vhm55611 (12/11/82)
I have the following books that I'd be more than happy to get rid of if someone would have any interest in them. I'll sell them for the best offer (bidding starts at 50 cents a piece). + DDL-P Command Language Manual + An Introduction to the DDL-P Language both of these by Cory, Duley, vanCleemput Stanford, 3/79 (DDL-P = Digital Design Language, Pascal-based implementation) + DEC System-20 Overview + SAIL Manual + SAIL Tutorial + Notes on Programming in SAIL (Floyd) Probably nobody uses SAIL anywhere these days, but who knows, someone might care to have these more than I do. I don't want these anymore, and I figured that it was worth seeing if anyone else did before I recycled them... If you're interested, let me know via mail, phone, carrier pigeon, etc. Vic Mitnick BTL IX 1A-258 (312)979-1621 ihuxk!vhm55611