[net.wanted] For the DECsystem-10

Lethin (12/17/82)

Wanted for Decsystem-10:

1) Information about sotfware/hardware to get on ARPANET (if it can be done).
   I'd also appreciate it if you could direct me to someone who might know this.

2) Source for a screen editor... TECO just doesn't cut it... We've got one now
   called SED, but it's got a few major bugs, is written in assembly, and is
   difficult to use...  If you've got a good one running on a DEC-10, please
   write to me!

Since my comp-sci course account expires in a week or two, I'd appreciate
your sending any replies via US MAIL to:

Richard A. Lethin
5th Floor Gibbs Laboratory
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520

Oh - I've got a copy (object) of an awesome multi-user startrek game
for KI-10 or KS-10...send me a tape and return postage and you get a