[comp.unix.questions] Help for pic/grep on SunOS 4.X.X

KX10LYC0%TWNITRI1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (05/24/91)


     I am a Sun SPARCstaion 1+, 2, IPC user, and do my document on the
machines by using -troff-.

     There is one problem which troubled me so much. That is:

     I CAN'T FIND THE ---pic---, ---grep---, etc. ON SUN OS 4.*.*

     In Sun OS 4.*.*, you can only find the troff/nroff, tbl, eqn, and some
macros for processing text. But Sun does not ship the tools for gerenating the
picture/graph which UNIX System V does.

     Without the -pic- -grep- help, it will be a very hard work for inserting
the picture in your document even the picture is a very simple graph.

     So if you know how to solve this problem or how to get the -pic- -grep-
tools, please let me know. Your kindly answer will be highly appreciated!!!


David Y.C. Lin            Bitnet: KX10LYC0@TWNITRI1
                          Internet: KX10LYC0%TWNITRI1.Bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
                          TEL: 886-35-917336
                          FAX: 886-35-917503

RAPHAEL@s51.prime.com (Nick Raphael) (05/24/91)

Date:     Fri, 24 May 91 09:52 U
From:     KX10LYC0%TWNITRI1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL
Subject:  Help for pic/grep on SunOS 4.X.X
X-Original-To:  interbitgate%"INFO-UNIX@BRL.MIL", KX10LYC0


     I am a Sun SPARCstaion 1+, 2, IPC user, and do my document on the
machines by using -troff-.

     There is one problem which troubled me so much. That is:

     I CAN'T FIND THE ---pic---, ---grep---, etc. ON SUN OS 4.*.*

     In Sun OS 4.*.*, you can only find the troff/nroff, tbl, eqn, and some
macros for processing text. But Sun does not ship the tools for gerenating the
picture/graph which UNIX System V does.

     Without the -pic- -grep- help, it will be a very hard work for inserting
the picture in your document even the picture is a very simple graph.

     So if you know how to solve this problem or how to get the -pic- -grep-
tools, please let me know. Your kindly answer will be highly appreciated!!!


David Y.C. Lin            Bitnet: KX10LYC0@TWNITRI1
                          Internet: KX10LYC0%TWNITRI1.Bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
                          TEL: 886-35-917336
                          FAX: 886-35-917503

--- Reply by RAPHAEL :

I believe you mean grap, not grep, and I'm not aware of
Sun ever providing pic.  AT&T's SVR4.X, which incorporates Sun's
Berkeley doctools, doesn't include pic either.

Nick Raphael
Standard Disclaimer

gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) (05/25/91)

In article <27001@adm.brl.mil> KX10LYC0%TWNITRI1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu writes:
>     I CAN'T FIND THE ---pic---, ---grep---, etc. ON SUN OS 4.*.*
>     In Sun OS 4.*.*, you can only find the troff/nroff, tbl, eqn, and some
>macros for processing text.

For reasons that I don't understand, Sun decided not to make the Documenter's
WorkBench package (which is where "pic", "grap", etc. come from) available,
even via separate licensing.  The "troff" etc. that they DO provide are the
old C/A/T-specific versions, not the modern device-independent troff that the
Documenter's WorkBench provides.

You can license Documenter's WorkBench directly from AT&T, but you'll need to
get the sources and port it yourself, or find someone who has done so.

bill@camco.Celestial.COM (Bill Campbell) (05/28/91)

In <16261@smoke.brl.mil> gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) writes:

:In article <27001@adm.brl.mil> KX10LYC0%TWNITRI1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu writes:
:>     I CAN'T FIND THE ---pic---, ---grep---, etc. ON SUN OS 4.*.*
:>     In Sun OS 4.*.*, you can only find the troff/nroff, tbl, eqn, and some
:>macros for processing text.

:For reasons that I don't understand, Sun decided not to make the Documenter's
:WorkBench package (which is where "pic", "grap", etc. come from) available,
:even via separate licensing.  The "troff" etc. that they DO provide are the
:old C/A/T-specific versions, not the modern device-independent troff that the
:Documenter's WorkBench provides.

:You can license Documenter's WorkBench directly from AT&T, but you'll need to
:get the sources and port it yourself, or find someone who has done so.

I think these are also supported by groff from the gnu project of
the Free Software Foundation.  I haven't tried to get groff
running yet because it is written in c++ (g++) and I don't have
that running on my Xenix box yet either :-(

INTERNET:  bill@Celestial.COM   Bill Campbell; Celestial Software
UUCP:   ...!thebes!camco!bill   6641 East Mercer Way
             uunet!camco!bill   Mercer Island, WA 98040; (206) 947-5591

adrianho@barkley.berkeley.edu (Adrian J Ho) (05/29/91)

In article <1054@camco.Celestial.COM> bill@camco.Celestial.COM (Bill Campbell) writes:
>I think these are also supported by groff from the gnu project of
>the Free Software Foundation.  I haven't tried to get groff
>running yet because it is written in c++ (g++) and I don't have
>that running on my Xenix box yet either :-(

Well, the groff package has pic, but not grap.  It's still useful if
you don't have the DWB installed on your system, though:

	prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/groff-1.01.tar.Z []

Of course, if you don't absolutely need to use troff, I'd recommend
TeX instead.  8-)

Adrian Ho, EECS (pronounced "eeks!") Dept.		Phone: (415) 642-5563
UC Berkeley					adrianho@barkley.berkeley.edu