[comp.unix.questions] SUMMARY: Ultrix and VT terminals

KARAGEOR%CTSTATEU.BITNET@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu (05/23/91)

        Thanks everyone that replied. What seems to work fine so far is
 Thom Wallis's answer (wallis@wsuiar.wsu,UKans.edu ) who aske some DEC
personna about it.

>In your .Xdefaults file (or default.DECterm) look for this resource:
>DXterm.main.terminal.terminalMode: and if it is assigned to '2'
>comment it out by putting a '!' in front of it, or removing the line
>altogether.  Or, in your .login file, look for this line and remove
>or comment it out:
>tset -I -Q

        I seems to do the trick, that is  not to allow the VT320s to scramble
up their screens when used at 9600 baud. Don't ask why it works...
        By the way , my user feedback is minimal. I am setting the system up
for the fall semester, and so I have not checked all the possibilities. In any
case I will keep everyone posted.
                                                                Thanks once more
internet: karage@cmx.npac.syr.edu
bitnet:   karageor_ang@ctstateu.bitnet
PS: I doesn't hurt either, to have your terminals working at 4800 baud just in
        case that the fix ......
wisecrack: The A/C is back on line; I can think. Well.....