[comp.unix.questions] posix

howell@mitre.arpa (04/14/87)

I have a draft of the "Portable Operating System Environment" 
(aka POSIX) from the IEEE P1003 working group, dated 15 November 1985.

I have three questions on this:
    1) Is there a more recent version of the document?  If so, how
	can I get a copy?

    2) I understand that a lot of companies signed a letter
	expressing support for POSIX at least in theory (I think it
	was presented at the last Uniforum?); has anyone gone beyond 
	that to implementing a conforming interface?

    3) Anyone know of work being done on an Ada binding for POSIX?

Thanks for your help,

Chuck Howell
7525 Colshire Road, Mail Stop Z645
McLean, VA 22102

parrish@nadc.arpa (D. Parrish) (01/05/88)


  Does anyone know where I could get information about POSIX?
I know it's basic purpose and that's about it.  Thanks


walters%community-chest.mitre.org@gateway.mitre.O (Chris Walters) (01/08/88)

Hello! Remember me from Ada class in Washington? How have you been?
Written much Ada code?

In response to your request for information about POSIX, if you like
I can send you a copy of draft 12 of the standard via snail-mail.

Let me know if you want it...

-- chris

|   Chris Walters   Dept:W94  Rm:H6225  MS:Z665   |
|   (walters@mitre.arpa)                          |
|   The Mitre Corporation                         |
|   7525 Colshire Drive                           |
|   McLean, Va 22102                              |
|   (703) 883-6159  "No more jello for me, mom!"  |
|                      - Peggy Sue Got Married    |

fish@aati.UUCP (William G. Fish) (01/10/88)

I too would like to know more about POSIX.  I'm particularly
interested in realtime features, POSIX IEEE P1003.4 (Realtime).

Bill Fish			Analysis & Technology
321 River Road			153 Williams Street
Mystic, CT 06355		New London, CT 06320
(203) 536-3301 (evenings)	(203) 444-7722 (days)
(203) 536-0137 (2nd line)	ihnp4!{hsi,rayssd}!aati!fish

patk@riddle.UUCP (Patrick King) (01/19/88)

In article <448@aati.UUCP> fish@aati.UUCP (William G. Fish) writes:
>I too would like to know more about POSIX.  I'm particularly
>interested in realtime features, POSIX IEEE P1003.4 (Realtime).

Sphinx Ltd has an information services division which includes providing
literature and advice in connection with industry standards.

For more details contact David Goodall at the address below.
Reply To:  patk@sphinx.co.uk    Sphinx Limited           
                                43-53 Moorbridge Road,   
Phone: 06228 75343              Maidenhead,              
TLX  : 849812                   Berks SL6 8PB.           
FAX  : 0628 70110               England.                 
                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                     
================|My views are my own|=================   
                 - - - - - - - - - -                     

extunbg@milton.u.washington.edu (extun) (05/31/91)

I was wondering if any one out there has any information on
POSIX standards. 
			James A. Haveron

suhre@ondine.dsd.trw.com (Maurice E. Suhre) (06/06/91)

In article <1991May30.182640.3598@milton.u.washington.edu> extunbg@milton.u.washington.edu (extun) writes:
>I was wondering if any one out there has any information on
>POSIX standards. 
>			thanks
>			James A. Haveron
>			extunbg@milton.u.washington.edu

My boss has a book "IEEE Standard Portable Operating System Interface
for Computer Environments" published by the IEEE.  ISBN 1-55937-003-3.
It says POSIX in big letters on the front cover.  Also is says
IEEE Std 1003.1-1988.  

Good luck.

Maurice Suhre

gwc@root.co.uk (Geoff Clare) (06/11/91)

suhre@ondine.dsd.trw.com (Maurice E. Suhre) writes:

>My boss has a book "IEEE Standard Portable Operating System Interface
>for Computer Environments" published by the IEEE.  ISBN 1-55937-003-3.
>It says POSIX in big letters on the front cover.  Also is says
>IEEE Std 1003.1-1988.  

This version of POSIX.1 is out of date.  It was superseded by 1003.1-1990,
which fixes several problems and clarifies many ambiguities in the original
1988 standard.  The new version is also an ISO standard (ISO/IEC 9945-1).
Geoff Clare <gwc@root.co.uk>  (Dumb American mailers: ...!uunet!root.co.uk!gwc)
UniSoft Limited, London, England.   Tel: +44 71 729 3773   Fax: +44 71 729 3273