[comp.unix.questions] Imake

mj@elmgate.UUCP (Mark Johnson OPER) (02/16/89)

	I've heard lately about a protable make system called imake
	or imakefile.  Does anyone in this group know what it
	is and/or where I could get a copy of it?
	Please respond via email; I'll forward responses to interested

	Thanks in advance.
Mark A Johnson                                 Eastman Kodak Company - SISD
UUCP: rochester!kodak!elmgate!mj  USPS: 222 Norman Road, Rochester NY 14623
WORK: (716) 726-7035
"Quidquid latine dictum, altum videtur."

klee@daisy.UUCP (Ken Lee) (02/17/89)

The X Window System from MIT includes a makefile builder called imake.
It's main purpose is to build and maintain standard UNIX makefiles in
environments where paths to various libraries are non fixed.

Ken Lee
Daisy Systems Corp., Interactive Graphics Tools Dept.

krishnan@vicom.com (Hari Krishnan Krishna) (01/30/91)

I am not sure this is right for this News group.

Well I am looking for some kind of documentation on Imakefile and imake.
Any and all help is appreciated. If some kind soul can email me the
documentation, it will be super.



PS: Please email me as I seldom peek into this news group.
email: krishnan@vicom.com

gt6024c@prism.gatech.EDU (Falcon, Ice) (05/24/91)

Can anyone tell me anything at all about how to use Imake?  It keeps looking for a
file called Imake.tmpl, which it's not finding because it's not there!  Any help at all
would be greatly appreciated.
Jesse Barnum  Internet:  gt6024c@hydra.gatech.edu
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     crush your pathetic dreams and ambitions like bugs in the dust!"--Calvin
	I don't suffer from insanity; I revel in it.