction for those who plan to master the Unix system. It includes sections on the most useful utilities, shell programming, vi editing, and system internals. TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users AUTHOR: Muster, John AUTHOR: Birns, Peter SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: MIS Press DATE: 1989 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 1-55828-000-6 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KNOWN_SUPPLIERS Phone 1-800-MANUALS COMMENTS ** From Page 2... Overview of Contents If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and remove files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell commands, you will be able to complete the exercises in these modules. If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly through part or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to several of the other modules. TITLE: Unix System Administration AUTHOR: Fiedler, David AUTHOR: Hunter, Bruce H. SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co) DATE: 1986 PAGES: 320 ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3 APPROX_COST: 24.94 KEYWORDS: Administration COMMENTS -- From back cover -- An essential guide for anyone who owns or operates a UNIX system. The clear presentation and easy-to-follow style make it suitable for the user who does not have a technical background. [...] Using step-by-step guidelines for complex procedures, the book includes information on: - making back-ups - configuring systems - writing shell programs - connecting a printer, a terminal, and other devices - communicating with other systems TITLE: Unix for People AUTHOR: Birns, Peter AUTHOR: Brown, P. AUTHOR: Muster, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-13-937442-6 APPROX_COST: 28.00 TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system AUTHOR: Curry, David A. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 232 ISBN: 0-937175-23-4 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer. TITLE: Using UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 91 ISBN: 0-937175-010-2 APPROX_COST: 17.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I. AUTHOR: Teixeira, Thomas J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: BSD, Xenix TITLE: The Xenix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare AUTHOR: Richter, Susan SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Xenix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 0-471-61707-5 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Xenix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Xenix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, the Bourne shell, and system administration. There are many examples. -- ..mitch (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (703) 695-0262 ``A system without PERL is like a hockey game without a fight.'' -- Mitch Wright (Mitch Wright) (03/03/91)
Well, it's that time of the month again.... There have been several additions, updates, and corrections. For us GNU Emacs users, elisp variables have been added to the end to put you into outline-mode for even easier reading. A special thanks to: Aydin Edguer <> for filling in several blanks. ~mitch _______________________________________________________________________________ (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (703) 695-0262 _______________________________________________________________________________ ``The Orange book -- Kid tested, NSA approved'' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- C U T =-= H E R E -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn AUTHOR: Adams, Rick SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 284 ISBN: 0-937175-93-0 APPROX_COST: 26.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: (no title given) AUTHOR: (no author given) SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: DATE: 19?? PAGES: 297 ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9, paperback: 0-8359-8162-2 COMMENTS Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive benefit from it. TITLE: The AWK Programming Language AUTHOR: Aho, Al AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian AUTHOR: Weinberger, Peter SUBJECT: AWK Programming PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 210 ISBN: 0-201-07981-X LC 87-17566 APPROX_COST: 23.75 TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 265 ISBN: APPROX_COST: 31.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS. TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall EDITION: 1985, pp 265 ISBN: 0-13-011818-4, paperback: 0-13-011800-1 APPROX_COST: 34.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control, interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book. The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386 world. TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen SUBJECT: Programming Guide PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co. DATE: 1985 PAGES: 484 ISBN: 0-067-22403-8. APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very good for shell programing. TITLE: BSD 4.3 Manual Set AUTHOR: University of California Berkeley SUBJECT: 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System DATE: June 1988 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 60.00/set SUGGESTED_BY: An anonymous BSD zealot KNOWN_SUPPLIERS: Printed by the USENIX Association as a service to the UNIX Comm. COMMENTS This is a must for programmers, administrator, and users alike. If you are in contact with the BSD UNIX Operating system, YOU need these manuals! Kudos to the boys at Cory and Evans! TITLE: A Book on C AUTHOR: Kelley, Al AUTHOR: Pohl, Ira SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. DATE: 1984 PAGES: 362 ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4 APPROX_COST: 32.25 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind. TITLE: The C Answer Book AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L. AUTHOR: Gimpel, Scott E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 209 ISBN: 0-13-109877-2 APPROX_COST: 21.00 KEYWORDS: K&R answers COMMENTS This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding with the 2nd edition of K&R. TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company DATE: 1987 PAGES: 558 ISBN: 0-672-22582-4 APPROX_COST: 23.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this book through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the textbook. TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-13-110073-4 APPROX_COST: 22.95 KEYWORDS: C Programming COMMENTS This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading. Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed. TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1978 PAGES: 228 ISBN: 0-13-110163-3 APPROX_COST: 27.00 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX, K&R C SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ** The Original Bible of C programming ** "... a book that ocntains a tutorial introduction to get new userss started as soon as possible, separate chapters on major features and a reference manual" TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 272 ISBN: 0-13-110362-8 APPROX_COST: 28.00 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS The Bible of C programming TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed. AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1982 PAGES: 173 ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 paperback: 0-13-109926-4 APPROX_COST: 26.00 COMMENTS Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators, bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be concocted with C. TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 147 ISBN: 0-201-17928-8 APPROX_COST: 17.50 COMMENTS Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back. Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book and would recommend it to anyone who uses C. TITLE: The C and Unix Dictionary AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Definitions of terms PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 216 ISBN: 0-471-60929-3, 0-471-60931-5 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS Definitions of over 1000 terms in the C and Unix lexicon. TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P. AUTHOR: Steele Jr., Guy L. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 404 ISBN: 0-13-109810-1, paperback: 0-13-109802-0 APPROX_COST: 31.95 COMMENTS An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion rules in the format string, this book is the answer. TITLE: Checking C programs with lint AUTHOR: Darwin SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 72 ISBN: 0-937175-30-7 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Compiler Design in C AUTHOR: Holub, Allen I. SUBJECT: Compiler Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 924 ISBN:0-13-155045-4 KEYWORDS: C Compilers, YACC SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS Great book! And lots of source examples to boot. -=-End-of-List-=- TITLE: DOS Meets UNIX AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 134 ISBN: 0-937175-21-8 APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs. AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher SUBJECT: C programming DATE: 1988 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 41.95 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures COMMENTS The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books for learing C programming with different kinds of data structures." TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J. AUTHOR: McKusick, Marshall Kirk AUTHOR: Karels, Michael J. AUTHOR: Quarterman, John S. SUBJECT: Design of BSD UNIX PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1989 PAGES: 471 ISBN: 0-201-06196-1 APPROX_COST: 39.00 KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel, BSD SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD. --From back cover-- This book is the first authoritative description of the design and implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed at the University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL structure of the 4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and algorithms used in implementing the system facilites. The book also includes a chaper on the implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking protocol suite widely implemented throughout the world. Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well as details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the discussion starts at the system-call level and descends from the interface to the kernel down to the hardware itself. The kernel includes system facilities such as process management, memory management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC mechanism, and network-protocol implementations. The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes that the reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has some familiarity with any version of the UNIX System and with the C programming language. Therefore, this book is suitable for operating-system implementors, systems programmers, and UNIX application developers. TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J. SUBJECT: Design of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-13-201799-7 APPROX_COST: 47.20 KEYWORDS: SYSV, AT&T COMMENTS A good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V) TITLE: Efficient C AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas AUTHOR: Brodie, Jim SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-911537-05-8 APPROX_COST: 25.00 COMMENTS This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C. Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and fine tuning them. TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1984 PAGES: 370 ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0 APPROX_COST: 22.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> KEYWORDS: Introduction COMMENTS A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system, Bourne shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and administration. TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 382 ISBN: 0-13-470154-2 APPROX_COST: 47.00 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back of book This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP technology and the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services provided and the history of their development. The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet, the TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more detail. It discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as well as showing how they fit into the internet. In additon to providing details, the book highlights the general principles underlying network protocols, and explains why the TCP/IP protocols adapt easily to so many underlying network technologies. Readers will find a brief summary of the network hardware used throughout the Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that are of primary importance to an Internet architect. TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company DATE: 1983 PAGES: 556 ISBN: 0-07-045001-3 APPROX_COST: 27.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book. There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management. ... a later edition of this book was targeted specifically to System V. -- Henry TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel CO-AUTHORS: McGilton, Henry SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill DATE: 1987 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these parts that it is pretty popular. TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix AUTHOR: Wang, Paul SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company DATE: 1988 PAGES: 512 ISBN: 0-534-08862-7 APPROX_COST: 36.75 UNIX_FLAVORS: BSD COMMENTS If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a more thorough introductory book. TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language AUTHOR: Korn, David G. AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Korn shell programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 356 ISBN: 0-13-516972-0 APPROX_COST: 30.00 KEYWORDS: ksh, SYSV SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh. TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 76 ISBN: 0-937175-16-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Learning the vi Editor AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-937175-17-X APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Life With UNIX AUTHOR: Libes, Don AUTHOR: Ressler, Sandy SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 350 ISBN: 0-13-536657-7 APPROX_COST: 30.95 KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview COMMENTS - A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are: UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups, universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where UNIX is now and where its going - companies, standards and dialects are treated at length. UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX. Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of course, source code. Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three different perspectives - user, programmer and adminstrator. Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems. Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX, GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc. This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a "reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus. { Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett } TITLE: Managing Projects with Make AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 77 ISBN: 0-937175-04-8 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Managing UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 107 ISBN: 0-937175-09-9 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 92 ISBN: 0-911537-06-6 APPROX_COST: 10.00 COMMENTS Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs from K&R C. TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing AUTHOR: Press, William H. AUTHOR: Flannery, Brian AUTHOR: Teukolsky, Saul AUTHOR: Vetterling, William SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press DATE: 1988 PAGES: 735 ISBN: 0-521-35465-X APPROX_COST: 44.50 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve anything numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal TITLE: Operating Systems, Design and Implementation AUTHOR: Tanenbaum, Andrew S. SUBJECT: OS Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 719 ISBN: 0-13-637406-9 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: MINIX, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover -- o Covers the fundamental principles in detail including processes, interporcess communication, semaphores, monitors, message passing, remote procedure call, scheduling algorithms input/output, deadlocks, device drivers, memory management, paging algorithms, file system design, network file servers, atomic transactions, security, and protection mechanisms. o discusses one system -- MINIX, a UNIXX-compatible operating system -- in detail to illustrate the principles. o provides a complete source code listing of MINIX for study. TITLE: Operating System Design, The XINU approach AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: OS Design Publisher: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1984 PAGES: 486 ISBN: 0-13-637539-1 APPROX_COST: $39.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS: -- From back cover -- In this book, Douglas Comer, dispels the magic from operating system design and consolidates the body of material into a systematic discipline... The author guides you through the construction of a conventional process-based system, using practical straightforward primitives... TITLE: Portable C Software AUTHOR: Horton, Mark SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-13-868050-7 APPROX_COST: 32.95 COMMENTS: ** From the back jacket: Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and students who want to write portable C code between System V implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems. Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined in detail. The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability of the following o subroutines available in C libraries o operating system calls o header include files o predefined variables in the C library o UNIX(R) system shell commands Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs. Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions for the next edition, please drop me a note at Mark.Horton@ATT.COM Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise contributed to the book. -- Mark TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 249 ISBN: 0-13-686494-5 KEYWORDS: Portable C COMMENTS A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet... TITLE: A Practical Guide to Sys V Unix AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark SUBJECT: SYSV Guide PUBLISHER: Benjamin Cummings DATE: 1985 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 32.25 TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G. SUBJECT: UNIX Guide PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 700 ISBN: 0-8053-8910-5 LC 83-21069 APPROX_COST: 27.95 TITLE: Programming with Curses AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 71 ISBN: 0-937175-02-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Reading and Writing Termcap Entries AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 71 ISBN: 0-937175-02-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Software Engineering in C. AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter AUTHOR: et. al. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag DATE: 1988 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: COMMENTS One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended even for intermediate-level C programmers. TITLE: Software Tools AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Plauger, P. J. SUBJECT: How to write programs that make good tools. PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1976 PAGES: 338 ISBN: 0-201-03669-X APPROX_COST: $20.00 KEYWORDS: programming, top-down design, software engineering. COMMENTS The language used is RATFOR but it looks enough like C to be used by anyone who knows or is learning C. The book purports to contain generic examples that might be on any system; the reader will recognise many similarities to UNIX. Several UNIX-like commands and features are discussed in detail. Many UNIX design considerations and philosophies are explained. TITLE: Termcap and Terminfo AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 248 ISBN: 0-937175-22-6 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-22449-6. APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX exposure). TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry CO-AUTHORS: McNabb, Mary SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022 DATE: 1990 PAGES: 283 ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5 APPROX_COST: 20.00 KEYWORDS: Typesetting, tbl, troff COMMENTS -- From the back cover: Reviewers said: "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro "Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc. "Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the benefit of those of us without source . . . I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy in the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^) TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail AUTHOR: Anderson, Paul SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1986 PAGES: 374 ISBN: 0-13-937468-X APPROX_COST: 31.00 KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible. TITLE: UNIX Curses Explained AUTHOR: Goodheart, Berny SUBJECT: Complete Curses and Terminfo reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 304 ISBN: 0-13-931957-3 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview, Curses COMMENTS This is a complete text and reference book on UNIX Curses. It provides C programmers and UNIX users with the expertise to create, install and debug, Curses written applications and terminfo description files using the UNIX System V.3 Operating System. Will enable any C programmer to create UNIX Curses or terminfo based programs. The text is based on UNIX System V.3 and refers to earlier releases where appropriate. In text examples on: using Curses; using Windows; color manipulation; using an alternative character set; pads; and terminfo. The book includes a full alphabetical reference section (120pp) documenting all curses functions from both past and present versions of the UNIX operating system. An appendix with terminfo reference tables for both the terminfo description designer and the C programmer. TITLE: UNIX Network Programming AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 772 ISBN: 0-13-949876-1 EDITION: 1990 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: TCP/IP, XNS, SNA, NetBIOS, OSI, UUCP SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens KNOWN_SUPPLIERS (201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies (201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more (201) 767-5994 for Government orders COMMENTS -- From back cover As networking software becomes increasingly importat in today's world, a book that teaches programmers how to write and how better to use this technology has finally arrived. ... is unique because it includes numerous case studies of real network applications, as well as approximately 15,000 lines of C source code, take directly from their source files, to help further understanding of networking software. [ Source is available for anon. ftp at ~mitch ] TITLE: UNIX Networking AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1989 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-48440-4 APPROX_COST: 29.95 KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu> COMMENTS An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS, X11 and NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter serves as an excellent programmers introduction to the topic discussed." TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 518 ISBN: 0-672-22578-6 APPROX_COST: 26.95 COMMENTS This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others cover more arcane bits of knowledge. TITLE: UNIX Programmers manual volumes 1&2 AUTHOR: Holt AUTHOR: Rinehart; Winston SUBJECT: UNIX... PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1), 0-03-061742-X (v2) APPROX_COST: TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Pike, Rob SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall YEAR: 1984 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-13-937699-2, paperback: 0-13-937681-X APPROX_COST: 25.95 SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone* COMMENTS This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it. a good programmer's introduction. TITLE: UNIX SVR4, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1990 PAGES: 882 ISBN: 0-07-881653-X APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: S.Coffin <> COMMENTS An update, revision, expansion, and overall improvement of the best-selling UNIX, The Complete Reference (ISBN 0-07-881299-2). Written especially for SVR4. New chapters on csh and ksh, troff, NFS and networking, and X Window System, as well as wholesale revision of many other chapters. Well-written, readable, complete; but does not cover UNIX internals or software development. TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Shell Programming PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 442 ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh COMMENTS I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kernighan and Pike for shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer. TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi CO-AUTHORS: Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-933441-6 DATE: 1989 PAGES: 593 APPROX_COST: 32.00 KEYWORDS: SunOS, BSD, Administration SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <> COMMENTS { I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an added plus is that the programs listed are available by anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett } The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's also on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus. TITLE: UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith AUTHOR: Salama, Ben SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 339 ISBN: 0-201-12919-1 APPROX_COST: 27.95 COMMENTS Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface. TITLE: UNIX System Security AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. SUBJECT: UNIX Security PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 299 ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2 APPROX_COST: 34.95 KEYWORDS: Security SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for the user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will teach you everything you need to know ot make your system secure and keep it that way. Topics covered include: - file and directory permissions - password security - how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them - how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work - how to write secure programs - different methods of data encryption -- including the government standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are - data encryption over communication networks - how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system - how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and administration programs. TITLE: UNIX System V Bible AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald SUBJECT: SYSV Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-672-22562-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the UNIX operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced level programming for professionals who have prior experience programming in C or using UNIX. TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R. SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 378 ISBN: 0-201-18484-2 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum COMMENTS Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says: "has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)" TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications AUTHOR: AT&T SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1) 013-939845-7 (v2) APPROX_COST: 19.00 each COMMENTS Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System Vol.2: The UNIX System These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX: Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984. TITLE: UNIX Text Processing AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1987 PAGES: 665 ISBN: 0-672-46291-5 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users. TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 250 ISBN: 0-471-85581-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm macros. It also covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1985 PAGES: 213 ISBN: 0-201-14228-7 APPROX_COST: 27.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 270 ISBN: 0-937175-20-X APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 270 ISBN: 0-937175-19-6 APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1988 PAGES: 704 ISBN: 0-07-881299-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc. TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R. SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 176 ISBN: 0-937175-31-5 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS -- From back cover This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation. Contents include: - The basics of COFF - Assembley code relocation process - COFF file headers - Relocation structures - The linking process - The COFF system in UNIX - Magic numbers - The COFF symbolic debug system - COFF and shared libraries - Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files - A sample program to manipulate COFF [ Source used in this book is available via ftp from UUNET ~mitch ] TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V AUTHOR: Thomas, R. AUTHOR: Farrow, R. SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: ISBN: APPROX_COST: 34.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans COMMENTS Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen. TITLE: The Unix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Unix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 361 ISBN: 0-471-85580-4 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Unix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Unix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, and the Bourne shell. There are many examples. TITLE: Unix Communications AUTHOR: Costales, Bryan SUBJECT: Communication Reference PUBLISHER: The Waite Group DATE: 1987 PAGES: 542 ISBN: 0-672-22511-5 APPROX_COST: 26.95 KEYWORDS: UUCP, USENET COMMENTS Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET and UUCP. TITLE: The Unix Environment AUTHOR: Walker, A. N. SUBJECT: UNIX PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-471-90564-X APPROX_COST: 26.95 COMMENTS An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices. TITLE: The Unix Operating System, Second Edition AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Comprehensive introduction to Unix PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 455 ISBN: 0-471-84782-8, 0-471-84781-X (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is the second edition of a widely used, widely translated primevil Unix book. It is a comprehensive introductory book that goes into more detail than most. While it is not a very good introduction for people who will only use the system superficially, it is an excellent introduction for those who plan to master the Unix system. It includes sections on the most useful utilities, shell programming, vi editing, and system internals. TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users AUTHOR: Muster, John AUTHOR: Birns, Peter SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: MIS Press DATE: 1989 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 1-55828-000-6 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KNOWN_SUPPLIERS Phone 1-800-MANUALS COMMENTS ** From Page 2... Overview of Contents If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and remove files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell commands, you will be able to complete the exercises in these modules. If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly through part or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to several of the other modules. TITLE: Unix System Administration AUTHOR: Fiedler, David AUTHOR: Hunter, Bruce H. SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co) DATE: 1986 PAGES: 320 ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3 APPROX_COST: 24.94 KEYWORDS: Administration COMMENTS -- From back cover -- An essential guide for anyone who owns or operates a UNIX system. The clear presentation and easy-to-follow style make it suitable for the user who does not have a technical background. [...] Using step-by-step guidelines for complex procedures, the book includes information on: - making back-ups - configuring systems - writing shell programs - connecting a printer, a terminal, and other devices - communicating with other systems TITLE: Unix for People AUTHOR: Birns, Peter AUTHOR: Brown, P. AUTHOR: Muster, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: PAGES: ISBN: 0-13-937442-6 APPROX_COST: 28.00 TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system AUTHOR: Curry, David A. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 232 ISBN: 0-937175-23-4 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer. TITLE: Using UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 91 ISBN: 0-937175-010-2 APPROX_COST: 17.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> KNOWN_SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I. AUTHOR: Teixeira, Thomas J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: BSD, Xenix TITLE: The Xenix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare AUTHOR: Richter, Susan SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Xenix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 0-471-61707-5 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Xenix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Xenix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, the Bourne shell, and system administration. There are many examples. A special thanks to: Aydin Edguer <> for filling in several blanks. For complaints, kudos, suggestions, corrections, additions, donations, ... drop me an E-mail note -- TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn AUTHOR: Adams, Rick SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 438 ISBN: 0-937175-K15-393-0 APPROX_COST: 27.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: The AWK Programming Language AUTHOR: Aho, Al AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian AUTHOR: Weinberger, Peter SUBJECT: AWK Programming PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 210 ISBN: 0-201-07981-X LC: 87-17566 APPROX_COST: 23.75 TITLE: The Art of Distributed Appl., Programming Techniques for RPC AUTHOR: Corbin, John R. PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag (Part of Sun Techincal Reference Library) DATE: 1991 PAGES: 558 ISBN: 0-387-97247-1 APPROX_Cost: 39.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Betty Jo Armstead, Sverdrup" <> COMMENTS An excellent book for anyone starting to develop RPC applications.his The book covers SUN style RPC programming with lots of examples. the It covers XDR, RPC Protocol, RPC programming, Low-level RPC Programming, Additional RPC Library Features, RPCGEN, Developing RPC-based Distributed Applications and the future of RPC programming. The books also hints at multithreaded RPC applications, but provides no examples and very little discussion on this topic. TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 331 ISBN: 0-13-010240-07 APPROX_COST: 32.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS. TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall EDITION: 1985, pp 265 ISBN: 0-13-011818-4 HBK ISBN: 0-13-011800-1 PBK APPROX_COST: 32.95 HBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 PBK KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control, interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book. The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386 world. TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen SUBJECT: Programming Guide PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co. DATE: 1985 PAGES: 484 ISBN: 0-067-22403-8. APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very good for shell programing. TITLE: BSD 4.3 Manual Set AUTHOR: University of California Berkeley SUBJECT: 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System DATE: June 1988 PAGES: <lots> ISBN: <unknown> APPROX_COST: 60.00/set SUGGESTED_BY: An anonymous BSD zealot SUPPLIERS: Printed by the USENIX Association as a service to the UNIX Comm. COMMENTS This is a must for programmers, administrator, and users alike. If you are in contact with the BSD UNIX Operating system, YOU need these manuals! Kudos to the boys at Cory and Evans! TITLE: A Book on C AUTHOR: Kelley, Al AUTHOR: Pohl, Ira SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. DATE: 1984 PAGES: 362 ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4 APPROX_COST: 32.25 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind. TITLE: Checking C Programs AUTHOR: Darwin, Ian F. SUBJECT: lint PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates DATE: 1990 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-937175-30-7 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: lint, C, nutshell SUPPLIERS: E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS: The lint program checker has proven itself time and again to be one of the best tools for finding portability problems and certain types of coding errors in C programs. This book introduces you to lint, guides you through running it on your programs and helps you to interpret lint's output. TITLE: The C Answer Book AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L. AUTHOR: Gimpel, Scott E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 209 ISBN: 0-13-109877-2 APPROX_COST: 21.00 KEYWORDS: K&R answers COMMENTS This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding with the 2nd edition of K&R. TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company DATE: 1987 PAGES: 558 ISBN: 0-672-22582-4 APPROX_COST: 23.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this book through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the textbook. TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-13-110073-4 APPROX_COST: 22.95 KEYWORDS: C Programming COMMENTS This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading. Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed. TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1978 PAGES: 228 ISBN: 0-13-110163-3 APPROX_COST: 27.00 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX, K&R C SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ** The Original Bible of C programming ** "... a book that ocntains a tutorial introduction to get new userss started as soon as possible, separate chapters on major features and a reference manual" TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 272 ISBN: 0-13-110362-8 APPROX_COST: 28.00 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS The Bible of C programming TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed. AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1982 PAGES: 173 ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 HBK ISBN: 0-13-109926-4 PBK APPROX_COST: 26.00 COMMENTS Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators, bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be concocted with C. TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 147 ISBN: 0-201-17928-8 APPROX_COST: 17.50 COMMENTS Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back. Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book and would recommend it to anyone who uses C. TITLE: The C and Unix Dictionary AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Definitions of terms PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 216 ISBN: 0-471-60929-3 HBK ISBN: 0-471-60931-5 PBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS Definitions of over 1000 terms in the C and Unix lexicon. TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P. AUTHOR: Steele Jr., Guy L. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 404 ISBN: 0-13-109810-1 HBK ISBN: 0-13-109802-0 PBK APPROX_COST: 31.95 COMMENTS An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion rules in the format string, this book is the answer. TITLE: Checking C programs with lint AUTHOR: Darwin SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 72 ISBN: 0-937175-30-7 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Compiler Design in C AUTHOR: Holub, Allen I. SUBJECT: Compiler Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 924 ISBN:0-13-155045-4 KEYWORDS: C Compilers, YACC SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS Great book! And lots of source examples to boot. TITLE: DOS Meets UNIX AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 134 ISBN: 0-937175-21-8 APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs. AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher SUBJECT: C programming DATE: 1989 PAGES: 387 ISBN: 0-201161-16-8 APPROX_COST: 41.95 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures COMMENTS The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books for learing C programming with different kinds of data structures." [ *** NOTE: Has been reprinted with corrections *** ] TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J. AUTHOR: McKusick, Marshall Kirk AUTHOR: Karels, Michael J. AUTHOR: Quarterman, John S. SUBJECT: Design of BSD UNIX PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1989 PAGES: 471 ISBN: 0-201-06196-1 APPROX_COST: 39.00 KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel, BSD SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD. --From back cover-- This book is the first authoritative description of the design and implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed at the University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL structure of the 4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and algorithms used in implementing the system facilites. The book also includes a chaper on the implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking protocol suite widely implemented throughout the world. Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well as details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the discussion starts at the system-call level and descends from the interface to the kernel down to the hardware itself. The kernel includes system facilities such as process management, memory management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC mechanism, and network-protocol implementations. The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes that the reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has some familiarity with any version of the UNIX System and with the C programming language. Therefore, this book is suitable for operating-system implementors, systems programmers, and UNIX application developers. TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J. SUBJECT: Design of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1986 PAGES: 471 ISBN: 0-13-201799-7 APPROX_COST: 47.20 KEYWORDS: SYSV, AT&T COMMENTS A good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V) TITLE: Efficient C AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas AUTHOR: Brodie, Jim SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-911537-05-8 APPROX_COST: 25.00 COMMENTS This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C. Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and fine tuning them. TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1984 PAGES: 370 ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0 APPROX_COST: 22.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> KEYWORDS: Introduction COMMENTS A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system, Bourne shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and administration. TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 382 ISBN: 0-13-470154-2 APPROX_COST: 47.00 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back of book This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP technology and the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services provided and the history of their development. The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet, the TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more detail. It discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as well as showing how they fit into the internet. In additon to providing details, the book highlights the general principles underlying network protocols, and explains why the TCP/IP protocols adapt easily to so many underlying network technologies. Readers will find a brief summary of the network hardware used throughout the Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that are of primary importance to an Internet architect. TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company DATE: 1983 PAGES: 556 ISBN: 0-07-045001-3 APPROX_COST: 27.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book. There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management. ... a later edition of this book was targeted specifically to System V. -- Henry TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel CO-AUTHORS: McGilton, Henry SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill DATE: 1987 PAGES: 612 ISBN: 0-07-043152-3 APPROX_COST: 24.95 COST: $19.95 PBK COMMENTS It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these parts that it is pretty popular. TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix AUTHOR: Wang, Paul SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company DATE: 1988 PAGES: 512 ISBN: 0-534-08862-7 APPROX_COST: 36.75 UNIX_FLAVORS: BSD COMMENTS If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a more thorough introductory book. TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language AUTHOR: Korn, David G. AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Korn shell programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 356 ISBN: 0-13-516972-0 APPROX_COST: 30.00 KEYWORDS: ksh, SYSV SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh. TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 76 ISBN: 0-937175-16-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Learning the vi Editor AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-937175-17-X APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Life With UNIX AUTHOR: Libes, Don AUTHOR: Ressler, Sandy SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 350 ISBN: 0-13-536657-7 APPROX_COST: 30.95 KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview COMMENTS - A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are: UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups, universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where UNIX is now and where its going - companies, standards and dialects are treated at length. UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX. Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of course, source code. Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three different perspectives - user, programmer and adminstrator. Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems. Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX, GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc. This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a "reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus. { Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett } TITLE: Managing Projects with Make AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-937175-18-8 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Managing UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 289 ISBN: 0-937175-48-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 92 ISBN: 0-911537-06-6 APPROX_COST: 10.00 COMMENTS Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs from K&R C. TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing AUTHOR: Press, William H. AUTHOR: Flannery, Brian AUTHOR: Teukolsky, Saul AUTHOR: Vetterling, William SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press DATE: 1988 PAGES: 735 ISBN: 0-521-35465-X APPROX_COST: 44.50 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve anything numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal TITLE: The Open Book AUTHOR: Rose, Marshall T. SUBJECT: OSI PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 651 ISBN: 0-13-643016-3 APPROX_COST: KEYWORDS: Networking SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS: -- From back cover -- This book is an important contribution to the networking literature for two reasons. First, it is one of the clearest expositions of the OSI architecture and protocols, and it deals with concrete issues, including implementation matters. Second, it seeks to explicate ways in which the TCP/IP Internet community may accommodate the phased introduction of OSI protocols. This latter contribution is of prime importance if this large and rapidly growing community is to benefit from the heavy vendor community investment in OSI software and services. -- Vint Cerf, Chariman, Internet Activities Board TITLE: Operating Systems, Design and Implementation AUTHOR: Tanenbaum, Andrew S. SUBJECT: OS Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 719 ISBN: 0-13-637406-9 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: MINIX, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover -- o Covers the fundamental principles in detail including processes, interporcess communication, semaphores, monitors, message passing, remote procedure call, scheduling algorithms input/output, deadlocks, device drivers, memory management, paging algorithms, file system design, network file servers, atomic transactions, security, and protection mechanisms. o discusses one system -- MINIX, a UNIXX-compatible operating system -- in detail to illustrate the principles. o provides a complete source code listing of MINIX for study. TITLE: Operating System Design, The XINU approach AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: OS Design Publisher: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1984 PAGES: 486 ISBN: 0-13-637539-1 APPROX_COST: $39.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS: -- From back cover -- In this book, Douglas Comer, dispels the magic from operating system design and consolidates the body of material into a systematic discipline... The author guides you through the construction of a conventional process-based system, using practical straightforward primitives... TITLE: Portable C Software AUTHOR: Horton, Mark SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-13-868050-7 APPROX_COST: 32.95 COMMENTS: ** From the back jacket: Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and students who want to write portable C code between System V implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems. Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined in detail. The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability of the following o subroutines available in C libraries o operating system calls o header include files o predefined variables in the C library o UNIX(R) system shell commands Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs. Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions for the next edition, please drop me a note at Mark.Horton@ATT.COM Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise contributed to the book. -- Mark TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 249 ISBN: 0-13-686494-5 KEYWORDS: Portable C COMMENTS A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet... TITLE: A Practical guide to UNIX System V AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G. SUBJECT: UNIX System V PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. DATE: 1985 PAGES: 577 ISBN: 0-80-538915-6 APPROX_COST: 32.25 TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System (2nd ed.) AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G. SUBJECT: UNIX Guide PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 632 ISBN: 0-80-530243-3 APPROX_COST: 27.95 TITLE: Programming perl AUTHOR: Wall, Larry AUTHOR: Schwartz, Randal L. SUBJECT: Programming in perl PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1991 PAGES: 456 ISBN: 0-937175-64-1 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: perl, nutshell SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS: E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS: OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! I've had mine since USENIX and it's been with me since then. I just dont leave home without it. This book is for you if you are even slightly interested in perl as a language, and it's easy reading and excellent examples will make you, as Randal would say ``Just Another Perl Hacker''. It is even worth reading if you are not *yet* interested in the language. Programming perl is very light reading and in the words of Larry: "...mildly amusing in some spots (and wildly amusing in others)." From back cover: Perl is a language for easily manipulating text files and processes. Perl provides a more concise and readable way to do many jobs that were formally accomplished (with difficulty) by programming in the C language or one of the shells. Even though Perl is not yet a standard part of UNIX, it is likely to be available at any UNIX site. And if it isn't, users can get it and install it easily and FREE of charge. TITLE: Programming with Curses AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 76 ISBN: 0-937175-02-1 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Software Engineering in C. AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter A. AUTHOR: Margolis, Philip E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag DATE: 1988 PAGES: 612 ISBN: 0-387-96574-2 APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: COMMENTS One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended even for intermediate-level C programmers. TITLE: Software Tools AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Plauger, P. J. SUBJECT: How to write programs that make good tools. PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1976 PAGES: 338 ISBN: 0-201-03669-X APPROX_COST: $20.00 KEYWORDS: programming, top-down design, software engineering. COMMENTS The language used is RATFOR but it looks enough like C to be used by anyone who knows or is learning C. The book purports to contain generic examples that might be on any system; the reader will recognise many similarities to UNIX. Several UNIX-like commands and features are discussed in detail. Many UNIX design considerations and philosophies are explained. TITLE: System Performance Tuning AUTHOR: Loukides, Mike SUBJECT: System Performance PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 230 ISBN: 0-937175-60-9 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: performance, nutshell SUPPLIERS: E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS: *** From: ORA Fall/Winter 1990 Catalog System Performance Tuning answers one of the most fundamental questions you can ask abou your computer: "How can I get it to do more work without buying more hardware?" Anyone who has ever used a computer has periodically wished that the system was faster, particularly at times when it was under heavy load. TITLE: Termcap & Terminfo AUTHOR: Strang, John AUTHOR: Mui, Linda AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 270 ISBN: 0-937175-22-6 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-22449-6. APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX exposure). TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry CO-AUTHORS: McNabb, Mary SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022 DATE: 1990 PAGES: 283 ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5 APPROX_COST: 20.00 KEYWORDS: Typesetting, tbl, troff COMMENTS -- From the back cover: Reviewers said: "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro "Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc. "Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the benefit of those of us without source . . . I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy in the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^) TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail AUTHOR: Anderson, Paul SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1986 PAGES: 374 ISBN: 0-13-937468-X APPROX_COST: 31.00 KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible. TITLE: UNIX Curses Explained AUTHOR: Goodheart, Berny SUBJECT: Complete Curses and Terminfo reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 304 ISBN: 0-13-931957-3 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview, Curses COMMENTS This is a complete text and reference book on UNIX Curses. It provides C programmers and UNIX users with the expertise to create, install and debug, Curses written applications and terminfo description files using the UNIX System V.3 Operating System. Will enable any C programmer to create UNIX Curses or terminfo based programs. The text is based on UNIX System V.3 and refers to earlier releases where appropriate. In text examples on: using Curses; using Windows; color manipulation; using an alternative character set; pads; and terminfo. The book includes a full alphabetical reference section (120pp) documenting all curses functions from both past and present versions of the UNIX operating system. An appendix with terminfo reference tables for both the terminfo description designer and the C programmer. TITLE: UNIX Network Programming AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 772 ISBN: 0-13-949876-1 EDITION: 1990 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: TCP/IP, XNS, SNA, NetBIOS, OSI, UUCP SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens SUPPLIERS (201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies (201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more (201) 767-5994 for Government orders COMMENTS -- From back cover As networking software becomes increasingly importat in today's world, a book that teaches programmers how to write and how better to use this technology has finally arrived. ... is unique because it includes numerous case studies of real network applications, as well as approximately 15,000 lines of C source code, take directly from their source files, to help further understanding of networking software. [ Source is available for anon. ftp at ~mitch ] TITLE: UNIX Networking AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1989 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-48440-4 APPROX_COST: 29.95 KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu> COMMENTS An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS, X11 and NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter serves as an excellent programmers introduction to the topic discussed." TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 518 ISBN: 0-672-22578-6 APPROX_COST: 26.95 COMMENTS This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others cover more arcane bits of knowledge. TITLE: UNIX time-sharing system : UNIX programmer's manual vol 1&2 AUTHOR: BELL Laboratories PUBLISHERS: Holt, Rinehart and Winston SUBJECT: UNIX... PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories DATE: 1983 PAGES: ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1) ISBN: 0-03-061742-X (v2) APPROX_COST: TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Pike, Rob SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall YEAR: 1984 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-13-937699-2 HBK ISBN: 0-13-937681-X PBK APPROX_COST: 25.95 SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone* COMMENTS This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it. a good programmer's introduction. TITLE: UNIX SVR4, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1990 PAGES: 882 ISBN: 0-07-881653-X APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: S.Coffin <> COMMENTS An update, revision, expansion, and overall improvement of the best-selling UNIX, The Complete Reference (ISBN 0-07-881299-2). Written especially for SVR4. New chapters on csh and ksh, troff, NFS and networking, and X Window System, as well as wholesale revision of many other chapters. Well-written, readable, complete; but does not cover UNIX internals or software development. TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Shell Programming PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 442 ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh COMMENTS I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kernighan and Pike for shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer. TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi CO-AUTHORS: Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-933441-6 DATE: 1989 PAGES: 593 APPROX_COST: 32.00 KEYWORDS: SunOS, BSD, Administration SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <> COMMENTS { I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an added plus is that the programs listed are available by anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett } The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's also on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus. TITLE: UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith AUTHOR: Salama, Ben SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 339 ISBN: 0-201-12919-1 APPROX_COST: 27.95 COMMENTS Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface. TITLE: UNIX System Security AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. SUBJECT: UNIX Security PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 299 ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2 APPROX_COST: 34.95 KEYWORDS: Security SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for the user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will teach you everything you need to know ot make your system secure and keep it that way. Topics covered include: - file and directory permissions - password security - how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them - how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work - how to write secure programs - different methods of data encryption -- including the government standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are - data encryption over communication networks - how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system - how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and administration programs. TITLE: UNIX System V Bible AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald AUTHOR: The Waite Group SUBJECT: SYSV Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company DATE: 1987 PAGES: 516 ISBN: 0-672-22562-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the UNIX operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced level programming for professionals who have prior experience programming in C or using UNIX. TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R. SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 378 ISBN: 0-201-18484-2 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum COMMENTS Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says: "has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)" TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications AUTHOR: AT&T SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1) ISBN: 013-939845-7 (v2) APPROX_COST: 19.00 each COMMENTS Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System Vol.2: The UNIX System These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX: Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984. TITLE: UNIX Text Processing AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1987 PAGES: 665 ISBN: 0-672-46291-5 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users. TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 250 ISBN: 0-471-85581-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm macros. It also covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1985 PAGES: 213 ISBN: 0-201-14228-7 APPROX_COST: 27.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 272 ISBN: 0-937175-20-X APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 296 ISBN: 0-937175-19-6 APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1988 PAGES: 704 ISBN: 0-07-881299-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc. TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R. SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 196 ISBN: 0-937175-31-5 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS -- From back cover This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation. Contents include: - The basics of COFF - Assembley code relocation process - COFF file headers - Relocation structures - The linking process - The COFF system in UNIX - Magic numbers - The COFF symbolic debug system - COFF and shared libraries - Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files - A sample program to manipulate COFF [ Source used in this book is available via ftp from UUNET ~mitch ] TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V AUTHOR: Thomas, Rebecca AUTHOR: Farrow, Rik SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 636 ISBN: 0-139-42889-5 APPROX_COST: 34.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans COMMENTS Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen. TITLE: The Unix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Unix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 361 ISBN: 0-471-85580-4 PBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Unix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Unix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, and the Bourne shell. There are many examples. TITLE: Unix Communications AUTHOR: Costales, Bryan SUBJECT: Communication Reference PUBLISHER: The Waite Group DATE: 1987 PAGES: 542 ISBN: 0-672-22511-5 APPROX_COST: 26.95 KEYWORDS: UUCP, USENET COMMENTS Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET and UUCP. TITLE: The Unix Environment AUTHOR: Walker, A. N. SUBJECT: UNIX PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons DATE: 1984 PAGES: 151 ISBN: 0-471-90564-X APPROX_COST: 20.40 COMMENTS An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices. TITLE: The Unix Operating System, Second Edition AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Comprehensive introduction to Unix PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 455 ISBN: 0-471-84782-8 HBK ISBN: 0-471-84781-X PBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is the second edition of a widely used, widely translated primevil Unix book. It is a comprehensive introductory book that goes into more detail than most. While it is not a very good introduction for people who will only use the system superficially, it is an excellent introduction for those who plan to master the Unix system. It includes sections on the most useful utilities, shell programming, vi editing, and system internals. TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users AUTHOR: Muster, John AUTHOR: Birns, Peter SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: MIS Press DATE: 1989 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 1-55828-000-6 APPROX_COST: 24.95 SUPPLIERS Phone 1-800-MANUALS COMMENTS ** From Page 2... Overview of Contents If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and remove files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell commands, you will be able to complete the exercises in these modules. If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly through part or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to several of the other modules. TITLE: Unix System Administration AUTHOR: Fiedler, David AUTHOR: Hunter, Bruce H. SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co) DATE: 1986 PAGES: 320 ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3 APPROX_COST: 24.94 KEYWORDS: Administration COMMENTS -- From back cover -- An essential guide for anyone who owns or operates a UNIX system. The clear presentation and easy-to-follow style make it suitable for the user who does not have a technical background. [...] Using step-by-step guidelines for complex procedures, the book includes information on: - making back-ups - configuring systems - writing shell programs - connecting a printer, a terminal, and other devices - communicating with other systems TITLE: Unix for People AUTHOR: Birns, Peter M. AUTHOR: Brown, Patrick B. AUTHOR: Muster, John C. SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 528 ISBN: 0-13-937442-6 PBK ISBN: 0-13-937459-0 HBK APPROX_COST: 28.00 TITLE: Using the UNIX system AUTHOR: Gauthier, Richard L. SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: DATE: 1981 PAGES: 297 ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9 HBK ISBN: 0-8359-8162-2 PBK COMMENTS Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive benefit from it. TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system AUTHOR: Curry, David A. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 232 ISBN: 0-937175-23-4 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer. TITLE: Using UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: Todino, Grace AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 210 ISBN: 0-937175-10-2 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I. AUTHOR: Teixeira, Thomas J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: BSD, Xenix TITLE: The Xenix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare AUTHOR: Richter, Susan SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Xenix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 0-471-61707-5 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Xenix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Xenix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, the Bourne shell, and system administration. There are many examples. Local Variables: mode: outline selective-display-ellipses: nil outline-regexp: "TITLE: " eval: (hide-body) End: -- ..mitch (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (703) 695-0262 ``A system without PERL is like a hockey game without a fight.'' -- Mitch Wright (TECHbooks Official Login) (03/27/91)
In article <> (Mitch Wright) writes: >For complaints, kudos, suggestions, corrections, additions, donations, ... >drop me an E-mail note -- >TITLE: (no title given) Using the UNIX System >AUTHOR: (no author given) Richard Gauthier >SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX >PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall (Reston imprint) >DATE: 19?? 1982 >PAGES: 297 >ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9, paperback: 0-8359-8162-2 Hardcover is listed as out-of-print by "Books in Print", but is in the current Prentice-Hall catalog. >COMMENTS > Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read > this on a plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever > worked seriously with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates > Tutorial style book this one does not require you to be sitting down > in front of a crt in order to derive benefit from it. > Softcover should go for about $25, hardcover (if available) for $35. >TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays >AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. >SUBJECT: Programming >PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall >ISBN: 0-13-010240-7 >APPROX_COST: 31.95 35.95 >TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming >EDITION: 1985, pp 265 >ISBN: 0-13-011818-4, paperback: 0-13-011800-1 Hardcover is out-of-print and not listed in Prentice-Hall catalog. >APPROX_COST: 34.95 35.95 >TITLE: A Book on C >AUTHOR: Kelley, Al >AUTHOR: Pohl, Ira >SUBJECT: C Programming >PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. >DATE: 1984 1990 >PAGES: 362 525 >ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4 0-8053-0060-0 >APPROX_COST: 32.25 >SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> >COMMENTS This book has been replaced by a second edition, which includes (of course) ANSI C. > This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind. > >TITLE: The C Answer Book >AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L. >AUTHOR: Gimpel, Scott E. >SUBJECT: C programming >PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall >DATE: 1985 1989 >PAGES: 209 >ISBN: 0-13-109877-2 0-13-109653-2 >APPROX_COST: 21.00 >KEYWORDS: K&R answers >COMMENTS > This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I > believe that a second edition of this book has also been recently > published corresponding with the 2nd edition of K&R. Right. >TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus >AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell >AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen >AUTHOR: Martin, Donald This guy got dropped from the list of authors. >SUBJECT: C programming >PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company >DATE: 1987 >PAGES: 558 >ISBN: 0-672-22582-4 0-672-22687-1 >APPROX_COST: 23.95 29.95 >TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook >APPROX_COST: 22.95 24.95 >TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition >APPROX_COST: 27.00 More like 30.00 >TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition >PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall >DATE: 1988 >PAGES: 272 >ISBN: 0-13-110362-8 >APPROX_COST: 28.00 32.00 Also available in hardcover (ISBN 0-13-110370-9 for approx. $45) >TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed. >AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R. >SUBJECT: C programming >PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall >DATE: 1982 1989 >PAGES: 173 >ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 paperback: 0-13-109926-4 >TITLE: The C and Unix Dictionary >AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare >SUBJECT: Definitions of terms >PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. >DATE: 1988 >PAGES: 216 >ISBN: 0-471-60929-3, 0-471-60931-5 (pbk) >APPROX_COST: 24.95 32.95 and 19.95 >TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition 3rd Edition >AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P. >AUTHOR: Steele Jr., Guy L. >SUBJECT: C Programming >PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall >DATE: 1987 1991 >PAGES: 404 392 >ISBN: 0-13-109810-1, paperback: 0-13-109802-0 0-13-110933-2 for paperback >APPROX_COST: 31.95 24.95 >TITLE: Compiler Design in C 48.00 (?) >TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs. >PAGES: >ISBN: >TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System >APPROX_COST: 39.00 41.95 >TITLE: Efficient C >APPROX_COST: 25.00 29.95 I got this far before I got tired. I'll come back and finish off the rest of the list later this week. I'll also try to get some more definite prices from various publishers. Most publishers raise their prices at the start of each year, and some raise their prices in the summer, too. -- Voice: +1 503 646-8257 FAX: +1 503 248-6320 - or - Public Access UNIX site: +1 503 644-8135 ...!uunet!techbook!orders TECHbooks sells technical (and other) books at discounted prices. Authorized SCO and ESIX resellers. (Mitch Wright) (05/17/91)
Date: Fri May 17 10:45:59 EDT 1991 For complaints, kudos, suggestions, corrections, additions, donations, ... drop me an E-mail note -- TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn AUTHOR: Adams, Rick SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 438 ISBN: 0-937175-K15-393-0 APPROX_COST: 27.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: The AWK Programming Language AUTHOR: Aho, Al AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian AUTHOR: Weinberger, Peter SUBJECT: AWK Programming PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 210 ISBN: 0-201-07981-X LC: 87-17566 APPROX_COST: 23.75 TITLE: The Art of Distributed Appl., Programming Techniques for RPC AUTHOR: Corbin, John R. PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag (Part of Sun Techincal Reference Library) DATE: 1991 PAGES: 558 ISBN: 0-387-97247-1 APPROX_Cost: 39.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Betty Jo Armstead, Sverdrup" <> COMMENTS An excellent book for anyone starting to develop RPC applications.his The book covers SUN style RPC programming with lots of examples. the It covers XDR, RPC Protocol, RPC programming, Low-level RPC Programming, Additional RPC Library Features, RPCGEN, Developing RPC-based Distributed Applications and the future of RPC programming. The books also hints at multithreaded RPC applications, but provides no examples and very little discussion on this topic. TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 331 ISBN: 0-13-010240-07 APPROX_COST: 32.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS. TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall EDITION: 1985, pp 265 ISBN: 0-13-011818-4 HBK ISBN: 0-13-011800-1 PBK APPROX_COST: 32.95 HBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 PBK KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control, interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book. The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386 world. TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen SUBJECT: Programming Guide PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co. DATE: 1985 PAGES: 484 ISBN: 0-067-22403-8. APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV COMMENTS Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very good for shell programing. TITLE: BSD 4.3 Manual Set AUTHOR: University of California Berkeley SUBJECT: 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System DATE: June 1988 PAGES: <lots> ISBN: <unknown> APPROX_COST: 60.00/set SUGGESTED_BY: An anonymous BSD zealot SUPPLIERS: Printed by the USENIX Association as a service to the UNIX Comm. COMMENTS This is a must for programmers, administrator, and users alike. If you are in contact with the BSD UNIX Operating system, YOU need these manuals! Kudos to the boys at Cory and Evans! TITLE: A Book on C AUTHOR: Kelley, Al AUTHOR: Pohl, Ira SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. DATE: 1984 PAGES: 362 ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4 APPROX_COST: 32.25 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind. TITLE: Checking C Programs AUTHOR: Darwin, Ian F. SUBJECT: lint PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates DATE: 1990 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-937175-30-7 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: lint, C, nutshell SUPPLIERS: E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS: The lint program checker has proven itself time and again to be one of the best tools for finding portability problems and certain types of coding errors in C programs. This book introduces you to lint, guides you through running it on your programs and helps you to interpret lint's output. TITLE: The C Answer Book AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L. AUTHOR: Gimpel, Scott E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 209 ISBN: 0-13-109877-2 APPROX_COST: 21.00 KEYWORDS: K&R answers COMMENTS This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I believe that a second edition of this book has also been recently published corresponding with the 2nd edition of K&R. TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company DATE: 1987 PAGES: 558 ISBN: 0-672-22582-4 APPROX_COST: 23.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this book through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the textbook. TITLE: C Programming Guide, 3rd Ed. AUTHOR: Purdum, J.J. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Que Corporation DATE: 1988 PAGES: 456 ISBN: 0-88022-356-1 LCCN: 88-61496 OCLC: 18865012 TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-13-110073-4 APPROX_COST: 22.95 KEYWORDS: C Programming COMMENTS This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading. Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that detailed. TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1978 PAGES: 228 ISBN: 0-13-110163-3 APPROX_COST: 27.00 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX, K&R C SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ** The Original Bible of C programming ** "... a book that ocntains a tutorial introduction to get new userss started as soon as possible, separate chapters on major features and a reference manual" TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 272 ISBN: 0-13-110362-8 APPROX_COST: 28.00 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS The Bible of C programming TITLE: C Programmer's Library, 2nd Ed. AUTHOR: Purdum, J.J. SUBJECT: C language PUBLISHER: Que Corporation DATE: 1985 PAGES: 319 ISBN: 0-88022-157-7 LCCN: 85-60689 OCLC: 12819701 TITLE: C Programmer's Toolkit AUTHOR: Purdum, Jack J. SUBJECT: C language PUBLISHER: Que Corporation DATE: 1989 PAGES: 350 ISBN: 0-88022-457-6 LCCN: 89-61069 OCLC: 21130331 TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed. AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1982 PAGES: 173 ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 HBK ISBN: 0-13-109926-4 PBK APPROX_COST: 26.00 COMMENTS Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by chapter: basic arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and increment operators, bitwise operators, relational and conditional operators, operator precedence and evaluation. The answers for all of the puzzles are also provided. This is an excellent way to learn some of the more advanced expressions that can be concocted with C. TITLE: C Self-Study Guide AUTHOR: Purdum, J.J. SUBJECT: C language PUBLISHER: Que Corporation DATE: 1985 PAGES: 249 ISBN: 0-88022-149-6 OCLC: 12790605 B-NO: 411153F TITLE: C Standard Library AUTHOR: Purdum, Jack J. AUTHOR: Leslie, Timothy C SUBJECT: C language PUBLISHER: Que Corporation DATE: 1987 PAGES: 437 ISBN: 0-88022-279-4 LCCN: 86-62528 OCLC: 16411542 TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1988 PAGES: 147 ISBN: 0-201-17928-8 APPROX_COST: 17.50 COMMENTS Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several years back. Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now been expanded into a book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I just recently finished the book and would recommend it to anyone who uses C. TITLE: The C and Unix Dictionary AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Definitions of terms PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 216 ISBN: 0-471-60929-3 HBK ISBN: 0-471-60931-5 PBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS Definitions of over 1000 terms in the C and Unix lexicon. TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P. AUTHOR: Steele Jr., Guy L. SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 404 ISBN: 0-13-109810-1 HBK ISBN: 0-13-109802-0 PBK APPROX_COST: 31.95 COMMENTS An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book, and is a great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R (2nd Ed.) cover the draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really stands out is in the sections that cover the UNIX library calls. If you have ever struggled with any of printf or scanf family of library calls in trying to figure out the conversion rules in the format string, this book is the answer. TITLE: Checking C programs with lint AUTHOR: Darwin SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 72 ISBN: 0-937175-30-7 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Compiler Design in C AUTHOR: Holub, Allen I. SUBJECT: Compiler Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 924 ISBN:0-13-155045-4 KEYWORDS: C Compilers, YACC SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS Great book! And lots of source examples to boot. TITLE: DOS Meets UNIX AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 134 ISBN: 0-937175-21-8 APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs. AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher SUBJECT: C programming DATE: 1989 PAGES: 387 ISBN: 0-201161-16-8 APPROX_COST: 41.95 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures COMMENTS The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books for learing C programming with different kinds of data structures." [ *** NOTE: Has been reprinted with corrections *** ] TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J. AUTHOR: McKusick, Marshall Kirk AUTHOR: Karels, Michael J. AUTHOR: Quarterman, John S. SUBJECT: Design of BSD UNIX PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1989 PAGES: 471 ISBN: 0-201-06196-1 APPROX_COST: 39.00 KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel, BSD SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD. --From back cover-- This book is the first authoritative description of the design and implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed at the University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL structure of the 4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and algorithms used in implementing the system facilites. The book also includes a chaper on the implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking protocol suite widely implemented throughout the world. Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well as details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the discussion starts at the system-call level and descends from the interface to the kernel down to the hardware itself. The kernel includes system facilities such as process management, memory management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC mechanism, and network-protocol implementations. The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes that the reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has some familiarity with any version of the UNIX System and with the C programming language. Therefore, this book is suitable for operating-system implementors, systems programmers, and UNIX application developers. TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J. SUBJECT: Design of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1986 PAGES: 471 ISBN: 0-13-201799-7 APPROX_COST: 47.20 KEYWORDS: SYSV, AT&T COMMENTS A good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V) TITLE: Efficient C AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas AUTHOR: Brodie, Jim SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-911537-05-8 APPROX_COST: 25.00 COMMENTS This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C. Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the freedom to tie the programs down to the hardware in order to run efficiently. This book is an excellent guide and when combined with Jon Bentley's book on writting efficient programs gives one an excellent background in measuring programs and fine tuning them. TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1984 PAGES: 370 ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0 APPROX_COST: 22.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> KEYWORDS: Introduction COMMENTS A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system, Bourne shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and administration. TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1988 PAGES: 382 ISBN: 0-13-470154-2 APPROX_COST: 47.00 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back of book This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP technology and the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services provided and the history of their development. The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet, the TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more detail. It discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as well as showing how they fit into the internet. In additon to providing details, the book highlights the general principles underlying network protocols, and explains why the TCP/IP protocols adapt easily to so many underlying network technologies. Readers will find a brief summary of the network hardware used throughout the Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that are of primary importance to an Internet architect. TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company DATE: 1983 PAGES: 556 ISBN: 0-07-045001-3 APPROX_COST: 27.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's book. There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting that are the best I have seen in this type book. There is even a chapter on system management. ... a later edition of this book was targeted specifically to System V. -- Henry TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel CO-AUTHORS: McGilton, Henry SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill DATE: 1987 PAGES: 612 ISBN: 0-07-043152-3 APPROX_COST: 24.95 COST: $19.95 PBK COMMENTS It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these parts that it is pretty popular. TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix AUTHOR: Wang, Paul SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company DATE: 1988 PAGES: 512 ISBN: 0-534-08862-7 APPROX_COST: 36.75 UNIX_FLAVORS: BSD COMMENTS If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a more thorough introductory book. TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language AUTHOR: Korn, David G. AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I. SUBJECT: Korn shell programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 356 ISBN: 0-13-516972-0 APPROX_COST: 30.00 KEYWORDS: ksh, SYSV SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh. TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 76 ISBN: 0-937175-16-1 APPROX_COST: 9.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Learning the vi Editor AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 150 ISBN: 0-937175-17-X APPROX_COST: 15.00 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Life With UNIX AUTHOR: Libes, Don AUTHOR: Ressler, Sandy SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 350 ISBN: 0-13-536657-7 APPROX_COST: 30.95 KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview COMMENTS - A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are: UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups, universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where UNIX is now and where its going - companies, standards and dialects are treated at length. UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX. Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of course, source code. Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three different perspectives - user, programmer and adminstrator. Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems. Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX, GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc. This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a "reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus. { Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett } TITLE: Managing Projects with Make AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 84 ISBN: 0-937175-18-8 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Managing UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim AUTHOR: Todino, Grace SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 289 ISBN: 0-937175-48-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Plum Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 92 ISBN: 0-911537-06-6 APPROX_COST: 10.00 COMMENTS Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better to write this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books that treat the ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's final form due to the fact that it has yet to be adopted. However, the price is about $10, so it makes a good pickup to keep informed about the standard and how it differs from K&R C. TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing AUTHOR: Press, William H. AUTHOR: Flannery, Brian AUTHOR: Teukolsky, Saul AUTHOR: Vetterling, William SUBJECT: C Programming PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press DATE: 1988 PAGES: 735 ISBN: 0-521-35465-X APPROX_COST: 44.50 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS ". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve anything numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal TITLE: The Open Book AUTHOR: Rose, Marshall T. SUBJECT: OSI PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 651 ISBN: 0-13-643016-3 APPROX_COST: KEYWORDS: Networking SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS: -- From back cover -- This book is an important contribution to the networking literature for two reasons. First, it is one of the clearest expositions of the OSI architecture and protocols, and it deals with concrete issues, including implementation matters. Second, it seeks to explicate ways in which the TCP/IP Internet community may accommodate the phased introduction of OSI protocols. This latter contribution is of prime importance if this large and rapidly growing community is to benefit from the heavy vendor community investment in OSI software and services. -- Vint Cerf, Chariman, Internet Activities Board TITLE: Operating Systems, Design and Implementation AUTHOR: Tanenbaum, Andrew S. SUBJECT: OS Design PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 719 ISBN: 0-13-637406-9 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: MINIX, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover -- o Covers the fundamental principles in detail including processes, interporcess communication, semaphores, monitors, message passing, remote procedure call, scheduling algorithms input/output, deadlocks, device drivers, memory management, paging algorithms, file system design, network file servers, atomic transactions, security, and protection mechanisms. o discusses one system -- MINIX, a UNIXX-compatible operating system -- in detail to illustrate the principles. o provides a complete source code listing of MINIX for study. TITLE: Operating System Design, The XINU approach AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas SUBJECT: OS Design Publisher: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1984 PAGES: 486 ISBN: 0-13-637539-1 APPROX_COST: $39.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS: -- From back cover -- In this book, Douglas Comer, dispels the magic from operating system design and consolidates the body of material into a systematic discipline... The author guides you through the construction of a conventional process-based system, using practical straightforward primitives... TITLE: Peter Norton's Guide to Unix AUTHOR: Norton, Peter AUTHOR: Hahn, Harley PUBLISHER: Bantam Books DATE: 1991 PAGES: 560 ISBN: 0-553-35260-1 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Lawrence R. Gibes <> TITLE: Portable C Software AUTHOR: Horton, Mark SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-13-868050-7 APPROX_COST: 32.95 COMMENTS: ** From the back jacket: Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and students who want to write portable C code between System V implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems. Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined in detail. The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability of the following o subroutines available in C libraries o operating system calls o header include files o predefined variables in the C library o UNIX(R) system shell commands Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs. Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions for the next edition, please drop me a note at Mark.Horton@ATT.COM Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise contributed to the book. -- Mark TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: 249 ISBN: 0-13-686494-5 KEYWORDS: Portable C COMMENTS A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this topic, yet... TITLE: A Practical guide to UNIX System V AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G. SUBJECT: UNIX System V PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. DATE: 1985 PAGES: 577 ISBN: 0-80-538915-6 APPROX_COST: 32.25 TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System (2nd ed.) AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G. SUBJECT: UNIX Guide PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 632 ISBN: 0-80-530243-3 APPROX_COST: 27.95 TITLE: Programming perl AUTHOR: Wall, Larry AUTHOR: Schwartz, Randal L. SUBJECT: Programming in perl PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1991 PAGES: 456 ISBN: 0-937175-64-1 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: perl, nutshell SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS: E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS: OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! I've had mine since USENIX and it's been with me since then. I just dont leave home without it. This book is for you if you are even slightly interested in perl as a language, and it's easy reading and excellent examples will make you, as Randal would say ``Just Another Perl Hacker''. It is even worth reading if you are not *yet* interested in the language. Programming perl is very light reading and in the words of Larry: "...mildly amusing in some spots (and wildly amusing in others)." From back cover: Perl is a language for easily manipulating text files and processes. Perl provides a more concise and readable way to do many jobs that were formally accomplished (with difficulty) by programming in the C language or one of the shells. Even though Perl is not yet a standard part of UNIX, it is likely to be available at any UNIX site. And if it isn't, users can get it and install it easily and FREE of charge. TITLE: Programming with Curses AUTHOR: Strang, John SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1986 PAGES: 76 ISBN: 0-937175-02-1 APPROX_COST: 12.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: The SPARC System Developer's Guide AUTHOR: Leventhal, L. AUTHOR: Rohner, J. SUBJECT: SPARC Assemble Language PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag DATE: 1989 PAGES: <pages> ISBN: 0-387-97251-X APPROX_COST: 39.95 KEYWORDS: SPARC TITLE: Software Engineering in C. AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter A. AUTHOR: Margolis, Philip E. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag DATE: 1988 PAGES: 612 ISBN: 0-387-96574-2 APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: COMMENTS One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended even for intermediate-level C programmers. TITLE: Software Tools AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Plauger, P. J. SUBJECT: How to write programs that make good tools. PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1976 PAGES: 338 ISBN: 0-201-03669-X APPROX_COST: $20.00 KEYWORDS: programming, top-down design, software engineering. COMMENTS The language used is RATFOR but it looks enough like C to be used by anyone who knows or is learning C. The book purports to contain generic examples that might be on any system; the reader will recognise many similarities to UNIX. Several UNIX-like commands and features are discussed in detail. Many UNIX design considerations and philosophies are explained. TITLE: System Performance Tuning AUTHOR: Loukides, Mike SUBJECT: System Performance PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 230 ISBN: 0-937175-60-9 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: performance, nutshell SUPPLIERS: E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS: *** From: ORA Fall/Winter 1990 Catalog System Performance Tuning answers one of the most fundamental questions you can ask abou your computer: "How can I get it to do more work without buying more hardware?" Anyone who has ever used a computer has periodically wished that the system was faster, particularly at times when it was under heavy load. TITLE: Termcap & Terminfo AUTHOR: Strang, John AUTHOR: Mui, Linda AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 270 ISBN: 0-937175-22-6 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G. SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-22449-6. APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX exposure). TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry CO-AUTHORS: McNabb, Mary SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022 DATE: 1990 PAGES: 283 ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5 APPROX_COST: 20.00 KEYWORDS: Typesetting, tbl, troff COMMENTS -- From the back cover: Reviewers said: "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro "Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc. "Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the benefit of those of us without source . . . I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy in the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^) TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail AUTHOR: Anderson, Paul SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1986 PAGES: 374 ISBN: 0-13-937468-X APPROX_COST: 31.00 KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible. TITLE: UNIX Curses Explained AUTHOR: Goodheart, Berny SUBJECT: Complete Curses and Terminfo reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 304 ISBN: 0-13-931957-3 SUGGESTED_BY: KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview, Curses COMMENTS This is a complete text and reference book on UNIX Curses. It provides C programmers and UNIX users with the expertise to create, install and debug, Curses written applications and terminfo description files using the UNIX System V.3 Operating System. Will enable any C programmer to create UNIX Curses or terminfo based programs. The text is based on UNIX System V.3 and refers to earlier releases where appropriate. In text examples on: using Curses; using Windows; color manipulation; using an alternative character set; pads; and terminfo. The book includes a full alphabetical reference section (120pp) documenting all curses functions from both past and present versions of the UNIX operating system. An appendix with terminfo reference tables for both the terminfo description designer and the C programmer. TITLE: UNIX Network Programming AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 772 ISBN: 0-13-949876-1 EDITION: 1990 APPROX_COST: 40.00 KEYWORDS: TCP/IP, XNS, SNA, NetBIOS, OSI, UUCP SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens SUPPLIERS (201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies (201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more (201) 767-5994 for Government orders COMMENTS -- From back cover As networking software becomes increasingly importat in today's world, a book that teaches programmers how to write and how better to use this technology has finally arrived. ... is unique because it includes numerous case studies of real network applications, as well as approximately 15,000 lines of C source code, take directly from their source files, to help further understanding of networking software. [ Source is available for anon. ftp at ~mitch ] TITLE: UNIX Networking AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: UNIX Networking PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1989 PAGES: 400 ISBN: 0-672-48440-4 APPROX_COST: 29.95 KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu> COMMENTS An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS, X11 and NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter serves as an excellent programmers introduction to the topic discussed." TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co DATE: 1987 PAGES: 518 ISBN: 0-672-22578-6 APPROX_COST: 26.95 COMMENTS This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions and others cover more arcane bits of knowledge. TITLE: UNIX time-sharing system : UNIX programmer's manual vol 1&2 AUTHOR: BELL Laboratories PUBLISHERS: Holt, Rinehart and Winston SUBJECT: UNIX... PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories DATE: 1983 PAGES: ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1) ISBN: 0-03-061742-X (v2) APPROX_COST: TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W. AUTHOR: Pike, Rob SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall YEAR: 1984 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-13-937699-2 HBK ISBN: 0-13-937681-X PBK APPROX_COST: 25.95 SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone* COMMENTS This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it. a good programmer's introduction. TITLE: UNIX SVR4, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1990 PAGES: 882 ISBN: 0-07-881653-X APPROX_COST: 29.95 SUGGESTED_BY: S.Coffin <> COMMENTS An update, revision, expansion, and overall improvement of the best-selling UNIX, The Complete Reference (ISBN 0-07-881299-2). Written especially for SVR4. New chapters on csh and ksh, troff, NFS and networking, and X Window System, as well as wholesale revision of many other chapters. Well-written, readable, complete; but does not cover UNIX internals or software development. TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. SUBJECT: Shell Programming PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 442 ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh COMMENTS I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason is that I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with a variety of systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However, /bin/sh was the only common denominator. I find that most often I refer to Kernighan and Pike for shell programming questions. However, they don't address the C Shell (csh) or Korn Shell (ksh). This book does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this book may be more suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer. TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi CO-AUTHORS: Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-933441-6 DATE: 1989 PAGES: 593 APPROX_COST: 32.00 KEYWORDS: SunOS, BSD, Administration SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <> COMMENTS { I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an added plus is that the programs listed are available by anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett } The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's also on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus. TITLE: UNIX System Programming AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith AUTHOR: Salama, Ben SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 339 ISBN: 0-201-12919-1 APPROX_COST: 27.95 COMMENTS Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface. TITLE: UNIX System Security AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H. AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G. SUBJECT: UNIX Security PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company DATE: 1985 PAGES: 299 ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2 APPROX_COST: 34.95 KEYWORDS: Security SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS -- From back cover Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for the user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will teach you everything you need to know ot make your system secure and keep it that way. Topics covered include: - file and directory permissions - password security - how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them - how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work - how to write secure programs - different methods of data encryption -- including the government standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are - data encryption over communication networks - how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system - how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and administration programs. TITLE: UNIX System V Bible AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen AUTHOR: Martin, Donald AUTHOR: The Waite Group SUBJECT: SYSV Reference PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company DATE: 1987 PAGES: 516 ISBN: 0-672-22562-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the UNIX operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced level programming for professionals who have prior experience programming in C or using UNIX. TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R. SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1987 PAGES: 378 ISBN: 0-201-18484-2 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum COMMENTS Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says: "has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)" TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications AUTHOR: AT&T SUBJECT: Reference PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1987 PAGES: ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1) ISBN: 013-939845-7 (v2) APPROX_COST: 19.00 each COMMENTS Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System Vol.2: The UNIX System These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX: Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984. TITLE: UNIX Text Processing AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: Hayden Books DATE: 1987 PAGES: 665 ISBN: 0-672-46291-5 APPROX_COST: 26.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> COMMENTS This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users. TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Text Processing PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 250 ISBN: 0-471-85581-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL> COMMENTS I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm macros. It also covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric SUBJECT: Users Guide PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley DATE: 1985 PAGES: 213 ISBN: 0-201-14228-7 APPROX_COST: 27.95 KEYWORDS: SYSV TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 272 ISBN: 0-937175-20-X APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V) AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1987 PAGES: 296 ISBN: 0-937175-19-6 APPROX_COST: 19.50 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen SUBJECT: UNIX Reference PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill DATE: 1988 PAGES: 704 ISBN: 0-07-881299-2 APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc. TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R. SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 196 ISBN: 0-937175-31-5 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS -- From back cover This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation. Contents include: - The basics of COFF - Assembley code relocation process - COFF file headers - Relocation structures - The linking process - The COFF system in UNIX - Magic numbers - The COFF symbolic debug system - COFF and shared libraries - Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files - A sample program to manipulate COFF [ Source used in this book is available via ftp from UUNET ~mitch ] TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V AUTHOR: Thomas, Rebecca AUTHOR: Farrow, Rik SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1989 PAGES: 636 ISBN: 0-139-42889-5 APPROX_COST: 34.95 SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans COMMENTS Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen. TITLE: UNIX Applications Programming Mastering the Shell AUTHOR: Swartz, Ray SUBJECT: Bourne Shell programming, grep, sed, awk, sort PUBLISHER: SAMS, A Division of Macmillan Computer Publishing DATE: 1990 PAGES: 452 ISBN: 0-672-22715-0 LCCN: 90-61476 APPROX_COST: 26.95 KEYWORDS: Unix, Bourne shell programming, tools SUGGESTED_BY: (Walter Moore) COMMENTS I find this book a VERY good primer and an excellent reference book on Unix tools and shell programming. TITLE: The Unix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Unix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 361 ISBN: 0-471-85580-4 PBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Unix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Unix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, and the Bourne shell. There are many examples. TITLE: Unix Communications AUTHOR: Anderson, Bart AUTHOR: Costales, Barry AUTHOR: Henderson, Harry SUBJECT: Communication Reference PUBLISHER: The Waite Group DATE: 1991 PAGES: 736 ISBN: 0-672-22773-8 APPROX_COST: 29.95 KEYWORDS: UUCP, USENET COMMENTS Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET and UUCP. TITLE: The Unix Environment AUTHOR: Walker, A. N. SUBJECT: UNIX PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons DATE: 1984 PAGES: 151 ISBN: 0-471-90564-X APPROX_COST: 20.40 COMMENTS An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices. TITLE: The Unix Operating System, Second Edition AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare SUBJECT: Comprehensive introduction to Unix PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 455 ISBN: 0-471-84782-8 HBK ISBN: 0-471-84781-X PBK APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This is the second edition of a widely used, widely translated primevil Unix book. It is a comprehensive introductory book that goes into more detail than most. While it is not a very good introduction for people who will only use the system superficially, it is an excellent introduction for those who plan to master the Unix system. It includes sections on the most useful utilities, shell programming, vi editing, and system internals. TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users AUTHOR: Muster, John AUTHOR: Birns, Peter SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: MIS Press DATE: 1989 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 1-55828-000-6 APPROX_COST: 24.95 SUPPLIERS Phone 1-800-MANUALS COMMENTS ** From Page 2... Overview of Contents If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and remove files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell commands, you will be able to complete the exercises in these modules. If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly through part or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to several of the other modules. TITLE: The UNIX Survival Guide AUTHOR: Nichols, Elizabeth A. AUTHOR: Balin, Sidney C. AUTHOR: Nichols, Joseph C. SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX basics PUBLISHER: Holt, Rinehart & Winston DATE: 1987 PAGES: 311 ISBN: 0-03-000773-9 SUGGESTED_BY: Andrew T. Young <> COMMENTS: It contains good tutorial information for new owners of UNIX systems, as well as for new users. There is a useful introduction to the nuts and bolts of the file system, for example, as well as info on basic commands, and a chapter on processes and signals. TITLE: Unix System Administration AUTHOR: Fiedler, David AUTHOR: Hunter, Bruce H. SUBJECT: System Administration PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co) DATE: 1986 PAGES: 320 ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3 APPROX_COST: 24.94 KEYWORDS: Administration COMMENTS -- From back cover -- An essential guide for anyone who owns or operates a UNIX system. The clear presentation and easy-to-follow style make it suitable for the user who does not have a technical background. [...] Using step-by-step guidelines for complex procedures, the book includes information on: - making back-ups - configuring systems - writing shell programs - connecting a printer, a terminal, and other devices - communicating with other systems TITLE: Unix for People AUTHOR: Birns, Peter M. AUTHOR: Brown, Patrick B. AUTHOR: Muster, John C. SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1985 PAGES: 528 ISBN: 0-13-937442-6 PBK ISBN: 0-13-937459-0 HBK APPROX_COST: 28.00 TITLE: Using the UNIX system AUTHOR: Gauthier, Richard L. SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX PUBLISHER: DATE: 1981 PAGES: 297 ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9 HBK ISBN: 0-8359-8162-2 PBK COMMENTS Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read this on a plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever worked seriously with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates Tutorial style book this one does not require you to be sitting down in front of a crt in order to derive benefit from it. TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system AUTHOR: Curry, David A. SUBJECT: C programming PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1989 PAGES: 232 ISBN: 0-937175-23-4 APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: C, UNIX SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS COMMENTS This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer. TITLE: Using C with Curses, Lex and YACC AUTHOR: Schreiner, Axel T. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall DATE: 1990 PAGES: 257 ISBN: 0-13-932864-5 APPROX_COST: 44.95 KEYWORDS: C, Curses, Lex, YACC COMMENTS: -- From back cover -- This book presents the development of programs that make extensive use of curses and provides solutions to the typical problems encountered when implementing full-screen applications with curses. The book illustrates how to work in the Unix C environment: - how to build command languages with the compiler generatores lex and yacc - how to make portable full-screen dialogs with the curses library - how to build symbol tables and manage variable-length argument lists using C library functions - how to manage program development with the make program - how to manage multiple processes from a program and how to communicate with them. Throughout the book the full source code of a major example is shown. TITLE: Using UUCP and USENET AUTHOR: Todino, Grace AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale SUBJECT: Introduction PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. DATE: 1990 PAGES: 210 ISBN: 0-937175-10-2 APPROX_COST: 21.95 KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <> SUPPLIERS E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I. AUTHOR: Teixeira, Thomas J. SUBJECT: Programming PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 357 ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X APPROX_COST: 24.95 KEYWORDS: BSD, Xenix TITLE: The Xenix Command Reference Guide AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare AUTHOR: Richter, Susan SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Xenix commands PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DATE: 1988 PAGES: 420 ISBN: 0-471-61707-5 (pbk) APPROX_COST: 24.95 COMMENTS This book is a guide to the most useful Xenix commands, organized topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Xenix system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, the Bourne shell, and system administration. There are many examples. Local Variables: mode: outline selective-display-ellipses: nil outline-regexp: "TITLE: " eval: (hide-body) End: -- ~mitch _______________________________________________________________________________ (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (703) 695-0262 _______________________________________________________________________________