[comp.sources.d] Atari ST terminal emulation

mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Michael Khaw) (06/01/87)

In article <901@lll-lcc.aRpA> langdon@lll-lcc.aRpA (Bruce Langdon) writes:
>Atari 540 ST's with a monochrome monitor are as cheap and provide a lot
>better display quality, or else more lines/characters per line.
>If you don't need perfect VT-xxx and IBM compatibility, buy cheap.

1) What terminal emulation packages run on STs? (I don't follow the
   ST newsgroups since I don't have any STs).
2) What if I need pretty faithful vt100 emulation?  Doesn't kermit,
   for example, (I assume there is a kermit for STs) do a reasonable job?

Mike Khaw
internet:  mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
usenet:	   {hplabs|sun|ucbvax|decwrl|sri-unix}!mkhaw%teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
USnail:	   Teknowledge Inc, 1850 Embarcadero Rd, POB 10119, Palo Alto, CA 94303

jack@cwi.nl (Jack Jansen) (06/01/87)

In article <13222@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP (Michael Khaw) writes:
>In article <901@lll-lcc.aRpA> langdon@lll-lcc.aRpA (Bruce Langdon) writes:
>>Atari 540 ST's with a monochrome monitor are as cheap and provide a lot
>>better display quality, or else more lines/characters per line.
>>If you don't need perfect VT-xxx and IBM compatibility, buy cheap.
>1) What terminal emulation packages run on STs? (I don't follow the
>   ST newsgroups since I don't have any STs).
>2) What if I need pretty faithful vt100 emulation?  Doesn't kermit,
>   for example, (I assume there is a kermit for STs) do a reasonable job?

There is an absolutely fantastic terminal emulator for the ST in the public
domain. It is called Uniterm, and written by Simon Poole.

It does VT100/VT102/VT200/VT52/Tektronix 4010 emulation, handles xmodem/ymodem
and kermit (both send/receive and server-put/get).

It is *by far* the best terminal I've ever used (including real terminals,
that is).

It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse
It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse
It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse
It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse
It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse
It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse
	Jack Jansen, jack@cwi.nl (or jack@mcvax.uucp)
	The shell is my oyster.

dew@esl.UUCP (Douglas Wood) (06/01/87)

In article <13222@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP (Michael Khaw) writes:

>2) What if I need pretty faithful vt100 emulation?  Doesn't kermit,
>   for example, (I assume there is a kermit for STs) do a reasonable job?

VT100 emulation has nothing to do with kermit.  KERMIT is a terminal
protocol for sending and receiving files and emulation of a virtual
terminal through a computer using another terminal.  Software packages
using the KERMIT protocol on a system such as an ST must also emulate
a terminal of some sort (VT52 or VT100 or Tektronix 4010 or etc.) but
is not really part of what is called KERMIT.  On larger systems such
as VAXes running either VMS or UNIX depend on the operating system and
the terminal the user is using to do screen addressing on the terminal.
Otherwise, KERMIT doesn't care about the details of the terminal.

In brief, don't just think of kermit as doing the vt100 emulation.  It
is the program running kermit and terminal emulator that matters.  I
use Intercomm and it seems to work fine.


grieggs@jplpro.UUCP (06/02/87)

In article <13222@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP (Michael Khaw) writes:
>In article <901@lll-lcc.aRpA> langdon@lll-lcc.aRpA (Bruce Langdon) writes:
>>Atari 540 ST's with a monochrome monitor are as cheap and provide a lot
>>better display quality, or else more lines/characters per line.
>>If you don't need perfect VT-xxx and IBM compatibility, buy cheap.
>1) What terminal emulation packages run on STs? (I don't follow the
>   ST newsgroups since I don't have any STs).

Amongst others, FLASH, ST-TERM, and UNITERM do creditable jobs of VT100
emulation. UNITERM has the added attractions of being free (public
domain) and of being very complete. For example, it includes a 4014
vector emulation more, and handles 132 column mode. I have the most
experience personally with FLASH. It supports VT100 in 24 or 48 line
mode. I have logged many hours using this program on a VAX VMS system, 
and have no real complaints.

>2) What if I need pretty faithful vt100 emulation?  Doesn't kermit,
>   for example, (I assume there is a kermit for STs) do a reasonable job?

See above for VT100. There are at least two full-featured term programs
with VT100 that also support Kermit, ST-TERM and PC-INTERCOMM. I have
not used either a great deal. Incidentally, VT-52 emulation is built into
the OS ROM, which makes it relatively easy to add VT-100...


John T. Grieggs (Telos @Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Ca. 91109 M/S 301-260A    (818) 354-0465
Uucp: {cit-vax,elroy,chas2}!jplpro!grieggs
Arpa: ...jplpro!grieggs@cit-vax.ARPA

billw@wolf.UUCP (Bill Wisner) (06/03/87)

/ Amongst others, FLASH, ST-TERM, and UNITERM do creditable jobs of VT100
/ emulation. UNITERM has the added attractions of being free (public
/ domain) and of being very complete. For example, it includes a 4014
/ vector emulation more, and handles 132 column mode. I have the most
/ experience personally with FLASH. It supports VT100 in 24 or 48 line
/ mode. I have logged many hours using this program on a VAX VMS system, 
/ and have no real complaints.

Creditable? UniTerm does that best emulation I have seen on ANY micro.
UniTerm supports ALL the goodies, including bold, underlined, etc. etc. etc.

/ See above for VT100. There are at least two full-featured term programs
/ with VT100 that also support Kermit, ST-TERM and PC-INTERCOMM. I have
/ not used either a great deal. Incidentally, VT-52 emulation is built into
/ the OS ROM, which makes it relatively easy to add VT-100...

There is a desk accessory made by the authors of Flash that supports Kermit.
Also, UniTerm supports Kermit file transfers (but not in batch mode, to the
best of my knowledge).

"It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse."
"It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse."
"It's ridiculous that I'm being punished for being terse."
Bill Wisner

billb@amcad.UUCP (Bill Burton) (06/03/87)

in article <450@esl.UUCP>, dew@esl.UUCP (Douglas Wood) says:
> In article <13222@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP (Michael Khaw) writes:
>>2) What if I need pretty faithful vt100 emulation?  Doesn't kermit,
>>   for example, (I assume there is a kermit for STs) do a reasonable job?
> VT100 emulation has nothing to do with kermit.  KERMIT is a terminal
> protocol for sending and receiving files and emulation of a virtual
> terminal through a computer using another terminal.  

There are two definitions for "Kermit."  The first is as you say, a protocol
for file transfers.   The second refers to a Kermit program as one of
the many versions distributed by Columbia University.  Most all of the
Kermits distributed by Columbia that run on micros support some kind of
terminal emulation.  The IBM-PC version supports VT102 and a couple of
others.  This is what I think Michael Khaw is referring to.

There are many communications programs that implement the Kermit
protocol, but they are not the Kermit program.

-Bill Burton
	Name:		William D. Burton
	US Mail:	P.O. Box 621, Concord, MA 01742
	UUCP:		...!seismo!husc6!amcad!billb
	ARPANET:	billb%amcad.uucp@husc6.harvard.edu

allbery@ncoast.UUCP (06/04/87)

As quoted from <450@esl.UUCP> by dew@esl.UUCP (Douglas Wood):
| In article <13222@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP (Michael Khaw) writes:
| >2) What if I need pretty faithful vt100 emulation?  Doesn't kermit,
| >   for example, (I assume there is a kermit for STs) do a reasonable job?
| VT100 emulation has nothing to do with kermit.  KERMIT is a terminal
| protocol for sending and receiving files and emulation of a virtual
| terminal through a computer using another terminal.  Software packages

You have Kermit-the-protocol confused with Kermit-the-program.  MS-Kermit 2.29
does indeed have good VT100 emulation.

Copyright (C) 1987 Brandon S. Allbery.  Redistribution permitted only if the
	redistributor permits further redistribution.
		 ---- Moderator for comp.sources.misc ----
Brandon S. Allbery	{decvax,cbatt,cbosgd}!cwruecmp!ncoast!allbery
Tridelta Industries	{ames,mit-eddie,talcott}!necntc!ncoast!allbery
7350 Corporate Blvd.	necntc!ncoast!allbery@harvard.HARVARD.EDU
Mentor, OH 44060	+01 216 255 1080	(also eddie.MIT.EDU)

rkolker@netxcom.UUCP (06/04/87)

I've been meaning to ask this.  After I bring up Uniterm on my 1040
with a Volksmodem, how do I get it to dial?

I know this is a stupid question, but I've been feeling particularly
stupid lately.

 |  Rich Kolker             ...Congress should not tell the people what they
 |  8519 White Pine Drive    should believe or say or publish.  The First
 |  Manassas Park, VA 22111  Amendment says "no law" and that is what I believe 
 |  (703)361-1290 (h)        it means.        Justice Hugo Black
 |  (703)749-2315 (w)  (..seismo!sundc!netxcom!rkolker)        

grieggs@jplpro.UUCP (06/04/87)

In article <144@netxcom.UUCP> rkolker@netxcom.UUCP (rich kolker) writes:
>I've been meaning to ask this.  After I bring up Uniterm on my 1040
>with a Volksmodem, how do I get it to dial?

Assumption: Volksmodem uses something resembling Hayes dial command.

if (assumption == TRUE) {
	type ATDT986797687 or whatever your number is;
	wait for connect;
} else {
	dunno, will have to look at Volksmanual

Also, once you have your dial string set up, you can program it into a function
key. I seem to recall saving mine with my most freqently used numbers in
ATDT function key strings, with +++ on F9 and ATH^m on F10.

John T. Grieggs (Telos @Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Ca. 91109 M/S 301-260A    (818) 354-0465
Uucp: {cit-vax,elroy,chas2}!jplpro!grieggs
Arpa: ...jplpro!grieggs@cit-vax.ARPA